RIP George Floyd

this was the protest in Sacramento this weekend. It was amazing. Everyone there was cool af. People were handing out sanitizer, snacks, water and masks. Glad I went.
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His likeness being surrounded by figures of Palestinian resistance is :pimp:

They've historically shown nothing but solidarity and support for civil rights and the plight of black folks in the west given that they face a lot of the same realities in their own home
I feel like antifa is just a blanket term that racists and trump supporters use to justify their stance.

-antifa hired crisis actors during mass shootings

-antifa impeached trump

-antifa is behind the covid-19 hoax

-antifa depleted the surgical masks to make trump look bad

-antifa orchestrated the George Floyd murder

A couple days ago in one of the rural cities in my state, there was a peaceful protest met with like 500 white nationalists armed to the teeth with fully auto weapons brandished because “they had heard on Facebook that buses filled with antifa members were headed to town to kill all white people.”

is antifa a legitimate thing? Honestly? Have you ever in your life talked to a member? Only place I’ve ever even heard them brought up is Fox News and whack job right wing gun nut websites.
It’s foolishness man. Trump and cop will label any anti trump movement but he never has anything foul to say about racists . Remember the tiki protestors “fine people”
Back when during the civil rights movement, people that stood with is were called N lovers. With the hard R's. Think of the opening scene of Mississippi burning. Once they showed us love, to racist whites, they lost their cloak of white security and could get billy clubs to the frontal lobe all the same.

This is exactly how I see it.
Does anyone know what happened to those outside 'antifa' agitators we heard so much about the first week? :nerd:

Did they go crawl back to their holes or did Soros' checks slow down? >D

Sounds more and more like they were planted to try to delegitimize and derail the protests by the day. Once that failed, with people continuing to march with the same energy, law enforcement dropped all pretenses of using violence only as a response to violent agigators and continue to brutalize even the most passive and non threatening demonstrators
Trump and his ppl were trying to shift blame and cause a distraction from what was going on...The media ate it up for a bit but they seen this is still going and moved on from that
White people really think kneeling is enough. Go ******* do your jobs, black people only been waiting for 400 years **** me
I feel like antifa is just a blanket term that racists and trump supporters use to justify their stance.

-antifa hired crisis actors during mass shootings

-antifa impeached trump

-antifa is behind the covid-19 hoax

-antifa depleted the surgical masks to make trump look bad

-antifa orchestrated the George Floyd murder

A couple days ago in one of the rural cities in my state, there was a peaceful protest met with like 500 white nationalists armed to the teeth with fully auto weapons brandished because “they had heard on Facebook that buses filled with antifa members were headed to town to kill all white people.”

is antifa a legitimate thing? Honestly? Have you ever in your life talked to a member? Only place I’ve ever even heard them brought up is Fox News and whack job right wing gun nut websites.

It was always a load of horse **** adopted by 45 to harness the deep fear on their right for their current boogieman du jour and have that used to justify sending in the national guard and other attempts to defuse the protests through violent repression.

If folks complained they could just put it down to attemping to stop 'antifa terrorists' destroying property as was pushed in the media ad nauseam during the first week.

Now that the whole charade failed spectacularly with the energy from the protests only increasing not dissipating and whatever justification for forceful repression gets thrown out the window more with all the daily footage of law enforcement brutalizing non-violent demonstrators regularly.

It's been totally exposed as trying to pull an okey doke on the public and thankfully most folks didn't buy into it, just the fringe right who already **** their pants and have nightmares over the thought of antifa :lol:

I’m not even surprised at how tone deaf these old *** white people are. I am embarrassed for them.

Please stand the **** up and LEGISLATE.

Not defending the display.

But they did it partly because they announced a police reforming bill that was written by members of the Congressional Black Caucus. They should have just went straight into the conference imo.

But it is probably the usual scenario gonna play out. Pass the House, dead in the Senate.
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These scumbags are gonna be in for a rude awakening when they go the private security/contractor route that I suspect many will take thinking that private firms will bend over to their every whim the same way a lot of these mayors they despise have always done :lol:

Good riddance though, the last few weeks are really exposing how much delicate snowflakes a lot of them are when being forced to be held accountable for the first time in their careers

*I see the cop locked his account after the tweet blew up so here it is for those who didn't catch it

@swpd_107: My coworker just did what everyone dreams of doing. He went to the Chiefs office and dropped his gun, badge and shirt on his desk and said. “ I’ll mail you the pants. You’re all a bunch of Democratic butt boys”. A few more aren’t far behind him.
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Not defending the display.

But they did it partly because they announced a police reforming bill that was written by members of the Congressional Black Caucus. They should have just went straight into the conference imo.

But it is probably the usual scenario gonna play got. Pass the House, dead in the Senate.

Ah okay wasn’t aware. Yeah the display itself is horrible optically, whoever came up with that idea needs a timeout.

These scumbags are gonna be in for a rude awakening when they go the private security/contractor route that I suspect many will take thinking that private firms will bend over to their every whim the same way a lot of these mayors they despise have always done :lol:

Good riddance though, the last few weeks are really exposing how much delicate snowflakes a lot of them are when being forced to be held accountable for the first time in their careers

Bad news family, a lot of these dudes probably bout to commit to being race soldiers. Cops resigning and quitting in mass in defiance of people literally demanding them stop killing and hurting civilians?

Not lookin good on first glance. Fully expect government bodies to reach out to some of these dudes.
that Democratic display is a living art piece illustrating what it feels like to be called ¨brother¨ by an unknown white, I know you mean well but you can just go ahead and do things regular, that is an option.

Lots of frauds in these protests. Strongly believe they wouldn’t be there if there was no pandemic and people were at work/school.

I don´t think it´s fair to criticize anyone on the street...perfect storm is perfect storm, ride it.

YES I witnessed that unfold with my OWN EYES last night, dude ESCAPED INTO THE COPS, THAT IS WEIRD.
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