RIP George Floyd

Good photo to show all those 'slavery was so long ago' folks, all 3 in the picture could still be alive and the 2 girls could be someones grandmothers with memories of human beings in cages for 'entertainment'

The photo below is from the 1958 World's fair in Brussels, not 1868 or 1908...

Either Terry Crews owes some favors, or he really let someone dig him out on one of those casting couches that he was complaining about. At this point even some of the Black white people defenders here on niketalk have begun to realize that Black identity, Black independence has been blocked due to the dependence upon white acceptance. It is due time to move away from everything white, then going at this thing all on our own. I am loving the option that Ghana is offering! So whenever these devils fall back upon their privilege, then talking that “if you don’t like it, go back to Africa, “nonsense? We can ALL say, OKAY! Screw you, and everybody who looks like you! It is about time that we operate from a position of power, screw them! The day Black people stop entertaining this ********, is the day that this country dies a quick death. We built this mother#%^*, and it would be just if we tore this mother#%** down.
Terry Crews is a broken man. Allowing himself to be fondled by another grown white man in public and now talking foolishness about black supremacy. He is counterproductive to black people.

He is a strong example of a powerful Black man being neutered by his perceived status. This is the emasculation folks warned about. Observation has shown it’s less about feminization and more about removing masculine character traits that allow for strong Black leadership.

Similarly many Black veterans way back were directly emasculated by racist treatment on returning home which suppressed Black veteran leadership in the hood. Couldn’t have these men directing and teaching insurgency to the youth.

Terry Crews actions and behaviors are a symptom of the disease. That brother is sick and I hope he eventually sees it. Sad seeing him make a fool of himself over and over again.

Seen much of this all too often at hospitals having sickle cell since birth and having to prove I needed treatment at times before getting hospitalized since young black men are supposed to be more tolerant of or immune to chronic pain or something >D

That's what folks mean when talking about institutionalized racism. It affects everything from the healthcare we receive to education,business and interactions with the law obviously
Was out riding my bicycle on Saturday and saw the protest down Flatbush. Mad yt folks, I hope this energy is kept when outside fully opens back up. NYC hit phase 1 today but it’s still pretty deserted on the streets just essential workers out
He is a strong example of a powerful Black man being neutered by his perceived status. This is the emasculation folks warned about. Observation has shown it’s less about feminization and more about removing masculine character traits that allow for strong Black leadership.

Similarly many Black veterans way back were directly emasculated by racist treatment on returning home which suppressed Black veteran leadership in the hood. Couldn’t have these men directing and teaching insurgency to the youth.

Terry Crews actions and behaviors are a symptom of the disease. That brother is sick and I hope he eventually sees it. Sad seeing him make a fool of himself over and over again.
This. He has said it himself that he has to make it be known that he is "safe" and by doing so, he has also helped in the emasculation of himself. Not to sidetrack, but I find that the white supremacist feminist also pushes this to our sisters and put it under the guise of "toxic masculinity" , but that's another story. As you've said, I hope he finds help. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing wrong with being an "angry" black man. We live under subjugation, our water and food supplies are poisoned. We are terrorized daily by other races (especially white men) and we are killed and falsely imprisoned under the mask of "police investigations"
NY needs to significantly cut the pensions of those retiring cops. you suddenly have 800 new police salaries to take on + pay the extremely burden some pensions of 800 grotesquely overpaid police officers. that **** would cripple most cities.

i usually rock with unions but **** the police unions. **** all them rat bastards, from the west coast to the east coast. nypd’s union president blamed eric garner’s murder on eric garner. said it was his fault for resisting arrest. the only person worse than the pig is the person protecting it.

i recently linked up with a homie who’s doing some police abolition work in california. Long story short, while the complete dismantling of the police state is the dream one of the immediate goals is to end qualified immunity for police officers who murder people. qualified immunity essentially protects negligent and/or racist police from litigation even if they kill someone who posed no threat (i.e everyone we mourn for). this law is wild. not sure if it’s just a california thing tho

Qualified immunity DEFINITELY has to change. To be changed it has to start in the Supreme Court. Every officer from coast to coast is shielded by qualified immunity. Civil cases are brought up against officers, but it's not the actual officer that's footing the bill in the event of a loss case or settlement out of court. It's the city/tax payers that's paying, not the individual officer. Taking away qualified immunity would be a game changer, because now if he/she are taken to court personally, they can lose their houses, cars, pensions, etc. If there's only a couple years left to pay the mortgage on the house they're going to think twice about how they conduct themselves on the job. Little Johnny is entering his senior year of high school, college tuition has to be set aside, they're going to think twice about how they conduct themselves on the job. Retirement is coming up, got a big fat pension waiting for them, they're going to think twice about how they conduct themselves on the job.

It's time to hit police officers where it really hurts, in their pockets $$$
This. He has said it himself that he has to make it be known that he is "safe" and by doing so, he has also helped in the emasculation of himself. Not to sidetrack, but I find that the white supremacist feminist also pushes this to our sisters and put it under the guise of "toxic masculinity" , but that's another story. As you've said, I hope he finds help. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing wrong with being an "angry" black man. We live under subjugation, our water and food supplies are poisoned. We are terrorized daily by other races (especially white men) and we are killed and falsely imprisoned under the mask of "police investigations"

You see it. I take particular issue with white liberals in this as they’ve pushed a narrative of passive resistance for the Black man, and the white feminist pushing the idea that masculine behavior is inherently toxic and Black women are better off without us. It is all clearly related. Demonize our masculinity and the Black man himself and our children and life creators won’t see a reason to follow. Why follow the man who can’t even protect himself?

It’s funny everyone else is allowed to be angry but us. Hell the angry white man is looked at as heroic, like a savior. A patriot. A true American.

Like that Sister said, they’re lucky all we seek is equality and to be left alone because that debt is major, and that bill is coming due. It’s far bigger than us. Every Black body on this earth should be uniting and seeking what is owed to them.
Was out riding my bicycle on Saturday and saw the protest down Flatbush. Mad yt folks, I hope this energy is kept when outside fully opens back up. NYC hit phase 1 today but it’s still pretty deserted on the streets just essential workers out

Still a ghost town driving to work today.. and I woke up 30 mins late

Seen much of this all too often at hospitals having sickle cell since birth and having to prove I needed treatment at times before getting hospitalized since young black men are supposed to be more tolerant of or immune to chronic pain or something >D

That's what folks mean when talking about institutionalized racism. It affects everything from the healthcare we receive to education,business and interactions with the law obviously

Slavery was soo long ago tho.
You see it. I take particular issue with white liberals in this as they’ve pushed a narrative of passive resistance for the Black man, and the white feminist pushing the idea that masculine behavior is inherently toxic and Black women are better off without us. It is all clearly related. Demonize our masculinity and the Black man himself and our children and life creators won’t see a reason to follow. Why follow the man who can’t even protect himself?

It’s funny everyone else is allowed to be angry but us. Hell the angry white man is looked at as heroic, like a savior. A patriot. A true American.

Like that Sister said, they’re lucky all we seek is equality and to be left alone because that debt is major, and that bill is coming due. It’s far bigger than us. Every Black body on this earth should be uniting and seeking what is owed to them.
Exactly. I heard a family friend in her late teens at a function call herself a feminist and I looked at her and shook my head. I told her to look into womanism instead, especially as a black women. Don't subscribe to the foolishness that wants to instill separation between you and your fellow black man.

Christopher Dorner was a military veteran who was wrongfully terminated after standing up to the unlawful treatment of citizens. He is a true hero based off what America describes itself as, yet they labeled him a terrorist and a criminal. If he were white, they would have called him a hero and went and cleaned up the police force and had a movie about him etc. This country continues to prove how much of a falsehood it is. Atleast with the Enlgish, they've implemented measures that combat racism (People being jailed for racists slurs as well as losing their jobs), here in the U.S, it's up to the employer if they want to do so.
Does anyone know what happened to those outside 'antifa' agitators we heard so much about the first week? :nerd:

Did they go crawl back to their holes or did Soros' checks slow down? >D

Sounds more and more like they were planted to try to delegitimize and derail the protests by the day. Once that failed, with people continuing to march with the same energy, law enforcement dropped all pretenses of using violence only as a response to violent agigators and continue to brutalize even the most passive and non threatening demonstrators

I feel like antifa is just a blanket term that racists and trump supporters use to justify their stance.

-antifa hired crisis actors during mass shootings

-antifa impeached trump

-antifa is behind the covid-19 hoax

-antifa depleted the surgical masks to make trump look bad

-antifa orchestrated the George Floyd murder

A couple days ago in one of the rural cities in my state, there was a peaceful protest met with like 500 white nationalists armed to the teeth with fully auto weapons brandished because “they had heard on Facebook that buses filled with antifa members were headed to town to kill all white people.”

is antifa a legitimate thing? Honestly? Have you ever in your life talked to a member? Only place I’ve ever even heard them brought up is Fox News and whack job right wing gun nut websites.
I wonder if Joe Rogan will stop giving a platform to bigots, racist and white supremacists.

Doubt it though. Since he agrees with so much of what they have to say.
I wonder if spotify has any clause in his contract about that. Like you give a guy hundreds of millions of dollars, you don’t want him to bring that kind of heat to your platform
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