RIP George Floyd

This should literally be the easiest problem to solve. Don' be racist.
That's all. No money involved, no politics involved, just don't be racist.
But here we are, actually protesting and debating why people are sick of racism in 2020.
racism in this country has been given lots of time to evolve and branch out into practically every sector of society. it's more than just being not racist. systems need to change drastically

yeah man you can see dude roll up in the lower left hand corner of the multi-stream I posted.

Red Sleeves tries to stop him from doing whatever evil, gets shot, and falls injured...update says he´s cool.

Shooter hops out of the car and escapes about as calmly as I´ve ever seen an attempted murderer try escaping.

I´m not a huge conspiracy dude but the way that unfolded smelled a little off to me.
I wonder if Joe Rogan will stop giving a platform to bigots, racist and white supremacists.

Doubt it though. Since he agrees with so much of what they have to say.

He used to challenge a lot of it but lately Rogan has really settled in and gotten comfortable with co-signing the utter ******** spewed on his show.

its literally been nothing but bigots and racists recently, ****s disgusting
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