RIP George Floyd


Over 10k strong outchea today... can't stop, won't stop
these cop resignations are hilarious

its like when new management is announced at a job and people just decide to quit because they cant steal time on the clock anymore oR cut corners .

eff em all.PDs needed to be reformed.
This should literally be the easiest problem to solve. Don' be racist.
That's all. No money involved, no politics involved, just don't be racist.
But here we are, actually protesting and debating why people are sick of racism in 2020.

It's not even that they're debating that racism should be ended. They're claiming it doesn't even exist! The most disgusting perspectives I've seen are black men/women on social media claiming that oppression of the black community is exaggerated by black Americans who want excuses for their circumstances. Like, how blind can you be?

That would be like someone smoking cigarettes for 30 years with no health effects and saying "idk what lung cancer crap y'all making up. I'm totally fine so stop lying about cigarettes being dangerous"
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