Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

you know everything....
why dont you tell us what WOULD make relationships between citizens and officers better?
i guess its not clear to you that movements/riots are what move the government?
i guess you cant see that america is the only country that is controlled by its government?
maybe its the fact that every other country almost has a lower rate of crimes then the US and most of their police dont carry guns.
maybe its because america has you under their control.>D

I quit Niketalk. The 'tards have taken over.
ISN you did a little bid and all of a sudden you hard and acting like OG Bobby Johnson now? 
yall telling me if yall had the hammer on you and this kid pointed a .38 at you, you ain't gonna fire back with intent to kill??

yall buggin. cops did what they "trained" to do

Nothing racist has been said.

Either a lot of schizos or members who have the reading comprehension level of an average 4th grader. They perceive damn near any post in these types of threads to be racist.

Obviously not saying there aren't racist individuals on NT...but some dudes act like if you don't hate every single police officer ever sworn in the US of A, you're clearly racist.
So no one's gonna quote the racist comments in here? I'm only being halfway facetious, 'cause I may have genuinely missed some.
Pseudo intellectuals. Smh don't even know where to begin.

The kid had a gun and a rap sheet. "Live by the sword and die by it. "

The lack of guidance and education regarding things as simple as common courtesy and politeness are woefully forgotten. I don't feel bad for that kid, regardless of his skin color or the cops skin color.

Right is right and wrong is wrong, race or supposed theories on why it happened should justify it.

Looting rite-aid? Word? I bet that was more powerful than the march on Washington, or ghandis methods of protest.

Yes, protesting is our only weapon to confront govt injustice, but looting is just greed.
it was an undecover cop right? What if the 16 year old thought it was a gang rival? 

In all likelihood, the cops were white.

Like it would have been ok to flash his unregistered illegal firearm in public if they were from a rival gang? That's a pretty ignorant (no scratch that), stupid way of thinking.

Where does it say brandishing a weapon is ok in the statments that you quoted? Please stop inferring. This is a common NT disease.
yall telling me if yall had the hammer on you and this kid pointed a .38 at you, you ain't gonna fire back with intent to kill??

yall buggin. cops did what they "trained" to do

Black and I agree. Someone points a burner at me and im clutching too then I guess one of us is dying. If he really did point that gun, I don't blame the police. But with a natural distrust of the police.. Im not sure who to believe.
Destroying your own neighborhood because your mad at the cops. How smart that is.

End of the day some of you are just stubborn.

If the kid really did point a gun on them then he deserved to get popped, simple as that. Hell if he even had a gun on him he deserved to get locked up knowing how strict new yorks gun laws are.

I believe in innocent until proven guilty and let the truth come out how it may either way but its hard to give a kid with an extensive rap sheet and videos popping off on YouTube the benifit of the doubt.

If he really did pull a gun out on the cops some of you will still make excuses and try to rationalize his actions and that just speaks alot about who you are as a person.

If he didn't pull a gun out then there's justifiable outrage but the real tragedy is a 16 year old kid that was getting in trouble left and right due to lack of guidance and being a product of his environment.

I don't like most cops but if he really did pull a gun out on them there's no rationalizing things or trying to point blame at the cops as that would be a slap in the face to many situations where people have every right in the world to be mad at the actions of the cops.
Taking this debate too seriously.

Y'all need to unrustle your jimmies.
I never everrrrr support police on incidents like this,
I'm the last person to actually ever defend them, since I have been shot at by em

But when this kid has the crimes he has under his belt and a damn gun on him,
It's really hard to believe this kid is innocent..

I can't believe some of y'all are really pulling out the race card :smh:
Nothing remotely racist has even been typed,
Oh yeah those riots really make a difference in the world,
Watts and south central are now booming metropolitan areas :rolleyes
I'm sorry but I really don't believe this kid aimed a gun at the police. I do believe he had a gun and was probably just trying to get rid of it and was then fired upon. Also he was arrest 4 times, 3 of them coming since October 2012. This kid seems to have gotten caught up in the wrong crowd, money and wanting to be about that life. A lot of teens nowadays don't have respect for anything or anyone.

Police officers here in NYC are on an ego trip especially when they are in the 'hood'. They harass everyday hard working citizens for being a minority. Which is why I really hate this whole stop and frisk policy.
I never everrrrr support police on incidents like this,
I'm the last person to actually ever defend them, since I have been shot at by em

But when this kid has the crimes he has under his belt and a damn gun on him,
It's really hard to believe this kid is innocent..

I can't believe some of y'all are really pulling out the race card :smh:
Nothing remotely racist has even been typed,
Oh yeah those riots really make a difference in the world,
Watts and south central are now booming metropolitan areas :rolleyes

I agree with you 100%

I guarantee you the same dudes up in arms would still make excuses for the kids actions even if its proven he did pull a gun on them so their options aren't worth taking seriously
What also needs to be taken into account is the overall attitude of police officers in NYC. I can see how they purposely agitate you. Case in point, I was involved in an accident while at work. I had to file a police report. The cops that came the day of the incident were cool (FTR black/asian parnters). When it came to get the police report from the station a week later, I had to call in to let them know I was coming. Now, the person I spoke to, I told him I'd be there in 30 mins to pick up the report. I get to the station, but while I'm there, I'm just watching. There are three men there waiting as well, all Black. Just from listening, I gather two of them got arrested and were there for some sort of property recovery. They weren't hostile initially. The first guy just asked to speak to the supervising officer. He asked about a phone he had on him at his friends apt where he got arrested. The supervisor kept denying any loss on their part, the man kept pleading and insisting they lost it in the arrest because he knows he had it. He kept getting cut off and the supervisor was very curt with him. he actually made the man more irritated (mind you, the arrest and whatever infraction he was caught in never came into play) He eventually spoke to the desk clerk and went to a building downtown where he was instructed to go to in order to search for his belongings. Second man, similar situation. He lost a ring, he was given the same instriction. The third man was just turning in an illegal gun anonymously. No harm no foul. In my case, when I asked for the police report, the desk clerk told me to call the person again to let them know I was there and to come down with the report. I did, but I was annoyed. Why couldn't he tell me that when I only spoke to him only 20 minutes prior? Was that so difficult? No, not really.

But the exercise here is to show how things can quickly escalate between civilians and police officers. They are short with people at times and sometimes give incomplete and misleading information (as is with the gentleman trying to retrieve his phone) creating a possibly acrimonious interpersonal relationship instantly. Now, combine that with each person having personal predjudices and media portrayal of both NYPD and Black men and you have a readymade poweder keg. Even in my case asking for a damn police report, I felt agitated. Imagine if I had been arrested how it would have gone. It's that minute interaction that gets overlooked that creates a lot of what we see and needs to be understood by all parties. That's why as a Black man, you have to just be cool when it comes to that even when you are clearly in the wrong. They WILL try to test you, not matter the circumstance.
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