Rest in peace to the PS2 (2000-2013)

I remember in high school my PS2 broke. I got some extra money around the holidays. So the first thing I did was buy a new one. My GF got so pissed I didn't spend any on her.
It was a hell of a run...
So many memories right now... honestly I am sad :frown:

I remember in 2000 my neighbor was on the front page of the paper waiting in line for the PS2 release at Target. Then my buddy got his hands on one for like $600 and we were all so jelly.

EVERY YEAR my brother and I copped the new

- Tony Hawk
- NCAA Football

And my god we destroyed the analogy sticks on those things. Always used to fall asleep with the controller in my hands. Grades 7-12 were highly impacted.

Rest in peace... yes this is my eulogy for the PS2.
I remember I copped mine in Summer 02 after I played ASB 2003 on my boys' system, and thinking that there was no humanly possible way that video games could get better than that game on PS2. Went on a hunt to pick up NBA 2K2 that summer and was sold out everywhere, had to order off Amazon and pay for shipping being a youngn with a $20 a week allowance but well worth everything.

PS2 hope you rest amongst the best, because you truly deserve it.
RIP staple of my childhood. Played metal gear soo much on this thing.
Damn. Like others here I never got a next-gen so I still play mine every once in awhile when I wanna "unwind."

I still have an ongoing dynasty on NCAA 07(the one with Bush on the cover) and I play NBA Street 3 every couple years. 

GTA:VC was one of those games where the pay-off actually EXCEEDED the hype/anticipation. I was in either late M.S. or early H.S. and I didn't know any male who *didn't* own and love that game. The Pointer Sisters - "Automatic"  

They should have charged $100 for San Andreas. 
rest in peace budokai3 gta,3 true crime narc street vol 2 gundam journey to jaburo need for speed underground 2 :smokin good times good times
Am I the only one who played these games? Arguably the best titles for the platform, IMO. My brother & I wasted months on these series. DOA2 also had my hormones running early, because of the gravity defying chests on the girls and the legend on whether or not you could make them boobies bounce more.
Imagine the bounce factor when you're laying the beatdown on your opponent...
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