Tokes is right, B. You gotta go back and have the patience to evolve what you have. As designer, you are doing this every day, so you MUST develop thatpatience. I just had a personal project I spent 2 months on that I have to redo b/c I had an incorrect material application that will change the entire design.Sucks, but I can't just say "F" it and start a new project. I have to reach that original goal. Another thing I meant to point out before wasyour use of page space. I think it could definitely be more efficient/improved. Again, none of this is easy, but it will only come through practice becausethat's when you have the realizations that move you forward.
Alright thanks guys...I might ditch a couple of the shoes though..Not sure yet..But I will rework exsisitng ones, that I feel still have potential ( Jordan,Nike Exo..shox maybe...converse...maybe umbro)...
Any suggestions on what ones I should build off?..Or all of them?..

Thanks again for you guys helping since you are actually in the industry and have been in the same position...means a lot...
nice renderings, my only qualm would be the soles. I'm not sure if you just didn't bother to think about them much or whether you just came up withthat 3 circles across design in sort of the arch area. Given the placement it seems to serve minimal purpose.. perhaps merely aesthetics..?
Id say start reworking the exo and the TW shoe. Those seem to be the most interesing ones to me.
Originally Posted by arff23

Alright thanks guys...I might ditch a couple of the shoes though..Not sure yet..But I will rework exsisitng ones, that I feel still have potential ( Jordan, Nike Exo..shox maybe...converse...maybe umbro)...
Any suggestions on what ones I should build off?..Or all of them?..

Thanks again for you guys helping since you are actually in the industry and have been in the same position...means a lot...

you should do the one(s) you are feeling the most...something said to me that is good to say here is that one of the keys to being a good designer isdeveloping point of view/a feel for what YOU like & dislike. you definitely want to remain open to other opinions but you make the decisions...
small update for my rebuilding process...Made a logo to put on my work....
*Not sure why it wont show...
Originally Posted by arrjae


all of those look really DOPE!
keep it up!
i would love to see more!
Originally Posted by tokes99

Originally Posted by arff23

Alright thanks guys...I might ditch a couple of the shoes though..Not sure yet..But I will rework exsisitng ones, that I feel still have potential ( Jordan, Nike Exo..shox maybe...converse...maybe umbro)...
Any suggestions on what ones I should build off?..Or all of them?..

Thanks again for you guys helping since you are actually in the industry and have been in the same position...means a lot...

you should do the one(s) you are feeling the most...something said to me that is good to say here is that one of the keys to being a good designer is developing point of view/a feel for what YOU like & dislike. you definitely want to remain open to other opinions but you make the decisions...
if people dont like the design, the consumers will not buy...
asking shoe buyers is the best feedback
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