Apr 8, 2002
Well as many of you know I have been posting renderings on here for years...
I haven't showed any of these designs to you all, and figured I might as well now, since I didn't land an internship with them
a really nice mix of stuff!

my favorites:
- Zoom Exo

- Hurley LL

- Jordan 2010

- Tiger's golf bag
Not bad arff. Lot of interesting concepts and ideas. I think with a lot of these you gotta put more time and care into the execution of these ideas. Goodideas, but the execution is just ok. I feel you rushed these concepts. Alot of these could be explored a tad more if you want. Then when you finally render itby hand or computer, be sure to put more time into it. Some of the final renderings need to be a lil more polished in terms of lineart. Like the B-1, coolcasual concept. The shape on the sketches look good, but the final I feel is a step back. Like if you look at the outsole line that touches the ground on theB-1, it starts off as curved, then goes suddenly super flat for a good bit, then kicks up at the midfoot. That line should be a little more gradual and smoothin my opinion. You let your 'ground' line dictate the shape too much.

The jordan 2k10 is pretty cool too, but its a lil too simple at the forefoot and heel. Maybe add some stitching details or embosses or debosses, something togive it a lil more character.

Also the outsole views on these shoes, I feel the shape is a little off. I sound like a broken record, sorry, but put a little more time and care into it soyou really nail the shape down.

Also be sure to try to kick up the presentation a little bit, maybe with faded background images. I can't really give super great ideas, cuz the way ipresent my stuff is not so great. But you could definitely kick it up a notch.

Hope this helps.
^Thanks a lot..
You actually nailed this..This was sort of rushed, because my computer broke over Christmas break, and that was when I planned on working on it...So then I didrush to get the portfolio done..
I know the out sole too on the B-1 is messed up...

This time I am going to take more time, but starting out farther ahead of time, and hopefully run into no problems ha...
Thanks again to everyone....
They look good, but as already mentioned, I think you could have put a lot of more time into the final render.

I think it you add a higher contrast of colors, deeper shadows and some highlights, it would really make the render pop.

Small details would help, as using textures would help the flatness.

Zoom Exo's are eyecatching...

Good work, sad to hear your computer went down.

Good luck for your future!

all of those look really DOPE!
keep it up!
i would love to see more!
Arff: good to see you working hard on this. I see a lot of improvements in your work! You have a nice set of fundamental skills in place that you can reallylaunch yourself from. That being said, I think you have some things you can improve on as well to get yourself in the mix and make yourself stronger. These aremy thoughts: You have a lot of projects, but they all seem rushed. Even your final boards have some pretty obvious spelling errors etc. (even check the titleof your post) These things all reflect on you and your ability to be thorough. Designing footwear can be extremely tedious and will require the ability to bevery thorough with every detail- especially since your instructions are eventually sent on to someone who doesn't speak english well. For example, when youmake an eyelet, the mold for that eyelet alone may cost the company 500.00. You must be SURE exactly how you want it to look so that once they mold it, they donot have to remake it. Just trying to get you in the actual frame of mind as a professional designer. I don't know if it is laziness, lack of focus, or youjust didn't know- but either way, you have to dial it in because it will be perceived as such. Your sketches look pretty good and I am glad you are stilldoing a lot by hand and not going to the computer, Based on what I see here though, you are not doing enough exploring. So I would say explore more options.Your inspiration points could be more thought out. The round shox columns representing a cheetah's spots (for example) is pretty iffy. Are you sure you cansay that to people at Nike with a straight face like it is a great idea? You gotta be real with yourself, man. I would recommend trying to solve a problem in anew way with your designs. And really think it through. "bendable flywire" seems like nothing more than deco stitching if you did your homework onhow flywire actually works. Ground your shoe with a line or shadow on your final rendering. Make SURE your proportions are correct as well. It's not asimportant with sketching, but once you go to the final, it needs to be right. As somebody mentioned, a lot of the final renderings look more like sketches andneed more attention to details, textures and shading. Be aware of your fonts as well. They can hurt your final presentation. I would recommend taking a few ofthese that are your favorites and going even deeper on them. Really put some time into it and think through every detail. Just my 2. This is not intended toput you down in any way, but LIFT you up! You have done the work and earned a thorough critique and I hope you will keep your mind and heart open to applyingit and getting stronger. Keep at it, B! -TH
Thanks a lot Tony..I think this is actually my drafts before my Dad read them all over to spell check..
The cheetah "spot" thing, actually looks like spots, they aren't just circles so it's not as bad as you may have though
, but obviouslythat was my fault on not communicating it well....
Thanks again for the comments..I was very unsure with this while process, and again it was rushed..It was tough, but now I am going to work a lot further aheadof time..

Thanks again Tony and Arch for your in-depth reviews...Means a lot...

I actually improved my renderings the very next day after sending my things in...with textures/shadowing from things I read online and advice from people onyou...

So I will make sure everything is up so many more levels next time...
Good to hear man. I know it's a lot to absorb, but different pieces will keep clicking into place as long as you keep at it.
I agree with VD, what he said is oh so true. Like for the inspiration, it can be a little tough. Cuz sometimes I find inspiration to be a little pretentiousand BS, and in some cases from what I heard in the industry, sometimes all that inspiration is BS. But for the folio, you really got it make it believable evenif you are just ultimately BS'ing. Just make sure you really tie things together well, and have it make sense. Like I also used a leopard for inspirationfor a running shoe, even though I really wasnt inspired by it. I just kind BS'ed and tried to tie things together, and well it shows that I bs'ed.Which is why Im probably gonna take that project out of my folio now.

You really got pay attention to the little details too. Like for your final renderings, make sure your stitches are parallel to the edge its following. Makesure your perfs line up correctly. This doesnt seem like much, but it makes things neater when you take the time to do it. Rush or no rush, it doesnt take thatmuch extra time to make sure the little details look good. I know youve asked me in the past how I get my lineart on my hand rendered stuff too look so smoothand clean. Truth is time and care. I dont have a steady hand at all, but I make sure to be careful and just try my best to make some smooth lines.

Shoe design is super competitive. There are dudes who are super talented and yet dont even work for Nike. Its tough, so you gotta really put in that strongeffort and time if you want to have a chance. Especially now that footwear design is getting more exposed to the masses, you gonna start competing againstthese young talented guys like ak47. Its tough out there, so you gotta try to stay on top of your game, before it passes you.
Thanks again for the input....I think rendering/texture wise I have stepped up my game a little since then...
These shoes were all done within a week of me sending in the folio....
Wow, good stuff here! I am no expert, but it looks like others have pointed out what you can improve on.

The Zoom Exo's, Jordan 2010, and the Tiger Zoom 2010 are my favorites. Keep at it!
somebody get this guy a patent already so nike could make something that hasn't already been made
Originally Posted by arff23

Thanks again for the input....I think rendering/texture wise I have stepped up my game a little since then...
These shoes were all done within a week of me sending in the folio....
There's a lot of knowledge dropped in here. I know Im learning a lot
. Im impressed, especially with a lot of your thoughts and ideas. You have a lot ofgood concepts, and I hate to sound redundant but, I agree with exploring a little more and making the finals more crisp if that makes sense.

Keep up the good work B.
Most has been sad. Nice concepts man, I ike how you thought them through, maybe just the little details need a bit more attention, both in the sketches and therenderings as well. But this is a two way thing there are some features that are way too extra and unnecessarily complicated and ones that are left out or needmore attention. Justa thought. Great work with the markers and nice sheets!
Originally Posted by Archeever

I agree with VD, what he said is oh so true. Like for the inspiration, it can be a little tough. Cuz sometimes I find inspiration to be a little pretentious and BS, and in some cases from what I heard in the industry, sometimes all that inspiration is BS. But for the folio, you really got it make it believable even if you are just ultimately BS'ing. Just make sure you really tie things together well, and have it make sense. Like I also used a leopard for inspiration for a running shoe, even though I really wasnt inspired by it. I just kind BS'ed and tried to tie things together, and well it shows that I bs'ed. Which is why Im probably gonna take that project out of my folio now.

i don't know why, but i literally laughed out loud reading those last 3 sentences! you're a wild boy, T...i agree, with inspiration, as long as itisn't too forced and it makes sense, go for it...

1st let me say that there is plenty of stuff to build on here, i definitely see seeds of some interesting ideas...BUT

1) as arch & TH had noted more exploration is key 2) you have to step your game up visually a lot!

the whole point of showing your sketches is to show the process of how you arrived at your solution, that you put some thought into a few differentpossibilities (it may just be that the 1st idea you have is the best option but always need to challenge that 1st idea to try to improve on it). so if/when youlook at change these, keep that in mind...

arch & tony are sugarcoating it, the overall quality should be, NEEDS to be better (i know you had to rush it, but still not an excuse) if you are tryingto get a shot at an internship, as has also been pointed out, design is a very competitive industry. many of the sketches are of inconsistent quality and yourfinished ideas do not look nearly finished enough compared to sketches; it is hard to do but work on bringing the quality of those things up & spend timeon those details!!! also definitely take a look at the way you are laying out things, it looks a lil' haphazard...
Thanks again for input..

The actual laying out part was where I was completely puzzled..No idea how I should...Most of it was through input of D'Wayne, but stilll obviously needs aton of work...I'm starting some new projects now..Ill put up the phases as I go on, to see if I am improving at all...
take a look at portfolios on corflot.com for some ideas for layouts...magazines & advertisements are also a good source to see how things are placed on thepage, there aren't really any rules to it; just think about what you want to communicate the page & try to organize the page accordingly. to be honestit is something that i always struggle with, many times it comes down to personal preference, so for that reason alone you want to make sure that the workbeing presented is top notch...don't be so quick to start something new, doing what tony suggested and developing a few of these would a great excercise;you already have a good starting point, now you can go deeper (no gheyfish)
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