Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

i still need to visit the 9/11 memorial... havent seen it since its been built... i went to pace university and took the path to world trade 04-06... they just had the path there but for a while there was nothing around the world trade center.... it was sad to see everyday... crazy how i remember exactly what i did on 9/11 and wont forget because of the tragedy that happen of course
its always crazy to me how people born in the 00's dont know what 9/11 is/was since they either werent born or they were too young.

I still remember 9/11 esp since thats my dad's birthday
Crazy its been 18 yrs.

I’ll never forget everything about that day. I went to grade school at Our Lady of Pompeii on Bleecker St in Manhattan and I was in 7th grade. It was a clear beautiful day. We were in homeroom and I remember hearing what sounded like a plane flying over us (it wasnt but it was low and close enough that we all heard it). Then I heard a boom. I said wow that sounded like something blew up. About 15 mins later they announced on the PA for all classes to come down to the auditorium. We get down there and I see my brother and he told me dude I saw a plane go into the WTC. His class was in the computer room/library which had a direct view of the WTC. Im like oh man. At this point I didnt know what was going on. Had no idea really what terrorism was. Then about a half hr goes by and we start seeing parents come in. I see mothers crying and I start to get worried.

My dad comes in and gets us and I give it to him he always stays calm under pressure. He got us and we started walking back home and he told us what happened. I legit started feeling scared and my dad was trying his best to keep us calm. Then as we are walking we see the plume of smoke all the way down 7th ave. A woman came running out of the diner screaming the building collapsed the building collapsed! We got our asses home and watched the news. And heard the details.

After that day and for the next few months, I saw ppl in this city come together like I have never seen before or since. I wish NYC’ers stayed together like that, it would make for a better city and maybe the hostility towards one another would be kept to a minimum. Its a shame an event like that had to happen for that to occur.

One thing that made me feel spooked was the smell of the rubble. I immediately thought of the lives lost and replayed the images of the buildings collapsing that I saw on tv over and over in my mind. Im not going to lie, it took a while for me to get over that.

Anyways enough about my story. Most important thing today is that we remember the lives lost on that day and the lives lost because they gave their all to help recover. And in closing, the government should be ashamed of themselves for not having the proper funding for the ground zero workers. They went there willingly and they were lied to about the quality of the air down there. Scamming people out of the money they need for their care? What have we become as a country? I know they didnt put a time limit on claims now but still look at the people who suffered in the mean time.

Stay safe out there my NT fam.

Never forgive & never forget.
Any NTers from small towns remember 9/11? I was a freshman at a JUNCO and we didn't even stop. I remember hearing about it between classes, watching it for a few minutes in the student center, going to class, my teacher not even discussing it and going home and watching it on the news.
I was in AP history in high school when this happened. (in Cali) Teacher just wheeled in the TV and we watched everything unfold.
Any NTers from small towns remember 9/11? I was a freshman at a JUNCO and we didn't even stop. I remember hearing about it between classes, watching it for a few minutes in the student center, going to class, my teacher not even discussing it and going home and watching it on the news.

I was attending cosumnes river college in sacramento, ca when it happened. a lot of people didn't know what happened until they got to school when their teachers had it on their television. I was playing soccer there and we so happened to have a game that day. we were playing a team coming from the bay area and they were going to cancel the game. for some reason they decided we were going to play. before the game, we all lined up in the middle of the pitch and held an American flag. it was something we didn't normally do. it was a crazy day that day for sure even on the west coast.
I remember my boss telling me she was in college when it happened.

She was in the lounge and some dude was watching the news on it.

She asked “what movie is this?” And he replied “this isn’t a movie.”
I remember thinking the World Trade Center that got hit was the one on Boston's seaport, since it's the only one I had heard of at the time. I couldn't figure out why teachers were taking it so seriously. Reality quickly set in. Crazy how many people it has affected over the years, from victims and families, first responders, innocent Muslims, troops here and abroad, and so on and so forth. In many ways the country never really recovered. Crazy. Seeing those images is still surreal to me. Even when I see the towers in movies it's pretty emotional.


Spiderman (OG trailer)



Home Alone 2

Ghostbusters II

NInja Turtles (1990)

Die Hard with a Vengeance
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Do you live in Manhattan?

I'm asking because a few of my friends had to walk from Manhattan to Queens.

At the time I was living in bk

Went to school in Manhattan, luckily i caught the last train going over the bridge to bk before mta shut it down, saw the tower go down as we went over the bridge (forgot if it was the first or second) couldn't even see it go down because I was short and everybody was looking out the windows, now that im older im glad I didnt see it, might have resonated bad stress/bad dreams over the years

My mom worked in manhattan, she had to walk over the bridge, my bros mom picked me and my bro up and took us, all say I was worried abt where my mom was, she worked less than half a mile away
I get it
But it cracks me up how much sympathy
And “honor” folks get for this tragedy
But when we bring up slavery
Or the killing of the indigenous people of this country it’s a “so what” attitude
Dont get me wrong
Rip to the ones who died
But America be acting so extra on 9/11
“The courages one”
“They most honorable ones”
Be so much fakeness
People act like they forgot
How much more prejudice
And racism came from this
How many folks were discriminated against more
Because of this

Again rip to the ones who lost someone
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