Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

That day, it was on my late day for work at the auto dealership I worked at from 1997-2020 in sales. I went to the gym before it happened, saw the 1st plane hit the towers while there, then went home to watch the news. I was still living at home (I was 25 in 2001 and dealing with LOTS of medical issues (Colitis surgery, and in 2003 a failing liver which eventually required a transplant. So my parents didn't want me to move out with my horrible health).

My dad asked if I was going in. I guess I said. Got ready and went in early. Let me tell you, a literal ghost town for weeks. NO ONE came in. Thing we did though, were giving away those window clipped flags. Everyone came in and asked for one so we were just giving them to people and ordering more. But we were just there to talk with our customers who were really friends as we were a small family run dealership in the center of town. Sales picked up after a few months but the mood wasn't the same.
That **** was crazy bruh.

From beginning to the end.

We in class in high school and the drivers ed teacher talkin bout he watched a man get beheaded. And how it aint like it is in the movies.

a journalist i think.

A classmate said they should send the DC snipers to get Bin laden......but the teacher said they werent good enough shooters.

Wild ****

I feel so bad for all the Afghan women.
Till this day, I still haven't watched that beheading video nor will I ever. That was a crazy time indeed
Didn’t see any 9/11 specials on TV. Strange. Usually they a have a few on throughout the day.
Saw this on twitter
Crazy time indeed. I was in college I had just left Best Buy buying 'The Blueprint' & Fab first album.

Sat down to listen & turned on the tv. Smh
I was reading an article online that said flight 175 that crashed into the 2nd tower was descending at around 24,000 ft. in 5 mins (The average is around 1.5-2,000 ft. per min). Can’t imagine the chaos on that flight.
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