Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

I was in 3rd grade in NYC, one particular image that sticks out in my memory was going to the supermarket with my dad trying to stock up on essentials And seeing the panic and uncertainty in people’s faces panic buying everything. Shelves completely empty just absolute hysteria
remember the good ol days walking around the airport pre 9/11 like a strip mall.

RIP to the victims. NYC & the US never been the same. still surreal.

1999-9/11/01 was a great time to be alive as a teen
I was in 3rd grade in NYC, one particular image that sticks out in my memory was going to the supermarket with my dad trying to stock up on essentials And seeing the panic and uncertainty in people’s faces panic buying everything. Shelves completely empty just absolute hysteria
i still remember listening to the radio on the way to school and being confused
any my teachers were even more confused they thought the school was finna get attacked too
Teaching high school this day is probably one of the most interesting to me each because as the years go on the students acknowledgement of 9/11 decreases more each year.

I was 5 when it happened but I remember school closing early and us going home that day. My dad works at the shipyard in Newport News, and the whole Hampton Roads was on high alert being such a big military area that close to D.C.
School made an announcement but not a single person had anything to say. Normally students would ask me questions but they’re so detached from it.
Yeah to get an angle that close/clear pre cell phone era is crazy.

I was a freshman in college and my boy came into our room and said "did y'all see that plane hit that building", I'm thinking it's just a random accident but later found out the details.
It was kinda eerie the rest of the day, I remember the lines at gas stations were mad long bc there was a rumor that somehow the price would increase to like $11.
I aas in 7th grade english class.
The teacher wheeled in the tv set and put it on the news.
We saw the second plane hit live and i kept thinking to myself why are they showing us this. We were kids i was terrified for the rest of the day thinking they were going to drop nukes on the us and kill us all.
"it was a bomb that went off" - all the peeps on the street

The Events of 911 that changed America,:

- Patriot Act 1&2,
- established the Dept of Homeland Security
- used to pass Military Commissions Act to remove Habeas Corpus,
- set the events to invade Iraq and Afghanistan,
- made domestic surveillance legal,
- created the TSA and introduced the National Defense Authorization Act

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Frosh in college
Heard on the radio as I woke up and got ready. Didn't have a tv set up yet. Went to early morning class and afterwards they made announcement to cancel the classes rest of the day as news developed. Wild to see the images.

Years later met some folks that were in nyc when it happened.
^^^ I remember being one of those high school kids. Classmate came into the classroom and said the plane hit a tower...we looked out the window. One of my teachers turned on the radio and we were listening to everything with that same look of concern on our faces. It was a scary time...especially being in NY. We didn't know what was gonna happen next. The trains were suspended and people were packing in was a chaotic day.
yep was in high school. really surreal to me how long it has been. it’s so strange to me there’s a whole era of kids that have no idea about it and this event has little to no significance to their lives. The last major event that was pre cell phone era.
Middle school for me. I remember it vividly. Still lived in NY. Sitting in math class and one of the other teachers ran into our classroom and asked my teacher if he could step outside for a second. They didn’t tell us what happened until a few hours later. I imagine the state of panic was to high that the school administration didn’t know how to properly tell us. Probably thought that there would be more attacks.
I smelled the burning in the air when it happened. That's how close I was. Private school so they didn't tell us what was going on. Kids were getting picked up early by parents. Mine worked so had to stay the whole day. Went home after school and played Sega rally on the PC.

For some reason, I thought it was snow when they showed the streets covered in dust on the news
Went to bed on Monday night excited to get up the next day to see all the coverage and listen to the sports talk radio shows about bonds going off in Colorado with his home run chase and Jordan announcing his second comeback. Woke up around 630 and didn’t even turn on the tv because I was looking forward to listening to the tony Bruno show on my commute to school. Left the house for my 45 minute commute, turned on my Walkman and instead of hearing about Jordan and bonds, Bruno was talking about what was happening in ny. I couldn’t believe what he was saying and thinking to myself he’s exaggerating. There’s no way the tower collapsed. It’s fake news. It’s probably just like what happened in 93. The pentagon is not under attack, it’s one of the most secured place in the world.
It wasnt until i got to my first class that I saw what was going on in ny. All we did in my two classes that day was just watch the coverage unfold.

I remember logging on to NikeTalk when I got home and reading through the 9-11 thread, people throwing out all kinds of conspiracies and posting pictures of an image of the devil amongst the smoke and debris when the plane hit the towers.

Each year, I still watch the same documentaries they show on history channel and msnbc.
I am watching 60 minutes that aired yesterday with tears in my eyes as I type this

I'll never forget. I was in middle school in Minneapolis at the time, got lucky when one of my teachers, think it was 3rd period actually turned it on live and I was able to watch the news and the second plane actually hit. Remember watching in awe as my teacher helped explain what was happening.

Remember going to school and thinking it was weird but life went on as it always does. I fortunately was not personally affected as I don't think I even know someone who knew someone who was in the building or perished. God have mercy on all those innocent lives lost that date.

I will say this, if you haven't gone to the 9/11 museum, go it is to this day the most memorable museum experiences I have ever had, beautifully designed and very intimate memorial/museum if you get a chance to go it's worth it.
All the 9/11 clips I've been watching on YT, saw Philippe Petit's crazy @ $$ in the recommendations. Still can't believe he did that.
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