Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

Many of us can remember this day so vividly. I was in 6th grade when 9/11 happened. I went to school in Tarrytown NY which is about 45 mins from NYC by train. The school i attended has a clear view of NY. I can vividly remember my school going on lock down on the look of cloudy smoke that surrounded the other side of the river. Being that we were in Elementary school they told us there was a groundhog loose and we needed to be contained. Then they said it was something more serious and parents started coming to the school to pick their kids up. It wasn't until i was home and watched the news of people jumping off buildings and seeing what had actually happen that i knew. Even though i didn't fully understand at the time. All i know is that the next couple of days at school were hard i had many friends who lost family members during 9/11. Regardless of how anyone thinks it happened the fact is that it did and many innocent people lost their lives.
So what’s your take on building 7 collapsing just as fast as the towers, but no buildings in between or around. I wouldn’t put it past anyone or anything.

And consoiracy theorist was a term created by the CIA

Not going down this road again in a memorial thread. Shouldn't have last year either. That was my bad.

If you want to have a good faith discussion about it you can PM me. I think the conspiracy thread got axed.

But as a disclaimer, I'm not a structural engineer so I really can't prove or disprove anything beyond hearsay and speculation.
So what’s your take on building 7 collapsing just as fast as the towers, but no buildings in between or around. I wouldn’t put it past anyone or anything.

And consoiracy theorist was a term created by the CIA

and the news announcing it, before it even happened.

rip to all the fallen victims of this horrible inside job tragedy.
it´s weird, the events of 2020 seem to have finally put 9/11 ¨in the past.¨

it´s still the tragedy that shaped our lives until now, but seeing it from a distance offers new perspective.

for example, where was all this NO TREAD MUH FREEDOMZ energy when the Patriot Act was being rolled out?
I remember waking up as a new junior at Syracuse - back on campus for a few weeks at that point and doing what I did every day before class...logged into Niketalk in the general section to see what was going on....because there was no twitter....safari on your phone....damn the iPod hadn’t even dropped yet! So NT was kind of a real time news source for me.

there was a thread that talked about a “helicopter” hitting the tower...I remember reading the first hand accounts of people trying to figure out what had happened....transitioning from a helicopter to a plane...but I had to go to class.

I had a religion class - the professor was almost 80 and dude was never late for the start of class. We had to have all been sitting there for 10 mins, people talking about something had happened but we didn’t have any details internet on phones.

Then the old man walked in and told us it was a historic and tragic day in the history of our country...we had been attacked....the towers....the pentagon....he cancelled class.

There was such an eerie feeling walking back to the dorms....students were everywhere but it was so quiet...people were on their phones calling to check on their families back home/loved ones that worked in the city but no one was talking...just walking around with Nokias up to their ears....the cell network was overloaded.

I watched news coverage for the next few hours. Occasionally someone would stop by and talk about how crazy this all was. after a few hours of watching the tragedy - then watching the towers fall -I felt numb....and needed a break.

I went to the mall (which was one of the largest malls in the country at the time) to pick up the Blueprint - like the actual compact disc. They were urging people to stay away from malls at the time. It was the same eerie vibe there that I had experienced on campus.

More news coverage the rest of the day - I remember the day was closed out with me and my roommate sitting on a bench outside our dorm...talking about how things would never be the same the world was changing in a big way...

19 years later and it seems like we are going through another future shaping time period.

God Bless all the victims that were lost in the 9/11 is a day I will always remember.
I wanted to go to the WTC museum this summer. Has anyone gone?

I went this past Winter. I think it was like $75 for one ticket.

I remember feeling robbed afterwards tbh.

Unbelievable to see all the names/stories of the people who died... Like how there were daycare centers inside the towers.
Lived and worked out in SF Bay Area during that time. Usual morning routine: woke up at 4 am to catch a 5:10 am Bart train from East Bay and got into office around 5:30 am Downtown Financial District. Institutional Fixed Income Sales & Trading work NY Market hours.
Bunch of people standing up watching tv coverage on CNBC after the first plane hit. Still unclear what had happened. Even remember saying probably a helicopter or small private plane went off course. And then we watched the second plane hit the second Tower. Holy effing H-E-L-L. Rest of time a blur i.e. phone calls, finish business, chatter. Couple other coworkers on East Bay side wanted to go now. Didn’t know what else could hit and trains could stop.
Corporate decision was made to close and clear. Most surreal moment was running to station, seeing all the other Finance guys flee but regular civilians still starting their day like nothing happening.

You remember where were that day.
You remember the near three thousand people that died.
People across all ages, races, color and creed.
All the other talk is Bulls*.
Best line seen in this Thread was from dude who said: “Never forgive & never forget”.

Feels like the first year that 9/11 feels like “history” similar to how other calendar holiday days are now more of a day than a real feeling.

2020 is shockingly strong in that aspect.

I’ll never forget that day though. Truly something that was a collective pain shared by the nation.
Went to bed on Monday night excited to get up the next day to see all the coverage and listen to the sports talk radio shows about bonds going off in Colorado with his home run chase and Jordan announcing his second comeback. Woke up around 630 and didn’t even turn on the tv because I was looking forward to listening to the tony Bruno show on my commute to school. Left the house for my 45 minute commute, turned on my Walkman and instead of hearing about Jordan and bonds, Bruno was talking about what was happening in ny. I couldn’t believe what he was saying and thinking to myself he’s exaggerating. There’s no way the tower collapsed. It’s fake news. It’s probably just like what happened in 93. The pentagon is not under attack, it’s one of the most secured place in the world.
It was when I showed up early to my first class that I saw what was going on in ny. And all we did in my two classes that day was just watch the coverage unfold.

I remember logging on to NikeTalk when I got home and reading through the 9-11 thread, people throwing out all kinds of conspiracies and posting pictures of an image of the devil amongst the smoke and debris when the plane hit the towers.

Each year, I still watch the same documentaries they show on history channel and msnbc.
Have y'all seen both World Trade Center and United 93? What were y'all's thoughts on the films?
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