Religious famb... Keep it funky...

it's comforting to believe that the inherent unfairness of life will be all sorted out in the end by some judicious overseer. I can certainly see the merit of the concept.

I mean, who really wants to hear that our existence is random, meaningless, painful, predetermined to a large extent by the circumstances of your birth and usually shorter than you think?
These threads are pointless because they're basically made for people who don't believe in religion to mock and disrespect people who are religious. People can't be adults.

Why can't religious people retaliate?

It seems like the nonreligious cats know more about the scripture than those that claim to follow it.
Nah, they are just louder on the Internet.
lol people who have strong arguments tend to come off as "louder".  There's nothing stopping yall from challenging any of this. You have been studying that book for years, and you let some silly atheists son you like that.

Let's be real here LB, what could I say that would make you admit there is some validity to religion? One of my theories on faith, is that if you ask the question 'why' enough times, there is no longer an explanation for it. I flirted with the idea of atheism for awhile in my younger days for that very reason, there were certain aspects of my faith that didn't make any reasonable sense to me. The reason I chose to stick with my Islamic faith was because I don't believe death is the end of our existence. While scientifically it makes sense that it ends at death, I have a gut feeling that there is more too it than that. The thing about having a gut feeling is that I can't form logical and convincing arguments around it, it just is what it is to my own peace of mind. I may be 100% wrong on my deathbed and all this could be for nothing, but I got a feeling that I'm not gonna be wrong about it.

Sorry for the diatribe, I'll leave y'all to keep discussing this
interesting keep going you guys im learning alot. I can say im not a religious person I have never read the Bible or the Quran from front to back but im aware of whats in it. I stopped attending when I was given the choice as a kid havent been back since.

i do believe there is something out there. We cant be the only living thing in the entire universe its too massive to comprehend. I hope science one day can find another planet suitable for life, find another living organism outside of our solar system, or break the barrier of light speed.

I guess i would say im a scientific person and believe there is more to life after death because death wouldnt be possible if there wasnt?
I grew up religious... then I grew up.

Had non-religious friends throughout life trying to get me to see facts. I'm slowly seeing things for what they are.
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I grew up religious... then I grew up.

Had non-religious friends throughout life trying to get me to see facts. I'm slowly seeing things for what they are.

For real for real this is the main reason my last ex is my ex. She's super religious. Smart, well paid corporate professional but when we talk religion she turns straight dummy. It doesn't even sound like her anymore, like she's channeling another person's words. We've had arguments and I lose interest. I just don't understand it, it's like a comfort zone that requires a regression of thoughts and subduing your intellect. Feels like it's for folks who are afraid to truly deal with the world as is, afraid of real introspection and just wanted to follow a guideline. That said I'm open to the idea of a higher power, but the poor history of religion is written.
Yea there's definitely something out there, instead of making sh up curious minds work tirelessly to find out more. The universe is a vast, infinite cosmic sea, there has to be something else out there. 

My interpretation of life after death is your molecules being recycled, that is the life after death I welcome. I don't want my consciousness to roam this universe forever. :x

I feel like NASA could be my religion if they find something that could change the way we think or live they could be the ones in charge. Im constantly reading their site and i also make visits to Cape Canaveral. I am more interested in finding out what's out there than how we came about. I find myself to be a star gazer if you know when you see a star it was light that was cast down on you million of years ago. Half the stars you see now been died and no longer exist.

Another thing im interested in is how did the pyramids form and how did those people who built them have GPS coordinate skills with the stars? If someone could shed some light on that would be nice.

But let me stop this isnt about space/science i can go on and on this is about Religion.
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Again, no one is arguing that religion isn't soma for the masses but like most drugs it is dangerous. Escaping your problems in the hopes that there is something better only perpetuates those problems. See the comment I made about slavery. This mentality of black people "praying the racism away" has been used by America to keep them down for centuries and in many ways still does. Pre-occupation with the future corrupts the present.

And what the hell are you talking about, whether or not we were put here by some ghost isn't our existence and how well we do in life still a product of the circumstances of our birth? If God creates a black man and places him in Compton and a white man and places him in the Hamptons, wouldn't their lives be affected by the circumstances they were born into?

um, m'guy? all I said is I saw the appeal. peep the handle, the closest thing I know to a deity is the Sun.

the second part of this tirade is absolutely true, and also happens to be exactly what I said. just because you don't want to hear something doesn't make it untrue.

I understand this topic gets you cranked up, so ima chalk it up to pure unbridled the first generation of black folk to reject the Big Lie, we need to stay on the same page.
Um guy? And I said I acknowledge the appeal.  (Don't know what peep the handle means...)
"take note of the significance within the user name I have chosen to represent myself here on Niketalk." ...sure didn't learn the average color of the universe reading the King James Bible. (I'm just significantly blacker...tee-hee.)

you just let off a little friendly fire, but I get that weaning people off this whole religious deal is probably for the best where humanity is concerned.
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Do you believe everything to be true in the Quran?
All true all facts. We believe the Qur'an to be the word of God. A Muslim is one that believes that there's no other god worthy of worship and Muhammad (may peace be upon him) is the last prophet. Each nation was sent a prophet. If one died during the time of Jesus then you had to accept Jesus as the prophet, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon (may peace be upon them) etc.

All prophets were sent to guide their nation to the worship of the creator of the heavens and earth. If all of creation were to neglect these orders and not worship God alone, it would not diminish God's majesty in no way shape or form. It's the creation that needs the Creator not the other way around. You can kick scream and yell about 'religion is this' and 'religion is that' with your pseudo intellectual arguments but the knowledge is out there.

Instead of worrying about the next Jordan/Nike release and worshiping sneakers figure out your purpose in life. Some like to sugar coat the message and shy away from telling it like it is. Since the day Muhammad (may peace be upon him) received prophethood if one dies rejecting his message then eternal hell fire awaits. Meaning the submission to the will of God aka Islam is the only accepted religion.

Many of you may disagree and might think I'm too harsh but it is what it is. I feel content and confident in knowing that my guidance in life comes from the Creator. My response to everyone disagreeing is research. I won't go back and forth with you. 
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If folks really did the research, they would lean less towards religion. I find those types haven't even done any research themselves.
Yea um nah, the Quran isn't a peer reviewed scientific paper, I've read it. You can literally make whatever you want out of it. Objectively I think the God in the Koran and the Bible is a schizophrenic, jealous, murderous animal but the analysis you've been taught I suppose is equally valid. 

The worst thing you can tell an atheist is "Do the research for yourself". That's how I became an atheist in the first place. 
If folks really did the research, they would lean less towards religion. I find those types haven't even done any research themselves.
I believe God, the Holy Spirit, came upon Akira Toriyama and used him to write down Dragon Ball Z, which is the New Testament as opposed to Dragon Ball, the Old Testament, and the abomination that is Dragon Ball GT, which is pure heresy. I yield to the higher power...Super Saiyans. Praise be to King Kai, peace & blessing be upon him.
Truth isn't arbitrary, truth is truth. Obviously there are differing opinions about what the truth is. That doesn't mean truth isn't homogeneous, it just means peoples opinions aren't homogeneous.

I agree that being all on the same page is key. I'm saying we need to all be on the same page in regards to truth and not let these literal interpretations of religion divide us when in reality, they are all saying the same thing. It's translation, culture and time that makes it seem as if we are not all on the same page. It is through the literal interpretations that we've become divided.

What you fear is all in your perspective. People feared the nuclear/atom bomb. People fear the implications of the govt. technology disclosed by Snowden. People in the ME fear unmanned drones carrying heavy artillery. All products of science, nothing to do with religion. Science has resulted in death, destruction and oppression in that sense. But as I said before, it's people use of that science, not science itself. Same with religion. Abolishing religion and developing a strictly science based society will not eliminate any of those things. You have to change people, their goals, attitudes and mindset. What I am coming to realize as the truth of religion, the allegory, can do that. Science, as far as I can tell, cannot. Science is merely a tool to be used in a way in which people will it to be used. Science in and of itself is neutral.

truth can be skewed towards a person's opinion. at least that is what i have experienced. and on top of that a person's perspective changes throughout their lifetime. so what was once meaningful at a certain time, is no longer of any significance.

that is a big issue with religion, it makes people bicker with each other when in reality they are all trying to get to the same point in life. it's like everyone is on the outer limits of a circle and everyone is trying to get to the center and everyone feels their way of getting there is better. a lot of people don't get that what works for you, won't necessarily work everyone else.

allegory is good but only to a certain point in my opinion. allegory doesn't provide the skills of critical thinking like science does. because of religion, europeans during the dark ages were living in fear. and it was because the population were illiterate and dumb downed. so this case it is an example of how religion was used a tool to control the population. science can have it's evils as well. so, im not denying that. however, i feel like religion has played a much more heinous act in human history. but all in all, it's how a human uses the power they have at their disposal. either it can be used for the greater of humanity or to destroy it.
All true all facts. We believe the Qur'an to be the word of God.
Does that include the less savory parts of the Qur'an such as homosexuality being one of the worst sins a man can commit and the violent parts?

The scriptures of all the major organized religions contain a number of deplorable passages involving the killing of infidels, rampant hatred towards homosexuality, oppression of women, ...

When someone says the scripture is the word of God and all truth, I have to question if that includes everything said within it. Whether it's christianity, judaism or islam.

This experiment demonstrates how you can fool the average person by reading some of the Bible's worst passages and pretend it's the Qur'an

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Don't know if it's true. I'll know when I'm dead. There's messed up things in there I agree. I like to take the good parts out of it and roll with that. Allah is all forgiving so I think I'll be straight. Whether or not that makes me a "real" Muslim that's up to him to decide I guess.

Don't know if it's true. I'll know when I'm dead. There's messed up things in there I agree. I like to take the good parts out of it and roll with that. Allah is all forgiving so I think I'll be straight. Whether or not that makes me a "real" Muslim that's up to him to decide I guess.

My G

This might be the most rillest answer yet.

The fact that you acknowledge that you pick and choose is great.

I wish more religious people would just come on out and say it. :lol:
Please Muslim Brothers don't get caught up with this. It's a never ending discussion. They have their beliefs we have ours.

Don't know if it's true. I'll know when I'm dead. There's messed up things in there I agree. I like to take the good parts out of it and roll with that. Allah is all forgiving so I think I'll be straight. Whether or not that makes me a "real" Muslim that's up to him to decide I guess.

If only more religious people followed your mindset. 
I was raised christian and gave it up.

"You have to have faith" was the answer the to all the tougher the questions I asked.

Eventually I realized that no one is closer to god than anyone else and now resent growing up being guilted and shamed for natural mistakes.

I took the message of being good to others seriously .

What it led to was everyone taking advantage of my good nature.

Whoever god like to kick him down the stairs.

He is absolutely cruel and is taking pleasure in suffering and creating confusion. 

Or he got bored and abandoned us.

People suffer and die with no answers everyday....what kind if goof god would really sit there counting sins after putting you where you never asked to be in the first place?........After leaving you amongst millions of liars and fake stories that could lead you away from ever finding him anyway.?

All to what? Teach humanity the way to be good over thousands of years?

If he doesnt just open up the sky and tell us whats good he might as well be the devil.
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