Religious famb... Keep it funky...

There's no whales in the region cause they probably stole that story from another culture. :lol:

just like the story of jesus is told over and over again in different cultures. it has more to do with astrology than anything.
Whats the worst that can happen?

Religious people are happy, yeah some force it but not all do.

So if ima live a Christian life and you live the opposite, when we die we find out if heaven or hell is real.

If im right, sucks to be you, but if im wrong and your right, well we both dead and thats it. No afterlife right? Or is it some magical thing that puts us in some mans nut sack?

Explain reproduction and how weve come from caveman days.
I don't understand how people can't see that the bible (as well as pretty much every mainstream religion) is allegory, just like every other great work of literature.

The people in here trying to disprove elements of a literal interpretation are just as bad as people who hold a literal interpretation to be true. And yall call yourselves intellectuals. :rolleyes
I don't understand how people can't see that the bible (as well as pretty much every mainstream religion) is allegory, just like every other great work of literature.

The people in here trying to disprove elements of a literal interpretation are just as bad as people who hold a literal interpretation to be true. And yall call yourselves intellectuals. :rolleyes

i can distinguish from both. it's just funny when religious people say "well with faith anything can happen." i can't jump off a building and believe i will fly due to faith. and that is the part some people forget about the bible. it's more to teach morals and be a good human. but people take it to another level.
I don't understand how people can't see that the bible (as well as pretty much every mainstream religion) is allegory, just like every other great work of literature.

The people in here trying to disprove elements of a literal interpretation are just as bad as people who hold a literal interpretation to be true. And yall call yourselves intellectuals. :rolleyes
There's a rather shocking amount of people who believe in the Bible in a literal sense. They impede the progress of science and push a toxic narrative. People dismantle the literal interpretation because there's so many who genuinely believe that interpretation.
Impeding science and toxic narratives aren't exclusive to religion and I don't think arguing over what is scientifically possible or provable is going to change that particular group of peoples mind. In this day and age those things have pretty much been neutralized.

There is truth in the bible, beyond some subjective moral code. If you're not going to expand your mind and try to discover what it is, I don't see the point in wasting time telling people what it's not. Applying logic to fiction is no great feat, discovering truth in allegory would be much more fulfilling, but I guess thats just my opinion.
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Fair enough. Id argue science has added a fair amount of toxicity to the world we live in as well. Its people who chose to direct their efforts to good or bad regardless of the underlying motivation or belief system. Understanding the principles of religion would be much more beneficial than to allow free reign of either science or literal religion imo.
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LOL because everything God does it good right chap?
What do you mean "understanding the principles of religion", religion is so arbitrary to begin with and the interpretation varies from individual to individual and from sect to sect. Muslims who believe in killing for Allah are equally valid in their beliefs as those that do not.

The scientific METHOD is universal even if widely held facts exists (eg. gravity) we constantly strive for better understanding of the world around us. 
Remember the destroyer of pleasures, this life is temporary.
I mean the allegory. The purpose of life.

What you are talking about in terms of interpretation and muslims ect.. is still along the lines of literal interpretation.

I'm not dismissing science or the method, or saying that the logic is flawed. What people do with it, how it is applied practically in the world we live in today is separate than the validity of it's method or discoveries. Some people use science/religion to make the world a better place, some people use them to make it worse. What I'm saying is offering a universal truth or purpose of life will, by definition, only result in the betterment of people and society.
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I mean the allegory. The purpose of life.

What you are talking about in terms of interpretation and muslims ect.. is still along the lines of literal interpretation.

I'm not dismissing science or the method, or saying that the logic is flawed. What people do with it, how it is applied practically in the world we live in today is separate than the validity of it's method or discoveries. Some people use science/religion to make the world a better place, some people use them to make it worse. What I'm saying is offering a universal truth or purpose of life will, by definition, only result in the betterment of people and society.

truth is very arbitrary though. what might be true to you is not homogeneous world wide. i feel like some parts of religion create separation to the point where people have the mindset of if you are not with me, you are against me. it's quite sad because there is so much out there that can be learned from people who not align with your thoughts and how you perceive the world. which is why i enjoy traveling and encountering new people. before my beliefs, i am a human being. as a human being we all go through similar emotions and whatnot. the more we can be on the same page the better we are off as a species. and i feel like science is much more helpful to achieve that. religion makes me angry and fearful of unknown voyages. at least some people come off that way at times.
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Yea the problem with this is, it leads to a lot of ignorance. There's already so much suffering on this earth and people who assume there's something better out there tend to care less about how they treat their fellow man and nature.

If there's another life personally I think that would suck but I'll find out when I die, for now I'm just tryna deal with reality...something that escapes many religious folks.

There's a reason why slavery was so effective, white people fed slaves that same narrative of suffering being temporary which bred complacency. 

This guy :lol:

You definitely have doubt in the bs you throw in this site.

Have fun lickin satans testicles.
Whats the worst that can happen?

Religious people are happy, yeah some force it but not all do.

So if ima live a Christian life and you live the opposite, when we die we find out if heaven or hell is real.

If im right, sucks to be you, but if im wrong and your right, well we both dead and thats it. No afterlife right? Or is it some magical thing that puts us in some mans nut sack?

Explain reproduction and how weve come from caveman days.
Remember when I posted this in response to your argument previously and you had no answer?

You'd think that you would've learned by that.  

You're NT's biggest laughing-stock since Superb.  Sit down. 
Whats the worst that can happen?


I hear you.

I actually agree.

But a non-believer can't use that as the reason as to why they all of a sudden believe. You can't MAKE yourself believe.

Also, how stupid is God if he allows people to get into Heaven off of the, "Well, I might as well believe since I have nothing to lose." He is all knowing right?
truth is very arbitrary though. what might be true to you is not homogeneous world wide. i feel like some parts of religion create separation to the point where people have the mindset of if you are not with me, you are against me. it's quite sad because there is so much out there that can be learned from people who not align with your thoughts and how you perceive the world. which is why i enjoy traveling and encountering new people. before my beliefs, i am a human being. as a human being we all go through similar emotions and whatnot. the more we can be on the same page the better we are off as a species. and i feel like science is much more helpful to achieve that. religion makes me angry and fearful of unknown voyages. at least some people come off that way at times.

Truth isn't arbitrary, truth is truth. Obviously there are differing opinions about what the truth is. That doesn't mean truth isn't homogeneous, it just means peoples opinions aren't homogeneous.

I agree that being all on the same page is key. I'm saying we need to all be on the same page in regards to truth and not let these literal interpretations of religion divide us when in reality, they are all saying the same thing. It's translation, culture and time that makes it seem as if we are not all on the same page. It is through the literal interpretations that we've become divided.

What you fear is all in your perspective. People feared the nuclear/atom bomb. People fear the implications of the govt. technology disclosed by Snowden. People in the ME fear unmanned drones carrying heavy artillery. All products of science, nothing to do with religion. Science has resulted in death, destruction and oppression in that sense. But as I said before, it's people use of that science, not science itself. Same with religion. Abolishing religion and developing a strictly science based society will not eliminate any of those things. You have to change people, their goals, attitudes and mindset. What I am coming to realize as the truth of religion, the allegory, can do that. Science, as far as I can tell, cannot. Science is merely a tool to be used in a way in which people will it to be used. Science in and of itself is neutral.

Religious people accept this divide between science and religion, but reap the benefits of science when convenient. If we want to make science a school of philosophical thought, most scientists are closer to secular humanists. And a lot of technology that has been used for destruction was used by evil religious men. 

Unfortunately, don't think this will ever happen.
Group chat with my boys, discussing solutions for what black men are going through in this country.

Christian Extremist Friend says the following

CE: I am protected by God
Me: How does God PHYSICALLY protect you while you are on THIS earth
CE: What do you mean? God is in control of everything. How can't he protect?
Me: So if you get pulled over, and a police officer shoots a bullet at you, if it gets through, God wanted it to happen right?
CE: If he wanted me alive, he would stop the bullet
Me: I never know when you are trolling

But he has said nonsense like this before. Wild
Being religious requires a leap of faith. 

Faith is a concept which isn't based on logic or science. And yes, science doesn't have all the answers. But science aims to provide theories, and those theories are iterated and constantly improved as more evidence is uncovered. Which is the opposite of what religious tries to do.

I cannot bring myself to take such large leaps of faith, therefore I am not religious. I guess I'm too skeptical to believe something that cannot be proven. 
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Where do yall draw the line? I have my beliefs but I'm not super religious. But where do u guys say OK this is Gods work and this is science (space for example where we have answers)

And what about this crap?

Why are answers always necessary? Questions which cannot be explained by science (yet) does not imply a God exists, and it also does not imply a God doesn't exist. It's OK not to know, maybe in a few thousands years more answers will be uncovered by science, but it's baffling to me when people use the "Science doesn't have all the answers" argument to support their belief in God. like how does that even work? 
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