Reggie Miller as a commentator UNappreciation

I know I was bashing Reggie earlier, but after watching the ASG and seeing him give major props to Kobe, I take everything bad I said about him back. HeyReggie, you are okay in my books.
I have to agree... Reggie really is annoying. He was a great player, but now he seems to just be trying TOO hard to be cool. He gets all loud and obnoxious forreally no reason and makes fun of people in a really awkward way.

I'm starting to really get annoyed by Kenny too. Kenny was a decent player and all, but he talks like he was on par with Chuck, and Magic just because hedoes TNT with them now. It's starting to get a little tired.

reggie is awful. he tries to be funny but fails terriblely. why does he call nate lex luther. who is that?

Lex Luther is Superman's arch-enemy... come on man....
It's weird when he praises Kobe the way he does, since they got down few years back.
Miller as a player was one of my favorites.

But yea as a commentator dude struggles.
[Brings back old thread]

Reggie is absolutely annoying. I hate how he tries to brag about himself in the most subtle way but fails.
damn. i thought ASW he would be done with wanting to do games for awhile. but hes back for TNT.. there losing me as a viewer thats for sure. he doesnt have avoice for TV. his analysis is average at best.

terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible choice
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