"Redpill" Content & The Affect On Kids

sure I can acknowledge I just think it's totally overhyped.

The content is authentically popular. and way to popular to ban or censor out of existence.

I think the only way to ensure these people couldn't court audiences on a "mass scale" is the deletion of the internet.

Peter Theil or whosoever could go bankrupt tomorrow, the content would roll on. I don't think it's right wing George Soros pulling the strings that's driving this.

It is, and it’s a network of it. And it’s very obvious. They handing out million dollar deals to exclusively bring their audience to their platform. You think it’s overhyped, I think it’s an accurate reading.

We are saying the same thing :lol:. I don’t get it. It’s very easy to see and acknowledge. I think it’s worthwhile to give background as to why it’s unique today. These are talking points these kids are repeating. We are talking about SNEAKO here, and the red pill community and their impact on young boys. That is the discussion.

I don’t get the sense in ho-humming the obvious money, politics and intent behind it. But we can have a larger convo.
Ok. Let me make an analogy.

We've all seen people that try to be funny, but fail miserably and it comes off as cringe bc it's an art that some people just don't "get".

The Andrew Tates of the world know that women love a certain type of a-hole, and that's what they are trying to teach men, but it's an art that a lot men just don't "get" and it comes off as cringe.

Here are women saying they like toxic men and don't like respectful, caring men

The Tate followers WANT WOMEN. They are doing what they think women crave, but they just don't "get it".

Justpearl is literally part of the same exact grift too. The fact you don’t know that, is funny to me. And you somehow missed that. These are paid influencers, strategically pushing a message.
Justpearl is literally part of the same exact grift too. The fact you don’t know that, is funny to me. And you somehow missed that. These are paid influencers, strategically pushing a message.
What are your views on the street interviews with random women that admit to liking toxic men?

I honestly think all of this is the result of the broken home becoming so normal.
What are your views on the street interviews with random women that admit to liking toxic men?

I honestly think all of this is the result of the broken home becoming so normal.

Well, some women DO like toxic men. And they have forever. When was the broken home not normal? Cuz you need to ask people about their actual real family lives in the 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s etc. Dudes legit had whole entire families a town over :lol:. The appearance of it, was not normalized. I agree with that. And a strong family unit does indeed help bring hood structure.

But Are you talking about the street interviews, where random, drunk people out partying are asked questions about men/sex/dating? :lol:

Or is there another genre as well. If so, point me to it. I’m 100% sure if you do just a little bit of research, you’ll find these people as paid influencers as well.
Nick Fuentes (who SNEAKO & Kanye & Trump) all **** with and collaborate with, literally said having sex with women makes you gay :lol:

These dudes are mentally deranged, but they got bankrolled to make this type of content, on the heels of this **** called “gamer gate”. And gamer gate led to the new alt right ecosystem, which all these dudes essentially orbit and get paid handsomely from it from Billionaires (all connected to Elon funny enough). It’s really wicked, and Steve Bannon and them is one the brainchild’s of this. Mike Flynn too

Essentially they wanted to capture the youth politically…and red pill content is an entry point. So some Billionaires invested in this ****. They doing it with Kai & Ishowspeed too. And Akademiks as well. I hope them brothers (not Akademiks) will realize it. But it may be too late.

Serious question: To the people that think they're a bad influence, do you think explicit rap music is equally as bad? It degrades women even worse imo, but l guess it gets a pass bc it rhymes and has catchy beats.

I always thought it was inappropriate for kids to listen to explicit music.

I'll never understand how rappers are worshipped the way they are, ESPECIALLY in this #metoo climate.
I can't equate the two. These youtubers and the lane they occupy help shape the mind of the kids that fall victim to the content. I believe music CAN have the same ability to do so but the musical element is what makes it less effective in comparison IMO.
90% of rappers.
"F*** B****, Get Money" has always been Wayne's motto and he's adored... which has always been mind boggling to me.

If lil Wayne told men to have sex with other men… would you have listened? That’s my point. Lil Wayne might’ve said that but meanwhile in his personal life, he was dating women. Having relations, having kids. What he said was just a lyric in a song. Only a fool would believe dude really hated women :lol: :lol:

Y’all have to stop thinking people need to digest everything in a song. If a person believes or re-enacts 100% of any artform, whether music, movies, etc then that’s a personal problem.

Wayne and other rappers may have said “f*** b_” but they also rap about sexing them as well.

You’d be a fool to take on certain lyrics as facts.

Any man that says “f*** b*** ad nauseam or says bros over h***” will be always very suspect in my eyes because if you’d rather chill with men, more than women, I’m gone think you’re a switch hitter. That’s just me
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It’s still adults out here who take every rap lyric, or song lyric seriously??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It’s certain jewels you’re supposed listen to and decipher but if you’re foolish enough to believe everything a rapper or musician says is facts then shame you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Real Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple stile idiots :lol:
What are your views on the street interviews with random women that admit to liking toxic men?

I honestly think all of this is the result of the broken home becoming so normal.

Broken homes have been normal. Women have always liked those type of men.

Like what world did you all live in before the internet? If you’re in your 30s and wasn’t aware of this, you are definitely behind the 8-ball.

Disney princess fairytale movies, the notebook, etc have really damaged people. That’s not a reality. All that stuff is a fallacy.

Adults need to realize that a lot human beings are messed up in the head, emotionally and physically.

The older you get, the more baggage you have.

It’s people in their 30s and 40s that date, and assume that whoever their courting shouldn’t have baggage. That’s a child’s mentality.

People either don’t know how to compromise, or don’t want to compromise and they’ll always be miserable, because they believe in fairytales. If you’re not willing to bend or change, whenever you enter the dating field, you’ll forever lose.
a) Any “straight” male that talks like this is definitely in the closet or crying out for help. Y’all have to read between the lines.

b) y’all never notice that a lot of these red pill dudes or male relationship “gurus” are never married, never have kids, or never even have a girlfriend for that matter :lol: :lol: :lol:

It’s all one big internet racket. This is all about money and preying on naive people:lol:
The biggest relationship gurus (such as Steve Harvey) have been married multiple times, which is hilarious to me.
Serious question: To the people that think they're a bad influence, do you think explicit rap music is equally as bad? It degrades women even worse imo, but l guess it gets a pass bc it rhymes and has catchy beats.

I always thought it was inappropriate for kids to listen to explicit music.

I'll never understand how rappers are worshipped the way they are, ESPECIALLY in this #metoo climate.
i mean rap music is like that is for the club
but these kids are being preached too thats different
Posted this in the Tate thread, but l think it fits in here too:

To be honest, Tate is just a younger, better dressed Donald Trump and look how many people worship and adore Mr Grab 'em by the
Both are highly polarized.

Tate is the type of dude that women will swear they hate, but late at night creep to see him when no one's looking. They can't fool me lol I've seen it far too often.
Steve Harvey panders to women because women are usually the most loyal and consistent fanbase that any entertainer can have. They spend more if not as equally as men, they have a longer attention span so they’re drawn in more. They’re just more supportive.

It’s a reason LL Cool J, or a Drake started making more female ballads and songs driven towards the female psyche.

Females support and spend more money and are more likely to be a loyal fan and support you long term, than men. Plus, they’re good at word of mouth and spreading your movement.
I don't think we can censored our way out of this problem. But this nonsense has to challenged and can't just be written off as boys being boys. Something the will surely grow out of.

But I think it is complaining about this content exist is fair.

I think having an issue with how algorithms push this stuff out there is fair

And I think just dismissing this stuff as harmless is dumb

Like so what similar contented existed in the past. It was bad then, why would it be okay now? Furthermore, I think past content has stuck generations of older men with some some stupid, sexist, and counter productive views. I would think people would want better for future generations. These bitter older men become marks for new scammers and charlatans.

And I think men people confuse boys growing out of these views with boys learning that there is a social, and often financial cost to openly voicing it.

I said and sexist and homophobic when I was 13. Not to the degree in the video, but still sexist and homophobic. I grew out of these views because of teachers checking them, family, real world experiences, furthering my education, etc. I was not highly online, besides lurking on NT, in my late teens and early 20s. I think that allowed the more positive influences in.

My concern for Gen Z and Gen Alpha is that they are very much more online, and with other societal shifts, less boys gonna grow out of this nonsense. It will be harder to disabuse more of them of this ****. I think a majority will but there will be more angry, ignorant young men around. That can't happen handle having to pay the social cost for repeating this type of ********. And there will be another scammer there telling them about how right they are, and how they are actually the real victims in all this.

I think that raises the probability of bad outcomes for a society and especially women. Even worse, like we see with white supremacy, or libertarian economics, fringe silly ideas have a way of being sanitized and made mainstream.

So again, censorship probably isn't the answer. But this **** needs to be called out and challenged.
Serious question: To the people that think they're a bad influence, do you think explicit rap music is equally as bad? It degrades women even worse imo, but l guess it gets a pass bc it rhymes and has catchy beats.

I always thought it was inappropriate for kids to listen to explicit music.

I'll never understand how rappers are worshipped the way they are, ESPECIALLY in this #metoo climate.

Do you not realize that women are more liberated, damn near out here half naked on social media and real life?

Nudity, Sex and porn is being promoted more than it EVER has. The average person, let alone kid can go on social media right now and see sex and nudity. Facebook, Ig, twitter, etc. it’s all sexual imagery and innuendos.

What’s the difference between rap music, and social media promoting the same stuff that rap promotes? It’s all EQUAL.

Kids don’t need rap music to witness misogyny when it’s already being plastered on social media :lol: :lol:
Ironic considering the He Man woman haters who transitioned to Chelsea boot wearing Future Hive fan club members.

It's like everyone forgot how ADULT NTers used to act towards the few women who used to frequent NT.
a) Any “straight” male that talks like this is definitely in the closet or crying out for help. Y’all have to read between the lines.

b) y’all never notice that a lot of these red pill dudes or male relationship “gurus” are never married, never have kids, or never even have a girlfriend for that matter :lol: :lol: :lol:

It’s all one big internet racket. This is all about money and preying on naive people:lol:
Wasn’t there a big name dating coach that got caught cheating on his gf/wife during Covid? Racket indeed :rofl:
Wasn’t there a big name dating coach that got caught cheating on his gf/wife during Covid? Racket indeed :rofl:
You mean homeboy that made a video about cheating dudes while parked outside the side piece's house?
There’s definitely a concerted push to make this kind of content and promote it. Hell, some of it shows up on my IG feed and I never look at that kinda stuff.

Kids really don’t be outside and just ingest all of this toxic content on a daily basis which was probably exacerbated during COVID. On top of that, I think we’ve failed to make safe places for teenagers to go outside their homes. Malls have closed, movie theaters have closed, rec centers seem to be few and far between in a lot of communities.

I think it’s a bigger societal issue that takes somebody much smarter than me to explain, but sadly far less of those kids are just gonna “grow out of it”. And frankly, I think we overestimate how many ppl in their late 20s-30s have really “grown out” of certain mindsets.
I don't think we can censored our way out of this problem. But this nonsense has to challenged and can't just be written off as boys being boys. Something the will surely grow out of.

But I think it is complaining about this content exist is fair.

I think having an issue with how algorithms push this stuff out there is fair

And I think just dismissing this stuff as harmless is dumb

Like so what similar contented existed in the past. It was bad then, why would it be okay now? Furthermore, I think past content has stuck generations of older men with some some stupid, sexist, and counter productive views. I would think people would want better for future generations. These bitter older men become marks for new scammers and charlatans.

And I think men people confuse boys growing out of these views with boys learning that there is a social, and often financial cost to openly voicing it.

I said and sexist and homophobic when I was 13. Not to the degree in the video, but still sexist and homophobic. I grew out of these views because of teachers checking them, family, real world experiences, furthering my education, etc. I was not highly online, besides lurking on NT, in my late teens and early 20s. I think that allowed the more positive influences in.

My concern for Gen Z and Gen Alpha is that they are very much more online, and with other societal shifts, less boys gonna grow out of this nonsense. It will be harder to disabuse more of them of this ****. I think a majority will but there will be more angry, ignorant young men around. That can't happen handle having to pay the social cost for repeating this type of bull****. And there will be another scammer there telling them about how right they are, and how they are actually the real victims in all this.

I think that raises the probability of bad outcomes for a society and especially women. Even worse, like we see with white supremacy, or libertarian economics, fringe silly ideas have a way of being sanitized and made mainstream.

So again, censorship probably isn't the answer. But this **** needs to be called out and challenged.

Interesting to se there is now a subreddit for exiting the red pill. Although Reddit played a huge part in radicalizing these dudes too.

Some of the stories here are bonkers. But you can see step by step testimonials of how these dudes were drawn in, and how it’s ruining their lives overall. They wasting money, getting finessed, getting lonelier, angrier and more isolated…and getting no yambs. Like you said, there comes a time where there will be a social cost for this type of f-erry….and they are trying to find a way out. Especially since “the manosphere” is dying now.

And yeah, Writing it off as “ho-hum” , “boys will be boys” or “overhyped” is really missing the mark. And idk why osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh is eager to do that, like we all don’t know why these boys feel this way, and why the people taking advantage of them…are doing it in a unique way that needs to be addressed. And there has to be some accountability. Plus, nobody was even talking about “censorship”. Idk how that talking point even comes up.
I think there's a difference in the way music is consumed compared to the way content from these internet life coaches is consumed
I can't equate the two. These youtubers and the lane they occupy help shape the mind of the kids that fall victim to the content. I believe music CAN have the same ability to do so but the musical element is what makes it less effective in comparison IMO.

Pretty sure it's scientifically proven that the musical element makes learning, retention and engagement MORE effective than it otherwise would be. It's why the ABCs are in song form, all these children's shows are sing alongs.
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