Realtalk, NT. I need advice.


Jun 1, 2008

-Your girl is easily offended.
-Your girl tries to change you. (Keeps you from drinking/smoking.)
-Your girl doesn't like to go to parties, and will infact act depressed when you go. (Even when you've tried to introduce her to friends on variousoccasions.)
-When your girl does indeed go to parties, she invites 3 or 4 of her (ugly/lame) friends with to "make her feel more comfortable."
-Your girl will readily go to a frat party with a friend. (And will become angered when you voice your concern.)
-Your girl is always busy and feels the need to study EVERY day.
-Your girl always hangs out with the same exact people, and becomes socially awkward in the presence of others.
-Your girl is okay with her best friends prying your hand away from hers (literally prying, without saying anything. Walk up, grab hands, being prying.)
-Your girl gets mad at incredibly petty things, and will refuse to kiss you or even give you a hug after an apology.
-Your girl never wants to go out. Even for lunch at local cafes/bars.
-When offered an outing on a weekend, your girl will claim to have plans earlier that day. And when she is finished, she leaves you hanging and offering amovie in her room in exchange. (Without the chance of smashing.)
-Your girl says that she only becomes physically intimate to "please" you because she's a "people pleaser."

Now Imagine:
-You're a 17 year old athlete, starting on the best rugby team in it's division in Minnesota.
-You go to one of the sluttiest universities in the midwest, and could be smashing pretty much every weekend (instead of twice a month. And getting sub-parhead.)
-You've received multiple texts and have been told by other girls that you should dump your girlfriend while they're still single.
-You're *decent* looking.

Realtalk, this is the happiest I've ever been in a relationship (which isn't really saying much, I've had 3 serious girlfriends. Serious meaninglegitimately caring for them and vice versa.) But, I feel like we have very few things in common. That often gets in the way of either of us having fun. Sometimes I think she's the real deal and that we have longevity, and other days I'm seconds away from telling her that I'm not really feeling therelationship. It varies pretty much every day, and I'm tired of having to compromise the way I've been living for 17 years so that she'll be happy

what would you do NT?

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seems like you've already made up your mind by listing the negative things about the relationship

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get a better pic
Why don't you just "take a break", smash everything you see and taste the difference in lifestyle.
If you don't like it, try and get her back. If you can't, tough ****.
Realtalk, this is the happiest I've ever been in a relationship (which isn't really saying much, I've had 3 serious girlfriends. Serious meaning legitimately caring for them and vice versa.) But, I feel like we have very few things in common. That often gets in the way of either of us having fun. Some times I think she's the real deal and that we have longevity, and other days I'm seconds away from telling her that I'm not really feeling the relationship. It varies pretty much every day, and I'm tired of having to compromise the way I've been living for 17 years so that she'll be happy
tell this to her and see how she reacts.

but honestly fam, you sound like a broad that just started college. she had a serious relationship with a dude through high school and once she gets to collegeshe wants to spread her wings. i understand you dont want to cheat on her, but let her know you lowkey not happy. she sound like wifey material, but i wouldtake her to dinner or something and just let her know how you feel fam. just so she understands where you coming from.

my two cents
Originally Posted by doosta45

Realtalk, this is the happiest I've ever been in a relationship (which isn't really saying much, I've had 3 serious girlfriends. Serious meaning legitimately caring for them and vice versa.) But, I feel like we have very few things in common. That often gets in the way of either of us having fun. Some times I think she's the real deal and that we have longevity, and other days I'm seconds away from telling her that I'm not really feeling the relationship. It varies pretty much every day, and I'm tired of having to compromise the way I've been living for 17 years so that she'll be happy
tell this to her and see how she reacts.

but honestly fam, you sound like a broad that just started college. she had a serious relationship with a dude through high school and once she gets to college she wants to spread her wings. i understand you dont want to cheat on her, but let her know you lowkey not happy. she sound like wifey material, but i would take her to dinner or something and just let her know how you feel fam. just so she understands where you coming from.

my two cents
thing is, i have. twice. and her response both times was "well, don't worry. if you want me to change, I'll change."

And the second time I told her, I asked her why it hadn't changed AT ALL. she said "i dont know. i just can't change overnight." fine anddandy, but you expect me to?

+*+ just doesn't make sense. and she didnt have a relationship in highschool. im her first real boyfriend, haha. and I approached her about being in anopen relationship, but she's not down with that. sad part is, she is a good girl, she just isn't used to my lifestyle and i dont think she's reallyinterested in being apart of it.
Originally Posted by soltheman

she just isn't used to my lifestyle and i dont think she's really interested in being apart of it.
i think you've made up your mind and from what i read she really isn't what you're looking for at this point in your life. i mean shecan't expect things to be the same after high school and especially if you're just two different people. the whole "people pleaser" thingwas just the deal-breaker, if she was serious about that then idk what to say other than do you still have those other girls' numbers that said they'restill single?...
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

lol you've listed almost everything that my girl is like.
hard, ain't it?


and just because she doesn't like my lifestyle doesn't mean she doesn't want to be with me. at least, that's what she's said. i dont know,it kind of has its perks, but it's weird when all of my friends at a party will be with their girlfriends and i'll be like "oh, mine? shes at herdorm studying"
Why would you put yourself in that situation tho? At 17 you shouldn't even be thinking about serious relationships.

There will be a time for that. You should be out there having fun.
get a new chick real talk.

I counted more negatives on your list than positives.

Save both of your time.
Let me tell you, she wouldn't be my girl. Sounds like you have absolutly nothing going with this girl. If you are putting up with that you are a simp. Ifshe can't hang out with your friends or her friends are getting in the way of you 2 you need to either leave her or sit her %#$ down and have a seriousconversation about the things you just listed.
ohhh the good old ben franklin list....yea man your way to young to be strung up on "some chick" id get my hands on everything that walks if i wasthat age. Get it out of your system
Morning sir, I'm going to be brutally honest and tell you straight up like some of the others, ditch her. You should be having fun right now. Living it up,not being chained to someone like that. And yeah, you're too young to be thinking like that.

You have your mid-twenties to get into that stuff. Save it for then, get onto the smashing-bandwagon and bag some girls
you're seventeen homie.

*wedding crashers* get out there and catch those beautiful butterflies *wedding crashers*
dude, end it. smash those chicks man... smash em... TRUST ME. you dont wanna miss out cuz of her... happened to me... i dont regret bein wit my ex at thetime... but i realize now i didnt do alot of things cuz of her....

Oh yea pics of your girl?! GOOD ONES.
Let me get this straight. You're 17 and have had 3 "serious girlfriends" and your current one could be "the real deal"??? Dump thatbroad
Homie you know I know what school you go to... home of girls like this


-Your girl is easily offended.
-Your girl tries to change you. (Keeps you from drinking/smoking.)
-Your girl doesn't like to go to parties, and will infact act depressed when you go. (Even when you've tried to introduce her to friends on various occasions.)
-When your girl does indeed go to parties, she invites 3 or 4 of her (ugly/lame) friends with to "make her feel more comfortable."
-Your girl will readily go to a frat party with a friend. (And will become angered when you voice your concern.)
-Your girl is always busy and feels the need to study EVERY day.
-Your girl always hangs out with the same exact people, and becomes socially awkward in the presence of others.
-Your girl is okay with her best friends prying your hand away from hers (literally prying, without saying anything. Walk up, grab hands, being prying.)
-Your girl gets mad at incredibly petty things, and will refuse to kiss you or even give you a hug after an apology.
-Your girl never wants to go out. Even for lunch at local cafes/bars.
-When offered an outing on a weekend, your girl will claim to have plans earlier that day. And when she is finished, she leaves you hanging and offering a movie in her room in exchange. (Without the chance of smashing.)
-Your girl says that she only becomes physically intimate to "please" you because she's a "people pleaser."
Six really good reasons to break up. Add this in:

-You go to one of the sluttiest universities in the midwest
Which is a scientific fact, and I think you've already made your decision.
It's not even about the grass is greener or anything like that but I'm not sure that you're even in a relationship - surely that involves enjoyingsome of the same things and enjoying each others company.

You need to move on. No question.
Maybe she shouldn't be your girl? Honestly, the fact that kids need NT to come to conclusions about %#@#%+ relationships like this is sad. And what the*%*% is a rugby?

What West2East said the other day was spot on. Immaturity and lack of experience. These threads actually are annoying.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

And what the *%*% is a rugby?
Are you serious?

I know it's not a big sport in the US but it's not that unusual. The US team were respectable in the last world cup.
Seems like you've already made your mind up and just need a few people to cosign so you dont feel so bad about breaking this girls heart....
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