Realtalk, NT. I need advice.

Now Imagine:
-You're a 17 year old athlete, starting on the best rugby team in it's division in Minnesota.
c'mon homie, you're only 17
... go out there andexplore the many women
..... as Men,we are in our prime during theearly 20's through mid 30's (even beyond that for others)

you don't need to stay with this girl if you feel there isn't much going on between you two.

I'm tired of having to compromise the way I've been living for 17 years so that she'll be happy
It sounds like you're forcing yourself and that's not good. It has to be natural.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Homie you know I know what school you go to... home of girls like this


-Your girl is easily offended.
-Your girl tries to change you. (Keeps you from drinking/smoking.)
-Your girl doesn't like to go to parties, and will infact act depressed when you go. (Even when you've tried to introduce her to friends on various occasions.)
-When your girl does indeed go to parties, she invites 3 or 4 of her (ugly/lame) friends with to "make her feel more comfortable."
-Your girl will readily go to a frat party with a friend. (And will become angered when you voice your concern.)
-Your girl is always busy and feels the need to study EVERY day.
-Your girl always hangs out with the same exact people, and becomes socially awkward in the presence of others.
-Your girl is okay with her best friends prying your hand away from hers (literally prying, without saying anything. Walk up, grab hands, being prying.)
-Your girl gets mad at incredibly petty things, and will refuse to kiss you or even give you a hug after an apology.
-Your girl never wants to go out. Even for lunch at local cafes/bars.
-When offered an outing on a weekend, your girl will claim to have plans earlier that day. And when she is finished, she leaves you hanging and offering a movie in her room in exchange. (Without the chance of smashing.)
-Your girl says that she only becomes physically intimate to "please" you because she's a "people pleaser."
Six really good reasons to break up. Add this in:

-You go to one of the sluttiest universities in the midwest
Which is a scientific fact, and I think you've already made your decision.

i think you pretty much already made up your mind when you made this thread.
If you say this is the "happiest" you've ever been in a relationship, then you missing out . I'd def dump her and start meeting new ppl,you're still young
make the best of it.
One of the better and more realistic "relationship issues" threads I have seen on NT.

Man you have to make a stand. Let her know that if she doesn't get her act together that you might want to get out of this thing. Don't be so blunt butlet her know you aren't happy and continue to do things WITHOUT her.

If you want to take her skiing and she says she is busy, go anyway. FInd your boys and go with them. She will eventually get the picture that she is holdingyou back and you consider her boring.
Originally Posted by kopNkicks

Seems like you've already made your mind up and just need a few people to cosign so you dont feel so bad about breaking this girls heart....
Pretty much.

I'm going to have a talk with her. I really like the girl, and I don't want to hurt her, but if being with her means I'm a second priority betweenher friends and her hobbies (the studying I'm totally respectful of,) I really don't need to be with her.

It's gonna be super awkward if we have a class together next semester. Oh well.

Thanks NT. Solid advice.

Originally Posted by kdawg

It's not even about the grass is greener or anything like that but I'm not sure that you're even in a relationship - surely that involves enjoying some of the same things and enjoying each others company.

You need to move on. No question.
I do. When we're both not busy, we get along really well. We joke, we laugh, we have inside jokes, and we enjoy each others company. We have alot of the same outlooks on a bunch of subjects (shes one of few liberals on this campus,) and I can engage in serious conversations with her (which is rare.)I just think that the bad outweighs the good in this case.

ALSO; to dudes saying that I'm only 17 and all that, I know.
I just enjoy being in a relationship over getting random play. My senior yearwas all random hook ups, and it's not as fulfilling (to me) as a relationship. That's just me though.
You're a teenager, go out and have some !+%*#%! fun. Too young to be in a serious relationship anyways
Originally Posted by soltheman


-Your girl is easily offended.
-Your girl tries to change you. (Keeps you from drinking/smoking.)
-Your girl doesn't like to go to parties, and will infact act depressed when you go. (Even when you've tried to introduce her to friends on various occasions.)
-When your girl does indeed go to parties, she invites 3 or 4 of her (ugly/lame) friends with to "make her feel more comfortable."
-Your girl will readily go to a frat party with a friend. (And will become angered when you voice your concern.)
-Your girl is always busy and feels the need to study EVERY day.
-Your girl always hangs out with the same exact people, and becomes socially awkward in the presence of others.
-Your girl is okay with her best friends prying your hand away from hers (literally prying, without saying anything. Walk up, grab hands, being prying.)
-Your girl gets mad at incredibly petty things, and will refuse to kiss you or even give you a hug after an apology.
-Your girl never wants to go out. Even for lunch at local cafes/bars.
-When offered an outing on a weekend, your girl will claim to have plans earlier that day. And when she is finished, she leaves you hanging and offering a movie in her room in exchange. (Without the chance of smashing.)
-Your girl says that she only becomes physically intimate to "please" you because she's a "people pleaser."
Your girl should get dumped.
Damn homie, you in college and you talkin bout only gettin action twice a month? Even every weekend?
I say break it off, you gonna keep feeling the same way cause you already talked to her about it and this is going to be the third time and still no change.Break it off and have fun while you still young.

Where the pics at?
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by kopNkicks

Seems like you've already made your mind up and just need a few people to cosign so you dont feel so bad about breaking this girls heart....
Pretty much.

I'm going to have a talk with her. I really like the girl, and I don't want to hurt her, but if being with her means I'm a second priority between her friends and her hobbies (the studying I'm totally respectful of,) I really don't need to be with her.

It's gonna be super awkward if we have a class together next semester. Oh well.

Thanks NT. Solid advice.

Originally Posted by kdawg

It's not even about the grass is greener or anything like that but I'm not sure that you're even in a relationship - surely that involves enjoying some of the same things and enjoying each others company.

You need to move on. No question.
I do. When we're both not busy, we get along really well. We joke, we laugh, we have inside jokes, and we enjoy each others company. We have a lot of the same outlooks on a bunch of subjects (shes one of few liberals on this campus,) and I can engage in serious conversations with her (which is rare.) I just think that the bad outweighs the good in this case.

ALSO; to dudes saying that I'm only 17 and all that, I know.
I just enjoy being in a relationship over getting random play. My senior year was all random hook ups, and it's not as fulfilling (to me) as a relationship. That's just me though.
she sounds like she'd make a good friend, but seems like a pretty poor girlfriend. if you keep up the relationship the way it is nowshe'll be neither. personally, i'd point out to ol' girl a few of the thing bothering me, and tell her the next time a situation comes up, that iexpect her to think be more mature/less selfish/grow up about it. if she can't make one obvious step forward, then there's really no point in beingmiserable.
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Why would you put yourself in that situation tho? At 17 you shouldn't even be thinking about serious relationships.

There will be a time for that. You should be out there having fun.
Your young in college be single, you have the test of your life to deal with one woman when you get married. Get some STRANGE
If you think she could be the one you could get married to, and spend the rest of your life with. The KEEP HER!

but if otherwise, keep her on the bench, and put her in the game when needed! ya dig?!
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

If you think she could be the one you could get married to, and spend the rest of your life with. The KEEP HER!

but if otherwise, keep her on the bench, and put her in the game when needed! ya dig?!

Shes definitely not the type to sit on the bench.

That's pretty much the only thing she's been straightforward about.
"Either I'm your girlfriend or I'm not, there isn't aninbetween."
You're young. If she isn't making you happy in ur relationship, dump her behind. Too young for the bs dude, straight up. Keep it movin
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