(Realtalk) How do you feel about some Public Schools NOT showing Obama's speech?

Originally Posted by HOVKid

This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist but he's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?

Look, I know you don't Obama, but who's to say this speech to the kids is not important.

Education is critical, especially in this ignorant country, and if his speech can inspire one kid, I would say it's worth every penny.

I don't see this as a vacation for Obama.
My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
Come on HOV that's not even fair. It wasn't fair when people said it about Bush and its not fair now. So the president can'tmultitask? President or not the man has a family and a wife. It's not like its 9/11. So what dude took a vacation for a few days. I'd much ratherhim do that than immerse himself 24/7 in the issues he's facing and lose all perspective.

As far as this school thing goes of course I disagree with the controversy but I am more concerned about the Republican party as a whole. As an independent Irealize strong major parties are good for america (checks/balances). This school thing has proven to me that Republicans and conservatives have lost theirparty to fringe/radical republicans and conservatives. If Obama offered them all a million dollars they'd complain that they had to buy a wallet, dudejust can't win ON ANYTHING! While it makes for good TV and great Fox news ratings, I don't think it translates into real opposition to the Democrats. It seems that their isn't one rational, level headed Republican anywhere in the country and that's bad.

People fail to realize that a great part of Obama's appeal as a candidate was that he elevated the debate beyond the old tried and true partisan bickering. Do you Republicans/conservatives really think challenging him on everything to the color of his socks is winning back the people you lost because of this? I'm not saying compromise your beliefs, all I am saying is its like the boy who cried wolf. If you scream socialism, marxism, dictatorship over a littlespeech to school kids pretty soon when there is real reason for concern nobody is going to be paying attention.
My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?

You have to be kidding me.

Your 80 hour workweek does not even begin to match the level of stress he will put in during a single day, no matter what you think (unless somehow you'resecretly the president of one of the largest countries in the world and nobody knows it).

Didn't hear you chirping about this when Bush was crushing the record for days taken off by a president... even if you were, the only reason it's beingbrought up by either side is just stupid, silly, bipartisan mudslinging.

Just stop it... STOP IT.

Quit buying into the games these parties have you guys playing...
Do you Republicans/conservatives really think challenging him on everything to the color of his socks is winning back the people you lost because of this?

Polls would indicate YES.


-- Overall, approval by white people for Obama has fallen from 53 percent in April to 42 percent in August.

-- White males fell from 48 percent to 39 percent approval.

-- And white females dropped from 57 percent to 45 percent.

By contrast, Obama's support among blacks has dipped from 95 percent to 92 percent in the same time.

[h1]Congressional Favorability Falls to 24-Year Low; Dems Lose Midterm Advantage[/h1]Independents Move to GOP in Midterm Matchup

Americans are extremely displeased with Congress, and there are already some signs that this could take a toll on the Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections.
Education and politics do not mix very well, the combination is almost as bad as race and politics. It is sad because this and Bush 41's address were bothvery nonpolitical in nature.

Be honest though, most you guys would be having a fit if Bush 43 did the exact same thing.
It was a pretty good speech I was shocked when I seen him in person I didnt get to shake his hand but I got pics and I was pretty close to him lol
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Education and politics do not mix very well, the combination is almost as bad as race and politics. It is sad because this and Bush 41's address were both very nonpolitical in nature.

Be honest though, most you guys would be having a fit if Bush 43 did the exact same thing.
I'm pretty sure most of us would either be apathetic, or find it comical because bush jr. comes off as a shmuck/uneducated

i doubt you would see liberals pulling their kids out of schools. Liberals don't react the same way with fake wedge issues.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist but he's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
"Your president?" What country are you from? What country do you live in?

Obama's a "socialist?" You don't seem to have a clue about the political spectrum if you believe that statement.

I sure hope you criticized Bush when he was on his multiple extended vacations -- the equivalent of 1/3 of his both terms (over two years worth of vacation) or learning how to play guitar while people were losing their lives during Hurricane Katrina or appearing at exclusive GOP fundraisers while the economy was freefalling and troops were in active combat in several regions throughout the world.

You're a hypocrite. Who are you kidding?

I live in America. I didn't vote for him. Go make real money for the first time in your life and have this dude threaten to take it away. Then let'ssee how you support him.

Dude could walk into a room and slit your mother's throat while you eating dinner at the family table and you'd be like "Hey, its Obama, he musthave a good reason for it. Obama is the best. I wonder if he put anything new on his twitter, blog (or whatever the hell you kids are doing with him)"
you live in america?

then he's your president to. Deal with it. I hated bush, but still recognized that he was the pres of the U.S. and therefore our president. [edited out insult - hm]
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by Derek916

posting so i can read more later onlty read half but

We need every single one of you to develop your talents, skills and intellect so you can help solve our most difficult problems. If you don't do that - if you quit on school - you're not just quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country.

You should have been in school today. It's not too late to learn to spell.


excuse me for not having the word fascism in my daily vocabulary or using spell checker on firefox

although I admit spelling "only" which is just terrible

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist but he's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
"Your president?" What country are you from? What country do you live in?

Obama's a "socialist?" You don't seem to have a clue about the political spectrum if you believe that statement.

I sure hope you criticized Bush when he was on his multiple extended vacations -- the equivalent of 1/3 of his both terms (over two years worth of vacation) or learning how to play guitar while people were losing their lives during Hurricane Katrina or appearing at exclusive GOP fundraisers while the economy was freefalling and troops were in active combat in several regions throughout the world.

You're a hypocrite. Who are you kidding?

I live in America. I didn't vote for him. Go make real money for the first time in your life and have this dude threaten to take it away. Then let's see how you support him.

Dude could walk into a room and slit your mother's throat while you eating dinner at the family table and you'd be like "Hey, its Obama, he must have a good reason for it. Obama is the best. I wonder if he put anything new on his twitter, blog (or whatever the hell you kids are doing with him)"
This right here exemplifies the kind of irrational, extremist and borderline psychotic group mentality of many people who are at odds with thecurrent government and who will say just about anything to get attention. You sound like a damn fool.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by HOVKid

This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist but he's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
"Your president?" What country are you from? What country do you live in?

Obama's a "socialist?" You don't seem to have a clue about the political spectrum if you believe that statement.

I sure hope you criticized Bush when he was on his multiple extended vacations -- the equivalent of 1/3 of his both terms (over two years worth of vacation) or learning how to play guitar while people were losing their lives during Hurricane Katrina or appearing at exclusive GOP fundraisers while the economy was freefalling and troops were in active combat in several regions throughout the world.

You're a hypocrite. Who are you kidding?

I live in America. I didn't vote for him. Go make real money for the first time in your life and have this dude threaten to take it away. Then let's see how you support him.

Dude could walk into a room and slit your mother's throat while you eating dinner at the family table and you'd be like "Hey, its Obama, he must have a good reason for it. Obama is the best. I wonder if he put anything new on his twitter, blog (or whatever the hell you kids are doing with him)"
This right here exemplifies the kind of irrational, extremist and borderline psychotic group mentality of many people who are at odds with the current government and who will say just about anything to get attention. You sound like a damn fool.
agreed ^
Do you Republicans/conservatives really think challenging him on everything to the color of his socks is winning back the people you lost because of this?

Polls would indicate YES.

Look at opinion polls of any modern president at this same time in their presidency and you would see the same. What Obama is going through inthe opinion polls is nothing new nor does it indicate that this how people will vote in 4 years. Everybody from Kennedy to Carter, Clinton, and Bush (just toname a few) saw similar dips. The person with the least dip in opinion polls at this time during their presidency wasn't even re-elected...Mr. HW Bush.

So, don't believe the hype. What you see on the news nightly are mostly extremist conservatives and republicans, whom the republican establishment havehappily given their party over to in the hopes that Mr. Obama goes the way of Rush Limbaugh and fails. So they can sit back and say..see I told you so. Theserocket scientists have not realized that if he succeeds the Republican party is finished! WAKE UP GOP, being the No party will result in you having "noparty"!
i am a strong obama supporter and do believe in what he does. but even i agree that it should be the choice of schools or parents to choose to let theirchildren view the speech. i didn't read the transcript but i heard it was the basic 'stay in-school' speech. nothing wrong w/ that, but i respectother political views, even if i don't agree. what i do hope is that the schools who chose not to show the speech offered time aside for those who did wantto view the program.
I've Been Told countless times to do well in school and behave well towards teachers from my parents.
I don't need/want to hear Obama say it to me again. And The Letter is just messed up. I think im entitled to my own opinion saying i don't likeObama's Policies
Originally Posted by JinKazama

Do you Republicans/conservatives really think challenging him on everything to the color of his socks is winning back the people you lost because of this?

Polls would indicate YES.

Look at opinion polls of any modern president at this same time in their presidency and you would see the same. What Obama is going through in the opinion polls is nothing new nor does it indicate that this how people will vote in 4 years. Everybody from Kennedy to Carter, Clinton, and Bush (just to name a few) saw similar dips. The person with the least dip in opinion polls at this time during their presidency wasn't even re-elected...Mr. HW Bush.

So, don't believe the hype. What you see on the news nightly are mostly extremist conservatives and republicans, whom the republican establishment have happily given their party over to in the hopes that Mr. Obama goes the way of Rush Limbaugh and fails. So they can sit back and say..see I told you so. These rocket scientists have not realized that if he succeeds the Republican party is finished! WAKE UP GOP, being the No party will result in you having "no party"!
Other than FoxNews (which is a bunch of crazy extremeists in most respects), I respectfully disagree. The majority of the news is Democrat.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

^ Yes, but Obama is rapidly losing ground in the black community.
How you figure that?

http://www.zogby.com/news/readnews.cfm?id=1737 A quarter of the African American community eitherdisapproves of the president or is unsure of their feelings regarding Obama. Furthermore, Obama's approval rating is below 50%. Considering he won theelection, it stands to reason that there are people who voted for Obama that don't approve of how he's doing his job. Are they racists too? Did thesepeople wake up and say, "Oh damn, I voted for a black guy. What was I thinking?" and then start rabble-rousing?
Listening and reading this speech.........Anyone that didn't want their children watching this only did it either because they were racist and don'twant their children to learn from a black man, or are just ignorant and don't care if their children drop out of school and become mediocre.

All this was meant to do is to give these kids the talk that their parents aren't giving them about school and how it will effect their future.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

Do you Republicans/conservatives really think challenging him on everything to the color of his socks is winning back the people you lost because of this?

Polls would indicate YES.

Look at opinion polls of any modern president at this same time in their presidency and you would see the same. What Obama is going through in the opinion polls is nothing new nor does it indicate that this how people will vote in 4 years. Everybody from Kennedy to Carter, Clinton, and Bush (just to name a few) saw similar dips. The person with the least dip in opinion polls at this time during their presidency wasn't even re-elected...Mr. HW Bush.

So, don't believe the hype. What you see on the news nightly are mostly extremist conservatives and republicans, whom the republican establishment have happily given their party over to in the hopes that Mr. Obama goes the way of Rush Limbaugh and fails. So they can sit back and say..see I told you so. These rocket scientists have not realized that if he succeeds the Republican party is finished! WAKE UP GOP, being the No party will result in you having "no party"!
Opinion polls differ based on the condition of the country. Just because during the modern era President approval polls show similar dipsdoesn't mean anything. How can one compare a poll conducted in 1960 during Kennedy's era to Obama's era in 2009.

Hype? The reality that a good chunk of Americans are losing support in Obama is not hype.

Nightly news? Most of the news media are in love with Obama. I have never seen so much coverage over a President in my life. Obama's new dog. Obama'saverage day. Obama surfing in Hawaii. Obama getting take out for his staff. Give me a break with the news media being Conservative.
That is hilarious. I mean just for example currently our US troops are dyingat the same rate as in the Bush years and you barely hear about it on the news. However during the Bush presidency, how much coverage did the deaths ofAmerican soldiers received?

Honestly, your post sounds just like a typical Obama sheep hating on the Republicans. Very similar to how the right defended Bush over every criticism. Wakeup and realize the Democrats are no different than the Republicans.
^ people are not showing support because they bought into his speaches and now they realize that he's just a good guy who is a good public speaker
It still boggles my mind how obama has to walk on eggshells but bush was allowed to start two unjust wars. Where the hell were all of you for 8 years?
Originally Posted by Diego

Do people from the community have the opportunity to speak to the whole nation?
Nobody is saying he cant do it, all Im saying is that there is nothing wrong with schools giving parents the OPTION. Last time I checked we all loved to have options.
Nancy Regan told me not to do drugs while I was in school. Our school had a "Just say No" club thing and we watched a lot of videos ofcitizen Nancy. She also got a lot of play on regular television, too.

Nobody asked my parents if they wanted me to see a space shuttle blow up on television.

Nobody asked my parents if they wanted Saint Ronnie to tell me about the problems Carter handed him.

Originally Posted by AG 47

To be honest with you all, if Bush were to give that exact same speech in front of a classroom containing my children, I would be okay with it.

If you read the speech, it's nothing more than a motivational speech for the students. It happens to be coming from the President and at the end of the day, I don't see how this speech is harmful.

I fail to see where Obama giving this speech and having the speech played in schools is a problem. If anything, it seems as if the motivational talk would do more good than bad for our children.
I whole-heartley concur.
racism is the easy way out of explaining dislike for Obama
it is a cop out if it means every criticism is explained by that

it is the easy way out

it is like saying i am player hating every person that i don't like
it is simply not the case

also - not let this card put the wool over your eyes when you need to see

ps- Obama was the best choice, not McCain, in my opinion
a lot of people dislike Obama simply because he is a Democrat
believe me, this is true
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