(Realtalk) How do you feel about some Public Schools NOT showing Obama's speech?

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

ninjahood wrote:
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
We get it. Anything negative surrounding Obama is racist...

says da dude from texas.

what's that supposed to mean? are you implying something racial about an entire state?
looks like someone wasn't watchin da primaries or da election....


lol, guess he's right..i should disregard what you say. look at all those racist states

Yup, all those red states are racist. It could never be that people just dont like the dude or his policies. Its because he is black. I got it.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Obama wants the kids to read his books before the speech
not exactly the same thing though...
Teachers can build background knowledge about the President of the United States and his speech by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama.

kids reading the books...teachers reading the books about him...im not seeing a huge difference here.
You need to be a little more discerning in your reading if you're not able to note the difference between what YOU wrote and what'swritten on that Menu of Classroom Activities you posted, because there is a difference.
How do you NOT see the difference?

If I read a textbook about President Clinton and other past presidents, that is not the same thing as reading a book Clinton wrote trying to spread his ownpersonal message.
can any of you guys honestly say you'd have no problem with teachers reading books about Bush to students, prior to them watching a speech given by Bush,and then answering questions about BUSH and his past speeches and their impact (those particular questions dont focus simply on education)....
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

How do you NOT see the difference?

If I read a textbook about President Clinton and other past presidents, that is not the same thing as reading a book Clinton wrote trying to spread his own personal message.

because first you want to argue that he's not trying to get the kids to like HIM, just to appreciate the value of education.
reading books about HIM has nothing to do with education and schooling. come on...
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

can any of you guys honestly say you'd have no problem with teachers reading books about Bush to students, prior to them watching a speech given by Bush, and then answering questions about BUSH and his past speeches and their impact (those particular questions dont focus simply on education)....
Isn't that what school is about?

....and in this case it IS about education.

because first you want to argue that he's not trying to get the kids to like HIM, just to appreciate the value of education.
reading books about HIM has nothing to do with education and schooling. come on...

This is the President of OUR country.....there is nothing wrong with a little background information about the person who is about to make a speech. Otherwisewhy would
the random kids even take it seriously?
I don't see a big deal. Most high school kids tune out to these BORING speeches anyways. At the end of the day, I doubt most mid/high school kids carewhat the speech was about.

What I have a problem with is how much money was used by the White House and Dept of Education to provide these schools with educational materials associatedby this speech. Obama should have just sent the schools a check and I am betting these schools could have used that money on other things more essential tothe school than a stupid speech most kids won't remember next week.

Not only that the kids whom the parents elected to stay home will cost the school district how much money? Most school districts get funded based onattendance.

So yah bottom line due to the controversy surrounding the speech, this becomes just another FAIL for the Obama Administration. Obama can't catch a breakcan he?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

can any of you guys honestly say you'd have no problem with teachers reading books about Bush to students, prior to them watching a speech given by Bush, and then answering questions about BUSH and his past speeches and their impact (those particular questions dont focus simply on education)....
Isn't that what school is about?

....and in this case it IS about education.

Dude is making it abundantly clear he doesn't care that the president is doing this, he cares that THIS president is doing this.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

How do you NOT see the difference?

If I read a textbook about President Clinton and other past presidents, that is not the same thing as reading a book Clinton wrote trying to spread his own personal message.

because first you want to argue that he's not trying to get the kids to like HIM, just to appreciate the value of education.
reading books about HIM has nothing to do with education and schooling. come on...
Once again, you're being misleading. Furthermore, you're deviating from the topic by arguing about something that's pretty much blackand white. Get back on track.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

can any of you guys honestly say you'd have no problem with teachers reading books about Bush to students, prior to them watching a speech given by Bush, and then answering questions about BUSH and his past speeches and their impact (those particular questions dont focus simply on education)....

Nope. Education is education. It's about getting a wide variety of exposure and discussing it amongst your classmates and formulating your ownconclusion. That's how you develop critical thinking skills.

I have WAY more of a problem with the glorification of violence on TV/music than with discussing speeches made by Presidents. (Well, I actually have noproblem with discussing speeches, I think it's a good idea)
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

ninjahood wrote:
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
We get it. Anything negative surrounding Obama is racist...

says da dude from texas.

what's that supposed to mean? are you implying something racial about an entire state?
looks like someone wasn't watchin da primaries or da election....


lol, guess he's right..i should disregard what you say. look at all those racist states

Yup, all those red states are racist. It could never be that people just dont like the dude or his policies. Its because he is black. I got it.
Ok im done arguing with you guys. Clearly in your eyes Obama can do no wrong, and I am racist...I live in a "blue" state and have more black in methan obama, but im racist and don't like it simply because its Obama. Bottom line, I disagree with this, you don't. Tis all.
I've never seen this level of disdain for the choices of any president this early in their presidency in as long as I've been old enough to followpolitics. It's pretty ridiculous and petty if you ask me. Racists hiding behind politics, ignorant people hiding behind the race card, various politicalfactions hiding behind lies and half truths
It's all pretty sickening if you ask me. Instead of working together it seems as if many are determined topull us apart. Who's really the culprit here? Obama?
This really has nothing to do with the content of the speech. 5 years from now none of us will remember what he said in this speech, but we might remember thecontroversy.

Im pretty sure the jist of his speech is more or less "stay in school kids".

The only issue here is.....Some public schools noy showing Obama's speech. Am I to assume that the counter argument against what I beensaying is that ALL schools should be showing this speech?
What is wrong with parents having this option?
I don't see why anyone would have a problem with a half-black/half-white president giving a speech. I do see why people would have a problem with Obama,the man, giving a speech. I don't care that he's half-black, half-white. He is a slick talking snake, and that's it. All talk.
I wish I had this when I was in school. I feel like it would have been inspirational and a challenge.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Ok im done arguing with you guys. Clearly in your eyes Obama can do no wrong, and I am racist...I live in a "blue" state and have more black in me than obama, but im racist and don't like it simply because its Obama. Bottom line, I disagree with this, you don't. Tis all.
Don't exaggerate. You sound like sore loser.

No one's saying Obama can do no wrong. He's committed a bunch of errors and has reneged on many of his campaign promises.

This doesn't give you any excuse to come in and twist the truth of what is on one hand and what you see things as on the other hand like you've donehere.

No one with a level mind is calling you a racist though. Let those who rely on racial politics of any kind as a way to be heard dwell in their cocoon ofconspiracy theories and paranoia. They mostly serve to only cloud up logical and honest arguments with their own agendas.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Ok im done arguing with you guys. Clearly in your eyes Obama can do no wrong, and I am racist...I live in a "blue" state and have more black in me than obama, but im racist and don't like it simply because its Obama. Bottom line, I disagree with this, you don't. Tis all.

don't cop out because you can't discern the difference between what you interpreted and what was on the real menu.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Obama wants the kids to read his books before the speech (i haven't read his books, but im sure there are ideals in there), and he wants them to answer questions like "tell of another historic moment when the president spoke to the nation, and what was the impact?" I'm sorry, but whether it was Bush, Raegan, Clinton, Obama..whoever...that's a bit much.

what's the liberal take on this?? if there's nothing wrong with the actual speech...you guys honestly don't see a problem with this? This was taken off of his classroom menu, btw.

we just answered your question and you refuse to listen. the menu that SUGGESTS reading books ABOUT obama is targeted for kindergarten through 6th grade!!!!!!!don't you think perhaps a background story about obama goes something like "started from humble beginnings and through education became the presidentof the united states"????????

"i'm sure there are ideals in there"---how can an elementary kid even read any of obama's books? 'books about obama' and 'hisbooks' are two very different things. you are blatantly choosing to nitpit at words now and change its meaning out of context. YOU are bringing your ownpolitical agenda to the menu.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

I really hate to use the race card in these situations, but I'm starting to feel the same way. People are going way overboard on this matter. On the news, you hear parents (always white) saying that they don't want political propaganda spewed onto their children...but I'm starting to feel that it has to do with Obama also. And if it was about politics, can children not think for themselves? Are parents really that scared that the President will brainwash children and make them disregard all their principals and values? It really makes no sense to me.

not true
there are black and white people for Obama, and there are black and white people against Obama.
My main issue here is that people are really trying to pull the race card for EVERYTHING he does. Get over it. If i had a kid in school, they'd be home today. And as i said, Im not white, and im obviously not racist against black people..im mostly black.

why would you pull your child out of class?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I don't see a big deal. Most high school kids tune out to these BORING speeches anyways. At the end of the day, I doubt most mid/high school kids care what the speech was about.

What I have a problem with is how much money was used by the White House and Dept of Education to provide these schools with educational materials associated by this speech. Obama should have just sent the schools a check and I am betting these schools could have used that money on other things more essential to the school than a stupid speech most kids won't remember next week.

Not only that the kids whom the parents elected to stay home will cost the school district how much money? Most school districts get funded based on attendance.

So yah bottom line due to the controversy surrounding the speech, this becomes just another FAIL for the Obama Administration. Obama can't catch a break can he?
Exactly, nothing this guy does is good for anybody, any move he makes is socialist or radical, at least wait for him to send the country into anunjust war or ignore a natural disaster or pass the no child left behind act, give him a chance.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I've never seen this level of disdain for the choices of any president this early in their presidency in as long as I've been old enough to follow politics. It's pretty ridiculous and petty if you ask me. Racists hiding behind politics, ignorant people hiding behind the race card, various political factions hiding behind lies and half truths
It's all pretty sickening if you ask me. Instead of working together it seems as if many are determined to pull us apart. Who's really the culprit here? Obama?

On top of that, I could see if the man was BET talking about rap or some stupid @%$%, but he's making a speech to kids about the
importance of kids playing their own parts in their success and people have a problem with that. Everything is so PC...it's just ridiculous.

People have problem with the teachers reading a book the President wrote to gain more information about him. Not the kids, the teachers.

Like I said before, I wouldn't mind if it was Bush or Obama. This is a message that our youth needs to hear.
This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist buthe's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of workfor him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
Originally Posted by HOVKid

This is one of the few times I'll take the side of your President. I think this controversey was a little stupid....I know he's a socialist but he's not going to go into a scool and start brainwashing kids like some Republicans were saying.

My only problem here is how he finds the time to go on vacation, make speeches to kids, etc. This country is screwed up right now....there is plenty of work for him to do. If I can work a minimum 80 hour work week, he should do so as well. Fool goes on vacation....who is this dude kidding?
"Your president?" What country are you from? What country do you live in?

Obama's a "socialist?" You don't seem to have a clue about the political spectrum if you believe that statement.

I sure hope you criticized Bush when he was on his multiple extended vacations -- the equivalent of 1/3 of his both terms (over two years worth of vacation) orlearning how to play guitar while people were losing their lives during Hurricane Katrina or appearing at exclusive GOP fundraisers while the economy wasfreefalling and troops were in active combat in several regions throughout the world.

You're a hypocrite. Who are you kidding?
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