Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

not shocked at all. that **** been solved on reddit awhile ago. folks on youtube/IG makin the police job easy as hell. wish I could just login to youtube everyday and see mfs doing my job.

I’m thinking long-term here, but with more crimes becoming internet-involvement heavy, I predict a re-shaping of law enforcement that integrates the internet even more. They’re already solving cases online (as you mentioned, Reddit)
What’s happened?

basically that law enforcement stated they were able to solve/put pieces together in the FBG Duck case, thanks to IG/Social media posts

edit: here’s a different video, but in reference to that

not shocked at all. that **** been solved on reddit awhile ago. folks on youtube/IG makin the police job easy as hell. wish I could just login to youtube everyday and see mfs doing my job.

Nah. Don’t give YouTube/IG the credit. The criminals themselves are making it easy. Legit dummies out here committing these crimes and telling on themselves and everyone ,
basically that law enforcement stated they were able to solve/put pieces together in the FBG Duck case, thanks to IG/Social media posts

edit: here’s a different video, but in reference to that

The comment section HILARIOUS.

IG comment sections be full of people who you’d swear would accept a natural life sentencing like they really living like that.

The type who would be crying in they mugshots. Smh
I’m thinking long-term here, but with more crimes becoming internet-involvement heavy, I predict a re-shaping of law enforcement that integrates the internet even more. They’re already solving cases online (as you mentioned, Reddit)

NYPD has a whole internet division. One of their tactics is their female officers pose as IG models and catch a bunch of these dudes. Some of these dudes with minimal computer skills are legit surprised when the police arrest them for a crime that they "sublimaly" bragged about online.
Nah. Don’t give YouTube/IG the credit. The criminals themselves are making it easy. Legit dummies out here committing these crimes and telling on themselves and everyone ,

Aw yea I aint knockin that one bit. They basically self snitching everytime they hop on IG Live, make posts, or in they songs. Im more so sayin the Youtubers/IG folks do all the leg work in regards of organizing/gathering all the information, breaking down who is who, what block and crew they belong to, who beefin with who, then uploading it for everyones (including the authorities) viewing pleasure. I seen one the other day where buddy was ever running plate numbers to match up whips that was involved in Duck's murder lol real police work without goin to an academy :lol: But you def right, the youtubers wouldnt know **** if the ones committing the crimes never open they mouths..
Big Ruff Ryders fan in my area.


Guy had the full logo on his hood too.
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