Randy Moss will be a free agent come Feb. 29th

Do you guys really think he will leave? Why would he?

New England defiantly would give him the best situation with team, quarterback..etc

If it isn't about money then he will defiantly come back to NE. I think he wants a championship more then anything. He knows he has the best QB and chancesto win.

No way he leaves NE unless he is after money, but i really don't think that is what its about for him.
Originally Posted by buggz05


S&T amazes me

We don't have room for another WR, and we don't sign big FA. At all

homie, u actin like the 52 already set in stone for SD
, u realize the season just ended
maybe sd needs to sign a big FA who can open up the field and takepressure off the run game, my dude must not realize what a big time receiver can do in terms of taking a team to the next level (or maybe he does and thinks CCwill get sd to the next level) but im gonna guess that he dont realize what people like TO, RM, CJ, MH, plax, SS, javon walker, santana moss, etc, do for ateam

- also, not only would it be +1 for sd but -1 for NE
[table][tr][td]WR1[/td] [td]Chris Chambers[/td] [td]Craig Davis[/td] [td]Malcom Floyd[/td] [/tr][tr][td] WR2[/td] [td]Vincent Jackson[/td] [td]Legedu Naanee[/td] [td]Kassim Osgood[/td] [/tr][/table]

"this dude buggz05 expect me and antonio to carry the team again? the same way we been doin these last 5 years
we the same offense as these last few yrs"
i'd agree with everyone who's saying the "why would he leave NE, he's staying" line but the Pats were also supposed to lock up Adam V.and guess what happened? same as a couple of other dudes...now none of them compare to Moss but this is the NFL...anything can happen when it comes to $$$ andthese players (and the Pats' cheap selves

i'd like to keep Donte, Moss, Asante, Gay but it's doubtful...
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Do you guys really think he will leave? Why would he?

New England defiantly would give him the best situation with team, quarterback..etc

If it isn't about money then he will defiantly come back to NE. I think he wants a championship more then anything. He knows he has the best QB and chances to win.

No way he leaves NE unless he is after money, but i really don't think that is what its about for him.

@ moss not about the money. this is the time to cash in after allthe records he broke, and if NE aint giving him "record season" money, trust he can get it from a team that is a receiver away from playoff and evensuper bowl contention. A team in that position that comes to mind is the Philadelphia Eagles.
i'd like to keep Donte, Moss, Asante, Gay but it's doubtful
nah im pretty sure of those 4, only moss is staying. although like you, i would love it if last yrs team would be able to stay intact plus a fewveteran additions to plug a few holes, i.e. zach thomas, marty booker
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by buggz05


S&T amazes me

We don't have room for another WR, and we don't sign big FA. At all

homie, u actin like the 52 already set in stone for SD
, u realize the season just ended
maybe sd needs to sign a big FA who can open up the field and take pressure off the run game, my dude must not realize what a big time receiver can do in terms of taking a team to the next level (or maybe he does and thinks CC will get sd to the next level) but im gonna guess that he dont realize what people like TO, RM, CJ, MH, plax, SS, javon walker, santana moss, etc, do for a team

- also, not only would it be +1 for sd but -1 for NE
[table][tr][td]WR1[/td] [td]Chris Chambers[/td] [td]Craig Davis(1st Rd Draft Pick)
[/td] [td]Malcom Floyd[/td] [/tr][tr][td]WR2[/td] [td]Vincent Jackson[/td] [td]Legedu Naanee[/td] [td]Kassim Osgood

Eric Parker,
Antonio Gates,
Tyson Chandler

[/td] [/tr][/table]

"this dude buggz05 expect me and antonio to carry the team again? the same way we been doin these last 5 years
we the same offense as these last few yrs"

Randy Moss is not a fit for us anyways. Randy Moss is better for a deep passing game. Everybody knows SD will not have a deep passing game until PR roidsup.

You do imagine how much money it will take to lure Randy Moss away from NE?? = having to cut one of our probowlers in the coming years. I'm cool.

I'm not worried about NE, we can handle NE. And please don't say that we will be the same offense as the last few years. Diff coach, diff wr group, qb, diff offensive schemes. You do realize that we are about to cut Lo'Neal because he's not versatile enough in a passingoffense?{pending negotiations with neal/norv)

Bad game decisions and a beef with AJ Smith, weren't the only reason Marty got fired. Marty got fired because he hated to pass. Norv Turner comes in,future pro bowler Chris Chambers is brought in, 1st round draft of WR is brought in...you get where I'm going.

We have maybe 4 or 5 spots open depending on who AJ cuts. I'm just being realistic. Every time a big FA comes along everybody chimes in OOH WE SHOULDSIGN HIM!...be realistic.
@ you gettin salty and not understanding team management. I wasn't even stonefacing you, I was stonefacing Broyle. Iunderstand using emoticons on the thought of signing randy moss, and would agree with your selected emoticons if it was done on GREAT terms that benefit theWHOLE team contract wise(not happening). But a superstoneface goes to the thought of signing randy moss.

and KB8 you knew what I meant. AJ doesn't sign FA. He builds through the draft. If he does sign a FA it's a low radar person like McCree( who alsois about to get cut). Never a huge name that's gonna demand a 100 million dollars with a 30 million dollar bonus.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Randy Moss is not a fit for us anyways. Randy Moss is better for a deep passing game. Everybody knows SD will not have a deep passing game until PR roids up.

You do imagine how much money it will take to lure Randy Moss away from NE?? = having to cut one of our probowlers in the coming years. I'm cool.

I'm not worried about NE, we can handle NE. And please don't say that we will be the same offense as the last few years. Diff coach, diff wr group, qb, diff offensive schemes. You do realize that we are about to cut Lo'Neal because he's not versatile enough in a passing offense?{pending negotiations with neal/norv)

Bad game decisions and a beef with AJ Smith, weren't the only reason Marty got fired. Marty got fired because he hated to pass. Norv Turner comes in, future pro bowler Chris Chambers is brought in, 1st round draft of WR is brought in...you get where I'm going.

We have maybe 4 or 5 spots open depending on who AJ cuts. I'm just being realistic. Every time a big FA comes along everybody chimes in OOH WE SHOULD SIGN HIM!...be realistic.
@ you gettin salty and not understanding team management. I wasn't even stonefacing you, I was stonefacing Broyle. I understand using emoticons on the thought of signing randy moss, and would agree with your selected emoticons if it was done on GREAT terms that benefit the WHOLE team contract wise(not happening). But a superstoneface goes to the thought of signing randy moss.

and KB8 you knew what I meant. AJ doesn't sign FA. He builds through the draft. If he does sign a FA it's a low radar person like McCree( who also is about to get cut). Never a huge name that's gonna demand a 100 million dollars with a 30 million dollar bonus.

what? that super stone face wasnt for me? of course im comin at u - yeah team management, thats nice and all, but what happens if SD cant get over the humpnext year? - thats right THAT hump, u know that hump im talking about? that Pats hump? then what, pray that SD gets better the next year? another newcoach?

- there was a team just like SD that couldnt get over the hump either, the eagles, u know what they did? they went out and signed a difference maker in81

- LTs about to turn 30 and players who get up there start to realize that the clocks ticking and that management needs to make big moves, there aint time todevelop players through the draft, u know it and LT knows it, chargers need to win a chip now while the windows open, not when LTs 35

ps - u know what i think of when i hear "team management?" the utah jazz with that "we aint goin after big names cause we dont wanna payem" - they must not want to get over that hump either, "who cares about championships or goin to the finals, we're cool with consecutive 50 winseasons"
- i had no idea but someone actually made a post about this, u may want to hit it up buggz will the current jazz ever win?
moss would be stupid to not go after the big paycheck now. the nfl is a business. going back to the patriots for less money would just do one thing, andthat's making the owners even more money. i just hope that moss doesn't become a shadow of the player he was this season after he gets that bigcontract.

and even though i said it would be stupid of him to not take the big contract from another team, if he does stay with new england i'd give him major props.i'd also give the new england franchise props for turning moss into a passionate football player.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by buggz05

Randy Moss is not a fit for us anyways. Randy Moss is better for a deep passing game. Everybody knows SD will not have a deep passing game until PR roids up.

You do imagine how much money it will take to lure Randy Moss away from NE?? = having to cut one of our probowlers in the coming years. I'm cool.

I'm not worried about NE, we can handle NE. And please don't say that we will be the same offense as the last few years. Diff coach, diff wr group, qb, diff offensive schemes. You do realize that we are about to cut Lo'Neal because he's not versatile enough in a passing offense?{pending negotiations with neal/norv)

Bad game decisions and a beef with AJ Smith, weren't the only reason Marty got fired. Marty got fired because he hated to pass. Norv Turner comes in, future pro bowler Chris Chambers is brought in, 1st round draft of WR is brought in...you get where I'm going.

We have maybe 4 or 5 spots open depending on who AJ cuts. I'm just being realistic. Every time a big FA comes along everybody chimes in OOH WE SHOULD SIGN HIM!...be realistic.
@ you gettin salty and not understanding team management. I wasn't even stonefacing you, I was stonefacing Broyle. I understand using emoticons on the thought of signing randy moss, and would agree with your selected emoticons if it was done on GREAT terms that benefit the WHOLE team contract wise(not happening). But a superstoneface goes to the thought of signing randy moss.

and KB8 you knew what I meant. AJ doesn't sign FA. He builds through the draft. If he does sign a FA it's a low radar person like McCree( who also is about to get cut). Never a huge name that's gonna demand a 100 million dollars with a 30 million dollar bonus.

what? that super stone face wasnt for me? of course im comin at u - yeah team management, thats nice and all, but what happens if SD cant get over the hump next year? - thats right THAT hump, u know that hump im talking about? that Pats hump? then what, pray that SD gets better the next year? another new coach?

- there was a team just like SD that couldnt get over the hump either, the eagles, u know what they did? they went out and signed a difference maker in 81

- LTs about to turn 30 and players who get up there start to realize that the clocks ticking and that management needs to make big moves, there aint time to develop players through the draft, u know it and LT knows it, chargers need to win a chip now while the windows open, not when LTs 35

ps - u know what i think of when i hear "team management?" the utah jazz with that "we aint goin after big names cause we dont wanna pay em" - they must not want to get over that hump either, "who cares about championships or goin to the finals, we're cool with consecutive 50 win seasons"
- i had no idea but someone actually made a post about this, u may want to hit it up buggz will the current jazz ever win?

NE is not gonna be a problem as long as we draft Reggie Smith/Charles Godfrey type CB/S. Jammer will shutdown moss. Moss is covered.

Were good. SD has a decent WR corp now (and it's about time). Chambers is that Franchise WR that can be relied on and can do amazing things (ala RandyMoss but with better blocking ability). Vincent Jackson is settling in at his true position, #2 WR. And Eric Parker is money at the slot. Buster Davis isgonna take a few years to develop, but Chambers has plenty of years. Eric Parker is gone next year, but Davis is good enough in the slot. Naanee is verytalented.

Were straight. That's not even mentioning our TE's that play a vital role in our passing game. Or LT or Sproles.

Our offensive line is trash right now*, so if a free agent comes in, that's where I expect money to be spent. No passing game if Rivers is on his backor majorly injures his knees again, due to poor protection.

And we don't have the salary cap that everybody thinks we have. We still have to resign Philip Rivers, Luis Castillo, Shawne Merriman and others whodeserve ALOT of money. Too many eaters at the table, not enough food.

EDIT: Ohh yea, got my flame glasses on...

Chambers > Moss

Hear me out, they are very much alike.
  • Chambers has a 45" vertical > Randy Moss Vert(don't know what it is...but I'm assuming).
  • Chambers will go in the danger zones.
  • Chambers is stronger, blocks better.
  • Chambers will either shake you, outrun you, or something Randy Moss can't do....go through you.
  • Not sure how their speeds match up but it's good enough for me.
  • Both have amazing hands and acrobatics.
Overall Chargers > Patriots for the future.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by buggz05

Randy Moss is not a fit for us anyways. Randy Moss is better for a deep passing game. Everybody knows SD will not have a deep passing game until PR roids up.

You do imagine how much money it will take to lure Randy Moss away from NE?? = having to cut one of our probowlers in the coming years. I'm cool.

I'm not worried about NE, we can handle NE. And please don't say that we will be the same offense as the last few years. Diff coach, diff wr group, qb, diff offensive schemes. You do realize that we are about to cut Lo'Neal because he's not versatile enough in a passing offense?{pending negotiations with neal/norv)

Bad game decisions and a beef with AJ Smith, weren't the only reason Marty got fired. Marty got fired because he hated to pass. Norv Turner comes in, future pro bowler Chris Chambers is brought in, 1st round draft of WR is brought in...you get where I'm going.

We have maybe 4 or 5 spots open depending on who AJ cuts. I'm just being realistic. Every time a big FA comes along everybody chimes in OOH WE SHOULD SIGN HIM!...be realistic.
@ you gettin salty and not understanding team management. I wasn't even stonefacing you, I was stonefacing Broyle. I understand using emoticons on the thought of signing randy moss, and would agree with your selected emoticons if it was done on GREAT terms that benefit the WHOLE team contract wise(not happening). But a superstoneface goes to the thought of signing randy moss.

and KB8 you knew what I meant. AJ doesn't sign FA. He builds through the draft. If he does sign a FA it's a low radar person like McCree( who also is about to get cut). Never a huge name that's gonna demand a 100 million dollars with a 30 million dollar bonus.

what? that super stone face wasnt for me? of course im comin at u - yeah team management, thats nice and all, but what happens if SD cant get over the hump next year? - thats right THAT hump, u know that hump im talking about? that Pats hump? then what, pray that SD gets better the next year? another new coach?

- there was a team just like SD that couldnt get over the hump either, the eagles, u know what they did? they went out and signed a difference maker in 81

- LTs about to turn 30 and players who get up there start to realize that the clocks ticking and that management needs to make big moves, there aint time to develop players through the draft, u know it and LT knows it, chargers need to win a chip now while the windows open, not when LTs 35

ps - u know what i think of when i hear "team management?" the utah jazz with that "we aint goin after big names cause we dont wanna pay em" - they must not want to get over that hump either, "who cares about championships or goin to the finals, we're cool with consecutive 50 win seasons"
- i had no idea but someone actually made a post about this, u may want to hit it up buggz will the current jazz ever win?

NE is not gonna be a problem as long as we draft Reggie Smith/Charles Godfrey type CB/S. Jammer will shutdown moss. Moss is covered.

Were good. SD has a decent WR corp now (and it's about time). Chambers is that Franchise WR that can be relied on and can do amazing things (ala Randy Moss but with better blocking ability). Vincent Jackson is settling in at his true position, #2 WR. And Eric Parker is money at the slot. Buster Davis is gonna take a few years to develop, but Chambers has plenty of years. Eric Parker is gone next year, but Davis is good enough in the slot. Naanee is very talented.

Were straight. That's not even mentioning our TE's that play a vital role in our passing game. Or LT or Sproles.

Our offensive line is trash right now*, so if a free agent comes in, that's where I expect money to be spent. No passing game if Rivers is on his back or majorly injures his knees again, due to poor protection.

And we don't have the salary cap that everybody thinks we have. We still have to resign Philip Rivers, Luis Castillo, Shawne Merriman and others who deserve ALOT of money. Too many eaters at the table, not enough food.

EDIT: Ohh yea, got my flame glasses on...

Chambers > Moss

Hear me out, they are very much alike.
  • Chambers has a 45" vertical > Randy Moss Vert(don't know what it is...but I'm assuming).
  • Chambers will go in the danger zones.
  • Chambers is stronger, blocks better.
  • Chambers will either shake you, outrun you, or something Randy Moss can't do....go through you.
  • Not sure how their speeds match up but it's good enough for me.
  • Both have amazing hands and acrobatics.
Overall Chargers > Patriots for the future.
i hate the patriots but you're reaching bruh bruh.... jammer shutting down Moss????? hahahahahahhaha yea right. Comparing Chambers to Moss?Stop making me laugh!!!! Chambers a future probowler???? how old is he already????? hahahahahaha!!!!!! Phillip Rivers gona turn Chambers into a probowler????lmao!!!!!
Originally Posted by buggz05

NE is not gonna be a problem as long as we draft Reggie Smith/Charles Godfrey type CB/S. Jammer will shutdown moss. Moss is covered.

Were good. SD has a decent WR corp now (and it's about time). Chambers is that Franchise WR that can be relied on and can do amazing things (ala Randy Moss but with better blocking ability). Vincent Jackson is settling in at his true position, #2 WR. And Eric Parker is money at the slot. Buster Davis is gonna take a few years to develop, but Chambers has plenty of years. Eric Parker is gone next year, but Davis is good enough in the slot. Naanee is very talented.

Were straight. That's not even mentioning our TE's that play a vital role in our passing game. Or LT or Sproles.

Our offensive line is trash right now*, so if a free agent comes in, that's where I expect money to be spent. No passing game if Rivers is on his back or majorly injures his knees again, due to poor protection.

And we don't have the salary cap that everybody thinks we have. We still have to resign Philip Rivers, Luis Castillo, Shawne Merriman and others who deserve ALOT of money. Too many eaters at the table, not enough food.
EDIT: Ohh yea, got my flame glasses on...

Chambers > Moss

Hear me out, they are very much alike.
  • Chambers has a 45" vertical > Randy Moss Vert(don't know what it is...but I'm assuming).
  • Chambers will go in the danger zones.
  • Chambers is stronger, blocks better.
  • Chambers will either shake you, outrun you, or something Randy Moss can't do....go through you.
  • Not sure how their speeds match up but it's good enough for me.
  • Both have amazing hands and acrobatics.
Overall Chargers > Patriots for the future.

alright, in an attempt to have a serious conversation now rather than just u going at me and me going at u
- whats the time frame for this chargers future u talkin about? 2, ,3 4, 5 yrs? LT wants to win now, and plez respond to my previous comment about LT almostturning 30
- what im trying to say is that i can seriously picture LT sayin "go out and get us a difference maker right now cause i want to win now, not 3 yrs fromnow"
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Do you guys really think he will leave? Why would he?

New England defiantly would give him the best situation with team, quarterback..etc

If it isn't about money then he will defiantly come back to NE. I think he wants a championship more then anything. He knows he has the best QB and chances to win.

No way he leaves NE unless he is after money, but i really don't think that is what its about for him.

stop using the word "defiantly" geez.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by buggz05

Chambers > Moss

Hear me out, they are very much alike.
  • Chambers has a 45" vertical > Randy Moss Vert(don't know what it is...but I'm assuming).
  • Chambers will go in the danger zones.
  • Chambers is stronger, blocks better.
  • Chambers will either shake you, outrun you, or something Randy Moss can't do....go through you.
  • Not sure how their speeds match up but it's good enough for me.
  • Both have amazing hands and acrobatics.
Overall Chargers > Patriots for the future.

alright, in an attempt to have a serious conversation now rather than just u going at me and me going at u
- whats the time frame for this chargers future u talkin about? 2, ,3 4, 5 yrs? LT wants to win now, and plez respond to my previous comment about LT almost turning 30
- what im trying to say is that i can seriously picture LT sayin "go out and get us a difference maker right now cause i want to win now, not 3 yrs from now"

First off I don't go at people. Not on a message board, I'm serious in discussions period.

But I'm talking the next 4-6 years.

You can't tell me the chargers are not contenders for the next 3 years atleast.
Do we agree on Chambers? If not, tell me why. I feel that thechargers have already made a big move as far as WR's, and a very good move, and smart move at that.

As for the other guy, did you not watch the AFC Championship Game? Who shut down Randy Moss? That answer would be Jammer. Unless you have another sn by thename of JRain, you should know.

Chambers is a ProBowl level player already. Look up his stats, year in and year out. Evaluate his talent (if you can). He's a victim of the Dolphins,THE ONLY reason he hasn't been a pro bowler so far. Look at Wes Welker. Wes Welker is now a future probowler who also fail victim to the fins.

Chambers is 29 I believe, and will make himself a Probowler. And possibly make Philip Rivers a constant probowler(he has 2 already) and maybe even VJ.

We now have a new WR coach, who is a very good one, and respected one at that. No more bad WR for the chargers anymore.

Edit: Looking at chambers stats, he has yet reached his potential. But he has still provided when his team didn't have anything to support him.

883 yards his rookie season. Sophomore slump of 734 yards. 1118 yards in 2005, 667 in 2006 (again see miami) and almost had a stack this year.
im now on my psp so note ill take a while to respond 1st off theres no way i can put chambers with da likes of to rm cj ss - defenes plan for these guysspecifically - i aint trying 2 say he aint talented just that hes not on that level - at his peak he aint a guaranteed PBer da way moss is - also i think mylink above said he had 900yds with 4tds - rm had 4 in 1 game - i just dont think CCs a "differene maker"
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

im now on my psp so note ill take a while to respond 1st off theres no way i can put chambers with da likes of to rm cj ss - defenes plan for these guys specifically - i aint trying 2 say he aint talented just that hes not on that level - at his peak he aint a guaranteed PBer da way moss is - also i think my link above said he had 900yds with 4tds - rm had 4 in 1 game - i just dont think CCs a "differene maker"

I mean, no he's not in the likes of those WR you listed. But I think he is the difference maker for us. We now have a great RB and TE, and a verycapable WR to take pressure off of them.

What I meant by Chambers > Moss, is that in our situation (Cap wise, ability, and our offensive schemes-wise) he is a better fit. In no way did I meanthat Chambers will shatter Moss record and demand as much respect etc etc etc. But he will take advantage of you if you don't give him the respect hedeserves by paying too much attention to LT and Gates, which is what we have needed in the past and now have.
Sorry to stir up anything...I don't follow football at all but the SD thing I heard from someone close to him...so take that for what it's worth.
now i know i didn't just see someone seriously say chambers > moss. smfh, that's not even worth my time or energy of acknowledging and debating.
I'm kind of hoping he leaves so Was Wlker gets exposed as the fraud he is, as if the super bowl wasn't evident enough.
i think he already proved that he "wasnt all about the $" by taking a pay cut to play for a competitor...and if you watched him all season he was ingreat form and seemed content...obviously he aint gonna play for the minimum just to stay in NE but i doubt NE would try to play hardball withhim...they'll pay him- i'm sure he leave a couple mil on the table to come back here rather than go to a team thats "rebuilding" at thispoint in his career

I'm kind of hoping he leaves so Was Wlker gets exposed as the fraud he is, as if the super bowl wasn't evident enough.

the hate is strong in you young lad...wes welker runs pattern, qbthrows ball, wes welker catches ball, wes welker makes yards after catch...what room is there for fraud?
Randy Moss wants a ring and a ticket to Canton. Both of those can be accomplished by sticking with Tom Brady and New England. No way in hell he would play withsomeone with as many feminine tendecies as Phil Rivers.
@ the dude that's gassed up over his Chargers.

How many times do the Patriots have to defecate on your franchise(yes Osi Umenyiora) for you to realize Pats > Chargers?

Osh Kosh Bosh wrote:

I'm kind of hoping he leaves so Was Wlker gets exposed as the fraud he is, as if the super bowl wasn't evident enough.

yeah, because 11 for 103 is fraud status.

the guy tied for the NFL lead in catches last year and led the playoffs with 27 catches.
as far as Moss goes, I really don't know to be honest. I'd like him to stay.
And the cat who's going on and on about the Chargers being better set up for the future than the Pats?
I think you forgot you got Phillip Rivers as your QB.

And Chambers>Moss. you get a
for that one.
There's supporting your team and then there's supporting your team blindly. You're guilty of the latter.

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