Random things you hate about anything sports related....

Dallas Cowboys
The Raider Nation
all the Warriors "fans" who were only fans when Baron was on the team (can't stand bandwagoners in general)
Brock Lesnar being UFC Heavyweight Champion
the fact that the 2 college football teams I hate the most are playing in the BCS Championship
the Yankees still being the talk of the MLB when they haven't won anything in 8 years

'player x isnt playing well/living up to expectations because of the system/coach/minor injury blah blah blah bs bs bs'.
Co-sign on the Celtics announcers.

I hate those stupid Tapout shirts.

like seriously I hate them.
Cincinnati Bengals ownership
Jesse Palmer and his voice
that female announcer for college football on espn
ESPN's east coast bias
ESPN's non existent NHL coverage
ESPN's NFL coverage over and over
football players wearing long socks
Troy Polamalu
Boise State
firing coaches over bs
when Dallas Cowboys lose its the end of the world
98% of san diego charger fans. if denver loses this weekend, these guys will start hoisting championship banners at their tailgates talking about how they arenow superbowl favorites again.
Cowboys and everything about the whole org.
Cowboys being on national TV ALMOST EVERY NFL WEEKEND.

anything Boston-sports
Lebron in NY 2010 talk
Pacman Jones
The Gators
The Crimson Tide
The LSU Tigers
the BCS
Anything and everything Favre
The Mavericks
The boring !!+ Spurs
Reggie Bush
Agent 0's cockiness
Roger Goodell's hard !!+ NFL policies
- The idea of "distractions" in the NFL; if you miss a blocking or coverage assignment because you teammate, who plays on the other side of the ball,is suspended for some dumb stuff, you are not a professional.

- Comparing sports to office work is done a lot and is always stupid. You don't ice yourself down after a day at work, you don't shower with yourcoworkers, you don't make millions for being the worst worker at the office, you don't face a barage of dumb questions from ESPN, you can't getinstant sex from groupies for being the assistant to the purchasing agent.

- Human interest stories; every week now, we have to hear about how someone grew up in poverty or had some sort of sickness as a kid. It is not that I do notcare about another human being's plight but it does not make the game one bit more enjoyable.

- The notion that a football team can only run the ball if it is up big; I heard announcers say "they are 7-0 in the 1st quarter" they have got tothrow it now, they have been taken out of their running game. You only throw on every down if you are down big and it is well past the second half.

- Fake, fair weather Laker fans; they give a bad rep to those of us who are real Laker fans and were diehards back 1993-1994 and 2004-2005 when the seasonended in a manner that was "ghastlier than a thousand ghouls."
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

##%$% #++ %!*%++ divin at peoples knees from the side whther they're blocking or tacklin

co-sign on revolution helmets as well.

random, but i just thought of Steve Wallace's double helmet.



there was a dude on the Bills defense back in the day who wore the same type of lid....


it just came to me....Mark Kelso


anyways, I HATED Louis Rankin's out of date facemask....
He was a RB

1. Bum NBA players who wear all those lame accessories trying to look like Allen Iverson. What is the point of all of them anyway?(Vince Carter looks like a damn mummy)

2. Lebron's hairline and how high he wears his headband.
3. Deshawn Stevenson's existence (no way in the world this guy should be starting over Nick Young)

4. Antwaan Randle El's lame celebration after making a catch whether or not its a first down

5. Defensive players celebrating a big hit even though they gave up the first down (ie. the entire Ravens defense)
6. The supposed NFL Experts saying a team needs to keep running the ball even though they are getting no yardage and losing the game (Yo if it aint working inthe first three quarters it's not gonna just magically work in the 4th)


- Islander fans in general (if any do happen to exist).
- The analysis of Merril Hoge.
- Matthew Barnaby doing NHL analysis.
- PBF retiring like he's really not going to come back.
- Evander Holyfield, or anyone, over the age of 40 who are past their prime still jumping in the ring to fight. Listening to Riddick Bowe speak nowadays isdepressing.
- Manny Pacquaio fanboys.
- Frontrunners. I've got a friend who became a Patriot fan after they beat the Rams, a Red Sox fan in 2004 and a Celtics fan after they beat the Lakers. Nothing pisses me off more than this.
- Joe Buck.

i hate errything about this clown. i have NNOOOOOO idea how this cat gets open. i really feel deep down in my heart i could cover this dude. erry steeler gamei watch i jus dont know how teams let him catch anything.

the fact this dude never has and probably never will get the credit and recognition he deserves for being a top 5 receiver his enitre career


the hype that was built up aroun this cat after that chip game was rediculous.


this dude is good for like 3 false starts a game. (keyshawn)come on man(johnson)

1. Tuning in to watch NFL or NCAA games and essentially watching a 3 hour commercial with some football mixed in.

2. Media creating drama, discussing it until death, then going to the team before and after the game and asking how hard it was to deal with "all thedistractions."

3. Sunday afternoon NBA games that have less effort than a local pickup game of 50 year olds.

4. TV announcers who think the game is about them.

5. Chris Berman.

6. The same 2-3 MLB teams being discussed non stop on every ESPN or FOX platform all season long, those same 2-3 teams getting 80% of all nationaltelecasts...................and if those 2-3 teams dont make a run in the playoffs, ESPN and FOX complaining during the postseason because their ratings arelow and they can't figure it out.

7. Diva Wide Receivers.

8. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman doing any Dallas Cowboy game.

9. Ticket prices and more specifically "seat licensing fees" that are all the rage and will now never go away.

10. Organizations that never have winning seasons yet blame the fans for not showing up and oh ya if we also dont get a new stadium paid for by you then we aregoing to move.

11. Billionaire owners who have no clue how to run a team, yet know exactly how to make that dollar and squeeze every penny out of their customer base.

13. New stadiums being publically paid for and costing upwards of a billion unneccesary dollars.

14. NBA trades essentially being about cutting money and matching up salaries as opposed to good old fashioned trading of talent.

15. And lastly, MLB teams being able to buy themselves success.........and MLB teams never spending one cent. Worst overall system in sports IMO.
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