R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Every time I read one of these stories I literally believe all of it. We know all know he's a freak because he's not just coming up with this songs Weird Al Yankovic style. He's serious when he makes a song and the chorus is "I Like the Crotch on You". Why would I believe he's not a freak.
Some really stupid ******* people on this board who cannot read or understand when someone is acting in the parameters of the law.

They want to make their own conclusions and use laws to favor their believes but if this individual was doing something wrong he would’ve been in police custody already.

Look at all those porn videos that are really rough with female black teens or exploited black teens and the ghetto gobbler ones. It’s really crummy and sick to watch but the participants are willing to do it for money and other gifts and these girls R. Kelly has in his stable are no different.
Some really stupid ****ing people on this board who cannot read or understand when someone is acting in the parameters of the law.

They want to make their own conclusions and use laws to favor their believes but if this individual was doing something wrong he would’ve been in police custody already.

Look at all those porn videos that are really rough with female black teens or exploited black teens and the ghetto gobbler ones. It’s really crummy and sick to watch but the participants are willing to do it for money and other gifts and these girls R. Kelly has in his stable are no different.

Just plain wrong.

You should probably research how exactly he avoided jail time, this is a known child abuser, you can try and dance around it but your trying to downplay the actions of a serial child abuser and you look stupid.
Just plain wrong.

You should probably research how exactly he avoided jail time, this is a known child abuser, you can try and dance around it but your trying to downplay the actions of a serial child abuser and you look stupid.

I’ll respond in a few man but I feel like u disagree with ninjahood ninjahood and my view on the situation but all three of us are on the same page.

At work give me a few.
I can tell you with certainty, I am not on the same page as you and ninjahood and that I would be embarassed as a man if I was.
yeah any potential defense of this even from a strictly legal standpoint evaporates once its becoming apparent that he’s coercing them wih violence (as opposed to material things that they are choosing to stay for) & that age dips below 16-18, and really 17-18 in most states

if this is true and she gets airtime its probably an *** of more victims about to come out
FOH I don't want to hear what any of these girls are spewing when they are willingly going and messing with this dude and they know what his reputation is.

Even worse was that fine yellowbone one with the red hair that her parents sent to Kellz and she's even saying she wants it this way and wants to stay with Kellz :smh:

Now they're crying they want their baby back :smh:

bingo...when i was a 14 freshman in highschool, you know where all da sexiest chick classmates were going after 3pm? hoppin inside of some random benz, lexus, acura, bimmer, etc. of some older cat who was knockin that off.

excuse me if i ain't sharing a tear for a broad who signed up to be a chapiadora. ...she a straight young gold diggin baby juice repository lookin for a come up.
I’ll respond in a few man but I feel like u disagree with ninjahood ninjahood and my view on the situation but all three of us are on the same page.

At work give me a few.

its da same broad (kitti jones) who was blabbin last time...she had a full blown Rolling Stone article that fizzled...now she out here with recycled stories.

fam wake me up when da actual 14 year old person in question at da time surfaces to speak for herself...otherwise this ish a dub.

as far as concerned, kitti jones was conplicit in everything she talking bout...you quit your job to fly out and let R. Kelly take care of you and had other broads eat you out for 3 years...
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its da same broad (kitti jones) who was blabbin last time...she had a full blown Rolling Stone article that fizzled...now she out here with recycled stories.

fam wake me up when da actual 14 year old person in question at da time surfaces to speak for herself...otherwise this ish a dub.

Wouldnt be surprised if you felt the same way about Bill Cosby, dudes are well know to be some sick individuals but for some reason you immediately defend them, for what?
the article is about a documentary that is "Directed by British filmmaker Ben Zand"...the article only references kitti but "the documentary features commentary from several former members of Kelly’s camp, including ex-business manager Rocky Biven"
"kitti jones" isn't going around "blabbin" to the press with her "recycled story". he cited kitti because she was the latest accuser. y'all thinking like she didn't get enough shine with the first story so she moved on to other outlets is false.

here is "proper forum etiquette" with a link to a better written article...

Wouldnt be surprised if you felt the same way about Bill Cosby, dudes are well know to be some sick individuals but for some reason you immediately defend them, for what?

Because their victims are women, and primarily black women.
he cited kitti because she was the latest accuser. y'all thinking like she didn't get enough shine with the first story so she moved on to other outlets is false.

its da same broad from October..might wanna check ur stats.
its da same broad from October..might wanna check ur stats.

bruh...i know the article is citing Kitti..."the same broad from october" . i'm telling you the article is promoting a documentary that the bbc (insert pun here) is airing. the documentary isn't specifically about kitti though...did you read the article i linked or you just talking ****...
R. Kelly has become almost as well known for accusations of sexual misconduct as he is for his music. The most notorious of those accusations involved an underaged girl and now, a new set of accusations has him involved one again with a teenager, this time a 14-year-old girl he groomed as a “sex pet.” The Guardian reports in a preview of an upcoming BBC3 documentary in which former Kelly girlfriend Kitti Jones accuses the singer of even more instances of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse, including boasting to Jones that he’d trained an underaged girl to be his pet.

According to Jones, she was “introduced to one of the girls, that he told me he ‘trained’ since she was 14, those were his words. I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say and her mannerisms were like mine. That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”

She also alleges that the singer expressed his displeasure with “misbehavior” or disappointment in the women by “kicking me, telling me I was a stupid ***** [and] don’t ever get in his business.” In the BBC documentary, she says he was “very abusive” during their two-year relationship, “physically, mentally, verbally. I think he gets some sort of satisfaction within himself, knowing that he’s taking control over other people.”

Jones was one of the women who recently came forward to share accounts of the singer keeping women in a “sex cult” against their will. Although authorities say they found no evidence of wrongdoing, the women say that Kelly was abusive and manipulative while maintaining that they were afraid to leave him. Kelly has not responded to The Guardian, but previously stated his innocence."

they even say it in the original article...damn my guy..
bingo...when i was a 14 freshman in highschool, you know where all da sexiest chick classmates were going after 3pm? hoppin inside of some random benz, lexus, acura, bimmer, etc. of some older cat who was knockin that off.

excuse me if i ain't sharing a tear for a broad who signed up to be a chapiadora. ...she a straight young gold diggin baby juice repository lookin for a come up.
You still mad some random dude took your girl in high school? Get over it.
i'm telling you the article is promoting a documentary that the bbc (insert pun here) is airing

dont you think i saw that? da doc is recounting da same story from da same broad...in da BBC (UK)

when you get to da granular level there's nothing here thats new..lemme kno when da 14 yr old in question from years back actually spills da beans.. otherwise? zzz.
Seeing and comprehending 2 different things...

You acting like she shopping her story...like I said the doc isn't specifically about kitti...
I hope some of you dudes dont have daughters.

If any man/woman has a daughter you have to let them know how things are and especially keep them away from predators like R. Kelly, but if they don't listen and go into a life you tell them not to what can you do. My father used to always warn me about my friends growing up and try to kick game to me about so many things that I just thought I knew it all and he didn't... he was right and I should have listened.

If I have a daughter and she ends up in a situation I don't like yes I would try everything I can to make her see the right path, but if she does not listen there is only so much I can do but I would never stop caring for her. Whether is be from being a loosey goosey or a druggie no one would want that, but many parents face it and have to deal with it. There comes a point where you do the tough love and just chalk it up and let them be because it will kill you inside, but you never stop loving them.

Just plain wrong.

You should probably research how exactly he avoided jail time, this is a known child abuser, you can try and dance around it but your trying to downplay the actions of a serial child abuser and you look stupid.

I can tell you with certainty, I am not on the same page as you and ninjahood and that I would be embarassed as a man if I was.

Yes, I know about his past and how he paid off the parents of the girl he allegedly peed on, but he go away and what can you do. Nobody knows 100% if that was him in that video, I think it was, but you're right if he is those things you say he is then he does deserve to be in jail. If he is abusing underage girls then he needs to be held accountable, but these woman coming out are of age that willingly participated in his fantasies for what I assume was money and gift or something that made them do it and stay. Now Kellz has no use for them anymore and kicked them to the curb and probably has new girls so now they want to "speak out" of abuse.

Yeah if he beat them and the other stuff the accuse him of it is wrong and he should be held accountable whether they were paid or received gifts, but me, I, no I will not fee remorse for them because they knew what it was and willingly did it. I'm from a bad area man I seen plenty of girls get taken advantage of just as ninjahood ninjahood said in high school with older guys and just in general and I always look back and think like damn it's crazy what some of them grew up to be with messed up heads and problems caused by what happened when they were young, but they made those choices.

Is it messed up, yes, but they should have been smarter and as ninja said man girls around 14-18 had sense when I was in high school, but you guys are right it's still messed up that they were taken advantage of. But, these grown women in Kellz Kult are 20+ years old man and I just can't bring myself to feel remorse for them.

yeah any potential defense of this even from a strictly legal standpoint evaporates once its becoming apparent that he’s coercing them wih violence (as opposed to material things that they are choosing to stay for) & that age dips below 16-18, and really 17-18 in most states

if this is true and she gets airtime its probably an *** of more victims about to come out

Yes, absolutely if he's doing these things he's accused of he should be held accountable.

Dudes should look at the self hating company you keeping.

Same page my ***, I love being black.

Because their victims are women, and primarily black women.

You're bringing up race into this and I can assure you it's not a race thing or ninjahood ninjahood or myself not having remorse for these girls because they are black. If they were white, hispanic, asian whatever I would still not have remorse because they are grown adult woman making their own decisions. If they were underage or held against their will or beat or whatever then yeah I would believe it was messed and feel bad.

R. Kelly is a control freak x 1000 and he wants it his way only and only his way. Some choose to stay instead of hoping on the closest highway.
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