R.I.P Trayvon

I'm still heated. I hope Zimmerman and his lying friends and family DIE. Yes, I said it. Especially Gladys for having such a disgusting name. Hell kind of name is that? I'd piss on someone just for having that name.
I don't care. I don't care.

Just came back here after reading CNN comments. I can't be civil anymore.


Grow up.
I think you misinterpreted my post, actually I know you did.

That image was to show how ignorant people are being on FB. I wasn't co-signing that fool, hence the "reach" ps.
I get what you are saying but why post this???
What good does this do my dude??? At this point this case truly shows how the issues of race will never be settled.. There is a huge divide in the world I live in and the world most non blacks live in( my Latinos are included in this world), until you truly walk in my shoes, the only thing you will have is an outside looking in view... It's not to say your views are obsolete or unjust, because that's the way you grew up and maybe you did grow up in the hood and underprivileged but your skin color is your ticket... No matter how many times you mess up in this world, if your skin color is of white pigment it's the equivalent to an extra man in a video game, you are given several chances to prove your worth but as a black man if I make one fatal mistake that is the end of my life...Point, Blank,Period... Everybody wants to bring up black on black crime and all of these non factors when it comes to Trayvon Martin( see how him being a kid is brought into question because he smoked weed and had a grill) but not once was George Zimmerman past came into play, it was literally non existing... At the end of this rant my life on this planet is meaningless because as a black male I am only seen to have a set of ideals and morals that are monolithic, everyday I have to break a mold and its draining... I mean people question my "blackness" because I like bagels and mocha lattes, how damn ridiculous... All this thread and trial has taught me as a black man is I have no safe haven in this world where I can just be me, raise a nice family and leave a legacy behind(dont even try that ish with moving to another country because black skin anywhere is considered evil, even in Africa)...
I won't rebuttal because at this point I have nothing left to say because talking to some dudes in here is truly like a brick wall and our experiences divide us in ever understanding each other. I do hope one day, just one day as a black man I can see some type of understanding or moment of clarity of the struggles and battles many of my brothas and sisters go through, just a simple acknowledgement of" Damn I finally see what you are saying, and I am sorry you had to live this way", just an olive branch that acknowledges that I am a black man that is multifaceted in thinking and producing that brought this great country America into fruition...
Just an acknowledgement that I do belong here and I have peace of mind and the opportunity to raise a family without fear of being gun down in my back yard, or killed by a police man or can walk by a non black woman without her clutching her purse or being able to wear a hoodie to protect myself from the elements of the weather...
But this is all a wish and a dream...
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I'm still heated. I hope Zimmerman and his lying friends and family DIE. Yes, I said it. Especially Gladys for having such a disgusting name. Hell kind of name is that? I'd piss on someone just for having that name.
I don't care. I don't care.

Just came back here after reading CNN comments. I can't be civil anymore.


relax.. you sound stupid here.
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I'm still heated. I hope Zimmerman and his lying friends and family DIE. Yes, I said it. Especially Gladys for having such a disgusting name. Hell kind of name is that? I'd piss on someone just for having that name.
I don't care. I don't care.

Just came back here after reading CNN comments. I can't be civil anymore.

relax.. you sound stupid here.
Have you been to the CNN comment section? The most prejudiced comments about welfare recipients and kids deserving to be shot for flipping the bird and smoking weed have like a thousand likes and 80 dislikes. I literally have no hope for humanity if the majority of our country has that kind of mindset.
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Protest in Union Square, NYC

All week long I heard...

When you see white people throwing up the fist a la black power...**** is real. 
Ain't nothing real about it. 

I'm from NYC; have been raised here and still live here. 

These same White people barely associate with or live next to Black people. 

This is just a cause celebre to them. 
Ain't nothing real about it. 

I'm from NYC; have been raised here and still live here. 

These same White people barely associate with or live next to Black people. 

This is just a cause celebre to them. 
So they're out there celebrating Zimmerman getting off? 
we cant have a discussion if white people cant even admit to white privilege
This country has been 80%+ white European for the vast majority of it's history. It's fallen to 75%+ in the past decade. 

 Is there Chinese privilege in China? 

It's a country occupied by White Europeans who built it accordingly. 

As the demographics change substantially, things will evolve. 
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