R.I.P Trayvon

1. Yes. Wearing a hoody is very suspect. I look shady when I'm wearing a hoody and im korean.

2. Trayvon asked GM why was he following him. GZ responded what was he doing. And this is when Trayvon probably tried to walk away and GZ held him to prevent him from going anywhere until the cops show up (keep in mind there were robberies in the neighborhood and trayvon is not a familiar face in the neighborhood). Trayvon attacked him first. But I know what u mean because I would have probably attacked if someone grabbed me. BUT, I wouldn't have banged his head against the concrete floor when the guy is already down. I would have ran after hitting him.

Sucks that we dont know what really happened. We can only go by the provided evidence and witnesses, along with the lawyers. Maybe if trayvon's family got better lawyers, they could have won and changed my mind. Like I said from previous posts, I was on Trayvon's side, but after watching the trials for 2 weeks, I changed my mind.
You just would just run after hitting him? Like he wouldn't chase you? Or what if he had a gun like in this situation and shot you while you ran? Be realistic. At this point you are fighting for your life.
yea....i would run after knocking him to the ground. I'm not taking any chance. GZ was dazed after being knocked down to the floor, but Trayvon kept pummeling him and banging his head against the concrete ground. I'm being 1000% realistic. If a murderer held me, I'm going to attack and run as soon as he gets knocked down on the floor. I'm not gonna risk my life struggling with him on the ground.
With all this black on black crime talk.

I bet Tryavon's dad thought he was safe walking to the store at night.

Nope :smh:
If someone is following me in the middle of the night without a police badge and without explanation I'm gonna be ready to throw hands. Or try to get to my car as fast as possible, but Martin didn't have that option and I am assuming when he tried to run home, Zimmerman began running too, which would UNDOUBTEDLY put me on the offensive and in a mind state of "this dude is trying to harm me".​

Not waiting for someone to stab or shoot/pistol whip me.​

Yea, that sounds good in theory, however a theory is just a theory until it is tested and examined.

However, it did not happened like that.

Zimmerman was indeed following him, but he lost him, and once he lost him Trayvon assaulted him from behind and got ontop of him. Now if he was trying to harm him as you say he would if you were being followed; why was Trayvon's body intact other than the gunshot of course? Why was Zimmerman beaten? From the nose to the back of the head to his arm and torso? Why did Zimmerman just not walk up to him gun out? Why didn't he just have his gun out and point at him? And if he did do so, was Trayvon so courageous to go up to a man with a loaded gun and beat him?

See your "facts" just don't add up. Truth is Zimmerman shot in self defense from Trayvon who assaulted him.
I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal.
Wow . . . ​

wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.
It's not about being brave, it's about doing the right thing and the right thing was to call the cops on the 17 year old kid with some snacks (
I don't consider it brave for a dude to assault someone with a gun when all the other dude has is some candy and tea.​
As a matter of fact, dude was STILL getting his *** beat as a MMA trained 29 year old by a skinny 17 year old kid.
. Says a lot about why he tried to pursue a career in law enforcement, got a gun, and beat on women.​

for the last mutha effin time, there were robberies in the neighborhood and he was on a night watch. He didn't want trayvon to get away while waiting for the cops to show up. He pursued trayvon not to murder him, but to question him. He asked what he was doing, which is legitimate question to a shady kid walking in the middle of the night.

All it takes is one good punch to knock someone out. Trayvon most likely hit him when GZ held him to prevent Trayvon to get away. GZ didnt expect the attack and he was dazed from the hits. I'm 6' 185 lbs, athletic and i work out 5-6 days a week. If I get hit with a good punch by a skinny kid, im gonna get knocked out as well.

I gave some dude a concussion during a fight when I was 150 lb soaking wet, so size doesnt matter.
It was 7:30pm! And it was raining, thats why he was wearing a hoody!
a guy wearing a hoody looks very suspect. I get strange looks from old folks when I'm wearing a hoody in the middle of the night.

I shouldnt say middle of the night....more like evening? Sunset? Still night time either way. 
lol i dont know if you're joking or not. A person with a hoody looks shady...unless it's a cute petite girl wearing a hoody and booty shorts lookin all cute and sexy, then that's a different story.

A person cant wear a hoody in the rain?
read what i wrote. a person wearing a hoody looks shady no matter what the weather is. And im gonna be 10000% honest, a blk guy wearing a hoody looks more shady than a white guy wearing a hoody. But despite what the race is, a guy wearing a hoody looks shady.

inb4 i get called racist.
I'm pretty sure if age was displayed it would explain why some threads are opened and comments are posted.

Let's see how you guys run with that.
With all this black on black crime talk.

I bet Tryavon's dad thought he was safe walking to the store at night.

Nope :smh:

Yep. Major mistake we sometimes make.
Moving to "safer" neighborhoods, not realizing your an easier target for hate mongers.
If someone is following me in the middle of the night without a police badge and without explanation I'm gonna be ready to throw hands. Or try to get to my car as fast as possible, but Martin didn't have that option and I am assuming when he tried to run home, Zimmerman began running too, which would UNDOUBTEDLY put me on the offensive and in a mind state of "this dude is trying to harm me".​

Not waiting for someone to stab or shoot/pistol whip me.​

Yea, that sounds good in theory, however a theory is just a theory until it is tested and examined.

However, it did not happened like that.

Zimmerman was indeed following him, but he lost him, and once he lost him Trayvon assaulted him from behind and got ontop of him. Now if he was trying to harm him as you say he would if you were being followed; why was Trayvon's body intact other than the gunshot of course? Why was Zimmerman beaten? From the nose to the back of the head to his arm and torso? Why did Zimmerman just not walk up to him gun out? Why didn't he just have his gun out and point at him? And if he did do so, was Trayvon so courageous to go up to a man with a loaded gun and beat him?

See your "facts" just don't add up. Truth is Zimmerman shot in self defense from Trayvon who assaulted him.

You are forgetting about what Martin's girlfriend said she heard on the phone, its a totally different account than Zimmerman's
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trolls go further than zimmerman himself
Trolls because they don't have the same opinion as you?

This is why we can't have intellectual conversations.

Although the hoody thing above is just plain stupid, no weight in that debate.
trolls because dudes are invoking imaginary dead wives, claiming that sketchy instagrams are grounds for murder, people deflecting the discussion to other crimes etc

There is nothing intellectual about bashing keys on your laptop.
It's sad that someone walks free because he was asked why were you following me, while in the same state has an abused mother of 3 in jail for 20 years because she fired a shot at her abusive husband smh.
Then again he was just going to sit in jail under protective custody but then again he would still be living while Trayvon is dead. I'm black and if Both Zimmerman and Trayvon were white or both black I would still want the killer to go to jail.
Zimmerman followed him
Trayvon attacked him
Zimmerman shot to defend.

Those are the facts. From a judicial standpoint, you can't put a man in jail based on those details. Should he have went, on a moral standpoint, yes.

Someone close the thread. People are slowly turning into e-savages.

U actually can if you present the argument well enough. Zimmerman provoked Martin, correct?
Yo so were you so emotional the last time another black man killed another black man in your neighborhood? Did you post a niketalk thread about it? Riot about it? Use social media to team up about it? Petition to the govt about it? Camp outside the courthouse about it?
Sit your hypocrite self down.

Wow, didn't know I stayed in the hood and had murders on my block :lol:

I'm a college educated black man.

There goes the white man telling me what I care about again :lol:

Yes, I do care about black men killing other black men. Every day I go to the internet and I have pain in my heart for these kids losing their lives, because I put myself in their shoes. And I've done out reach to them and constantly think about them, because I've been in their shoes. So please know what the **** you're talking about, because you will feel even smaller than you do right now.

And part of the reason they do it, is because of America. Because many black people inherently feel their life has no value or meaning. If your life has no meaning, do you care about the next man? America has taught us to be second class citizens, with unequal education and opportunities. So many of us go for quick happiness and material items or drugs to mask what they're missing. Most other races aren't judged by their lowest common denominator. You can be a doctor or millionaire and assimilated, but you are still judged as being black. You still will be no better than us or speak for all of us.

So you don't think I care or think about my people?

So tell me what you have done my fellow American?
People really want to see a riot. Posting videos when it clearly says it even in the comments section says its old footage
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