R.I.P Trayvon

Trayvon got

Trayvon could have simply said "I don't want no problems sir, I'm going home". Respect goes a long way.
"Only in America can a dead black boy go on trial for his own murder." - Syreeta McFadden
Yep. A select few people in here seem like the types to blame rape victims for drinking alcohol too much if they get roofied. It's scary.
perfect analogy, a lot of truth to this, it really is scary.
My old man is "G" from the old school. If he saw any pictures like these, Zimmerman would not have the chance to kill me cause my pops would got me.

View media item 494296View media item 494297
Sadly, Trayvon was headed down a dark path. If it was't Zimmerman it may have been someone else.

And how in the **** do you know that? Are you psychic?

I used to take pictures like that ALL THE TIME. ****, I STILL take pictures like that. But I attend the University of Houston with a 4.0. You gonna judge someone's life from a god damned picture... :smh:

Let me get off of here before I get banned.
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i'm getting dumb reading some of these comments. America is doomed....maybe not in our lifetime but in time

*leaves thread.
Trayvon would still be alive he had any ounce of respect in his body. I was taught to respect my elders, somehow this was lost with Trayvons parents.

He wasn't just any elder though. He was an elder with some sort of perceived sense of authority, carrying a gun and following an unarmed teenager after he had been told not to. And you talk about respect?
wow because he took pics flipping the bird? headed down the wrong path? wasn't he a honor student with a full ride to college?
yeah, tons of people swear and use bad language. especially teens. now if he had guns or weapons in the pics like Aaron Hernandez you could make an argument. 
Robert Zimmerman on CNN RIGHT NOW saying it's Trayvon Martin's fault he is dead and that he was armed with his "nose-breaking fist, the sidewalk, and his aggression he brought to that moment"

And how in the **** do you know that? Are you psychic?

I used to take pictures like that ALL THE TIME. But I attend the University of Houston with a 4.0. You gonna judge someone's life from a god damned picture... :smh:

Let me get off of here before I get banned.

What a screen name given the situation.
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Trayvon got

Trayvon could have simply said "I don't want no problems sir, I'm going home". Respect goes a long way.

"Only in America can a dead black boy go on trial for his own murder." - Syreeta McFadden

Yep. A select few people in here seem like the types to blame rape victims for drinking alcohol too much if they get roofied. It's scary.
perfect analogy, a lot of truth to this, it really is scary.

They take it one step further, they blame the rape victim for being out drinking and not being at home.
My old man is "G" from the old school. If he saw any pictures like these, Zimmerman would not have the chance to kill me cause my pops would got me.

View media item 494296View media item 494297
Sadly, Trayvon was headed down a dark path. If it was't Zimmerman it may have been someone else.

Bro you cannot be serious right now. I know kids from high school whose parents are worth tens of millions of dollars and are total screw ups. Posting pictures of kids giving the finger makes you a bad person?!? Gesturing the middle finger makes you bad? I don't even smoke but smoking weed ever in life makes you a horrible person? If that's the case 40% of people in this world are worthy of being shot down since they're on "the wrong path" you literally just leapt from A alllllll the way to Z. If we're judging people on pics they took as 17-20 yr olds then there would be no one who is on this holy correct path you claim. Lets judge a whole entire life story off of a couple pictures, that's fair and makes tons of sense. Lemme get out of here though I can't take stuff like this, the absurdity in the post is mind boggling. A picture, were talking about a PICTURE!!!! I'm done. I hope you are never in a position of law enforcement or the judicial sector in any capacity cuz we would ALL be locked up.
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He wasn't just any elder though. He was an elder with some sort of perceived sense of authority, carrying a gun and following an unarmed teenager after he had been told not to. And you talk about respect?

Im sorry I was taught to respect my elders no matter what authority they had or perceived to have.
Just read this comment on CNN, what is your opinion on it?
"How many black kids in Chicago 17 and younger have been murdered in the last 17 months. But wait, those killers were black so it didn't matter"
Not trolling, serious question.

People cant save the whole world, so they have to pick and choose which things are important to them
This is a great comment I saw elsewhere...

"For me, this was going to come down to whether white women saw themselves as white first or women first. I've gotten my answer.

Minorities & women are seen as being complicit in their own injuries in ways that white men aren't. Trayvon Martin was followed at night by a stranger, ends up being killed, and debate ensues about the part he played in the situation. Much like how women are raped and debate ensues over the role she played in her own sexual assault. What did she wear? Was she drinking? You'd think that a female jury would be able to relate to the predicament Trayvon was in as well as the post-incident smearing. But alas, they sided with their fear of black males over empathy for being held to account for your own victimization. Interesting."
I think its crazy that the state of Florida pretty much just said a 17 year old black kid can threaten a grown mans life with just his bare hands.

More proof we are the strongest race on the planet.
My old man is "G" from the old school. If he saw any pictures like these, Zimmerman would not have the chance to kill me cause my pops would got me.

Sadly, Trayvon was headed down a dark path. If it was't Zimmerman it may have been someone else.
The true racists always come out in these types of situations . . . i hate that people bring up pictures of him wearing gold teeth, smoking weed, and the middle finger . . . this proves nothing . . . most dudes his age have pictures like that . . .
I can't see how anyone expected a different verdict. Morally I would have wanted to see Zimmerman go to jail, but cases aren't handled like that. This case should have been over with a long time ago. Obama and the press shouldn't have pumped this up. It's almost as if the media wanted to create division between people by just displaying this case on every news channel all day. 
most "news" nowadays is created to distract us from the real "news"

but I agree with you.
My old man is "G" from the old school. If he saw any pictures like these, Zimmerman would not have the chance to kill me cause my pops would got me.

Sadly, Trayvon was headed down a dark path. If it was't Zimmerman it may have been someone else.

wow because he took pics flipping the bird? headed down the wrong path? wasn't he a honor student with a full ride to college?

That was just a twitter rumor. His academic records were never released.
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This square said he was headed down a dark path because he posted pics with his middle finger up...I know cats that graduated college with honors that have way worst pics
Bro you cannot be serious right now. I know kids from high school whose parents are worth tens of millions of dollars and are total screw ups. Posting pictures of kids giving the finger makes you a bad person?!? Gesturing the middle finger makes you bad? I don't even smoke but smoking weed ever in life makes you a horrible person? If that's the case 40% of people in this world are worthy of being shot down since they're on "the wrong path" you literally just leapt from A alllllll the way to Z. If we're judging people on pics they took as 17-20 yr olds then there would be no one who is on this holy correct path you claim. Lets judge a whole entire life story off of a couple pictures, that's fair and makes tons of sense.

As a parent myself I would be damn if my child was portraying these type of images on a computer I bought, in the house I am paying for on in clothes I bought.

Question is? How could you see this appropriate for a 17 yr old. I sure as hell cold not act like this in front of my parents.
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Highest rated CNN comment.
After watching the trial day in day out can't say I'm surprised. I really wished the prosecution had pushed for manslaughter instead. Man while I'm not surprised, I'm really torn up about it.............. But what really pisses me off the most are all the posts on here and reddit with people leaving out key information just to "prove" their skewed points. Seriously I don't get how the prosecution didn't do a better job of painting the picture of how G.Z. training gave him the confidence to follow T.M., knowing that whatever situation arises he knew he could fully handle it. Then there's the whole G.Z. the unathletic slob, pov. when the actual incident pictures showed him to be in pretty good shape. Man as much as I hate to type this that was some great lawyering by his defense attorneys. As soon as I saw the trial version "Z.M." I knew they were on their A game.

View media item 494336
Anyways Ima go watch some anime or something
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Not to derail thread in any way but here in baltimore they said since June 21 around 30-40 have been killed. People die every day. People in general need to come together and stop such senseless killing. People cause more of a uproar when the killing is somewhere else versus when it's in their own city.

Just read this comment on CNN, what is your opinion on it?
"How many black kids in Chicago 17 and younger have been murdered in the last 17 months. But wait, those killers were black so it didn't matter"
Not trolling, serious question.

I think there's a big difference

This case just set a precedent in Florida, that a black male can't walk in a white neighborhood. If something happens and you end up dead, you will be on trial along with all your past transgressions.

So you better humble yourself to someone who has no authority over you, because society just said if he's light he DOES have authority over you. What are you doing in this neighborhood?

I'm sure in Chicago, Baltimore, and many other cities, people tried the self defense tactic. But I guarantee you the judge and jurrors said, so the other person didn't have a gun, knife or rock? What exactly what were you defending yourself from? Two band aids?

Because just like there's a problem with our justice system in regards to race, there's one with class.
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