Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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if jesus was hung to death the world's most recognizable symbol in the world would be a noose:wink::nerd:
if jesus was hung to death the world's most recognizable symbol in the world would be a noose:wink::nerd:
It’s true. They put people on a cross to humiliate them and make a show of it. White people didn’t want to wait so they just hung people so they could go on with their festivities.
Did not one good Christian on earth pray for Covid to go away or does prayer not work. Would like some clarification
Discrimination against women is not confined to
Christianity. The major world religions all have some
built-in bias - as these few quotations and stories show.


According to the Quran, 'Men are the maintainers (or in charge) of women. So the good women are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. And (as to) those whose part you fear desertion, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds and chastise them. So if they obey you, seek not a way against them.' (Quran 5:34).

Many Hindu religious texts describe women as deceitful and sexually provocative by nature. The following quote from the Devi Bhagaveta (1.5.83) is typical. 'A woman is the embodiment of rashness and a mine of vices. she is an obstacle to the path of devotion, a hindrance to emancipation. she is practically a sorceress and represents vile desire.'

According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha's stepmother wished to become a nun. She expressed this wish to the Buddha several times and each time she was refused. Finally, on the advice of one of his disciples, he acquiesced. But even as he did so, the Buddha claimed that establishing a community of nuns would reduce the time in which his teaching (the dharma) would be effective from 1,000 to 500 years.

One of the morning blessings made by an Orthodox Jewish male: 'Blessed are you Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has not made me a woman.'

Baptist Pastor Who Told Wives to Lose Weight Has Taken a “Leave of Absence”

That’s pretty much the entirety of the statement put out by the church’s Deacon Ministry Team tonight. They did it on the home page of their website because the rest of their social media remains shut down as of this writing.

It comes after Clark went viral for all the wrong reasons.

A compilation clip posted on this site, from a sermon he gave two weeks ago, showed him saying women needed to lose weight to prevent their husbands from straying (as if it’s their fault), that they should emulate Melania Trump (whose husband, by the way, strayed repeatedly), that women “don’t need to look like a butch,” and that a friend of his “has put a ‘divorce weight’ on his wife.”

New Orleans archdiocese calls for Catholics to avoid Johnson & Johnson vaccine

The Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans urged Catholics on Friday against taking a vaccine for COVID-19 manufactured by Johnson & Johnson because the vaccine is developed from stem cells obtained from two abortions.

In a statement on the archdiocese's website, the organization argued that Johnson & Johnson's vaccine was "morally compromised."

"The archdiocese must instruct Catholics that the latest vaccine from Janssen/Johnson & Johnson is morally compromised as it uses the abortion-derived cell line in development and production of the vaccine as well as the testing," the statement read.

"We advise that if the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is available, Catholics should choose to receive either of those vaccines rather than to receive the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine because of its extensive use of abortion-derived cell lines," the archdiocese continued.

A request for comment from Johnson & Johnson was not immediately returned.

Saudi Arabia Holds Women's Conference With Not A Female In Sight (PICTURE)

An image of a conference in Saudi Arabia on the topic of “women in society” – with not a single female present - has gone viral.

The picture features row upon row of men in traditional keffiyeh and white thobes. A single Westerner in a flannel shirt is the only person breaking up an otherwise uniform sea of what appear to be Arab men.

We traced the picture back to, which says it was published in Saudi newspaper Okaz in 2012.


Saudi Arabia Holds Women's Conference With Not A Female In Sight (PICTURE)

An image of a conference in Saudi Arabia on the topic of “women in society” – with not a single female present - has gone viral.

The picture features row upon row of men in traditional keffiyeh and white thobes. A single Westerner in a flannel shirt is the only person breaking up an otherwise uniform sea of what appear to be Arab men.

We traced the picture back to, which says it was published in Saudi newspaper Okaz in 2012.


Looks like when Alabama votes for abortion laws. But that’s different right America?
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