Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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religion in the aggregate & you can choose the society/societies
Societies where matriarchy ruled, where also male identified gender based systems did not exist, the religions that were present were all good, great for the development of that society. Femininity was not shunned, nor thought of as a weakness, so the development of man was to garner such in order to be considered complete. Looking at religion in this society in general, I tend to agree with the Atheist to a certain extent. It is ridiculous to think of a religion pointing a deity that seems to be a one trick pony, one who turns a blind eye toward sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and then any other phobia that you can speak of. The religions that are practiced in the western hemisphere are about money and power, not higher thought, and then being about the collective. There is no reason for a church that claims to represent a people to have financial wealth in order to wield political influence, or to be influenced BY politics.

This is the reason why this part of the world is in moral shambles, and it has everything to do with white male supremacy, under the guise of religion.
When you dismiss religious scriptures based on their literal interpretation you are working on the same intellectual level as those who accept them based on that literal reading.
They can be dismissed on their figurative and metaphorical interpretations. Especially when you consider real world consequences and repercussions.

We way past literal :lol: That's some day 1 realize religious scripture is ridiculous remedial understanding.
I feel the bible may not be for everyone. Thanks ehy most can’t understand it. Think of it as.... a heirloom if you will. Definitely changes things..... but like they say.... if God isn’t real and you don’t believe then cool but if he is and you don’t....... *inserts evil laugh*
They can be dismissed on their figurative and metaphorical interpretations. Especially when you consider real world consequences and repercussions.

We way past literal :lol: That's some day 1 realize religious scripture is ridiculous remedial understanding.
It is indeed the first floor.
I feel the bible may not be for everyone. Thanks ehy most can’t understand it. Think of it as.... a heirloom if you will. Definitely changes things..... but like they say.... if God isn’t real and you don’t believe then cool but if he is and you don’t....... *inserts evil laugh*
Well, which God are you speaking of?

If someone does not believe in the bible and the god you speak of, are they wrong in their beliefs?

If so, why?
I feel the bible may not be for everyone. Thanks ehy most can’t understand it. Think of it as.... a heirloom if you will. Definitely changes things..... but like they say.... if God isn’t real and you don’t believe then cool but if he is and you don’t....... *inserts evil laugh*

What if the god that you believe in isn't real, but other gods are? Where does that leave you?

This Pascal's wager stuff is nothing more than a scare tactic that uses fear to coax people into believing
What if the god that you believe in isn't real, but other gods are? Where does that leave you?

This Pascal's wager stuff is nothing more than a scare tactic that uses fear to coax people into believing
These are literally arguments on NT we put to bed 15 years ago and that's just here.

Logical fallacies seem to be a constant.

Still my favorite commentary on Pascal’s wager:

With the Atheist Experience vids to boot :lol:

I wish I still had the channel these guys would be re-aired on.
When I speak and then listen to an atheist, I respect his position due to what is actually going on in the world. I am not about changing his/her mind either. There is proof that something is off, and the atheists observation is accurate, especially when debating against the existence of this so called higher being. There is famine, poverty, ignorance, so much to the point that it all has been normalized, as if that is how it has ALWAYS been.

Historically, and thankfully so, we know that this isn't the case.

The fact that we have one god representing three different religions, with one OG interpreter, is very interesting. A god who absorbed the names and temples of other gods/goddess then took credit for things such as the Virgin Birth, of which if told correctly, speaks of Mary as being the last of her kind.

The self replicating, self impregnating, Woman. She didn't need a man.

This god simply took credit, was given credit, for what Women had been doing, way before he was even thought of.

This was no miracle, this is how it USED to be before things changed.
Is religion a net plus or negative for society?

I wonder if the atrocities committed by one power structure are simply replicated by a different power structure in the absence of the first. Does the religion make the people crazy or do the people make the religion crazy? Is a person in need of religion capable of creating one?

They can be dismissed on their figurative and metaphorical interpretations. Especially when you consider real world consequences and repercussions.

We way past literal :lol: That's some day 1 realize religious scripture is ridiculous remedial understanding.

The moral dogma I assume you are refering to is still, in a sense, based on some acceptance or consideration of literal meanings. Of course we all understand stories have morals. I think you need to grasp the nuance of the difference between metaphor and allegory. The personification of ideas or phenomenon. One big triple entendre at minimum. Unfortunately they dont tell you who represents what exactly in the cliffs or commentary. Its symbolic, coded language.
Got a question for you. I come in peace.

No verse reference, I want your thoughts. When it comes to, "Thou shalt not kill" how do you think/assume killings done by soldiers is viewed by God? ICIP

htg designs htg designs

Or anyone else
(I'll m not gettin these @alerts for some reason. I just happened to peek in here..)

Without gettin too deep...
I believe killing is viewed by God as sin. But the intention of the heart is what determines if its justified. I do believe their is a difference. Killing to defend ones homeland/ or freedom can be seen as a justifiable act.

At the end of the day tho sin is sin and we all commmit it in some form. So, its wrong but its not irredeemable like anything else.

Hope that was sufficient.
The moral dogma I assume you are refering to is still, in a sense, based on some acceptance or consideration of literal meanings.
In that context we're not talking about my interpretations arguing against religion but the believers literal interpretation of the religion and the ramifications of that in the real world.

Of course we all understand stories have morals. I think you need to grasp the nuance of the difference between metaphor and allegory. The personification of ideas or phenomenon. One big triple entendre at minimum. Unfortunately they dont tell you who represents what exactly in the cliffs or commentary. Its symbolic, coded language.
That **** is cute for scholars but it's not being relayed to the common man that is a believer anyway.

Again it's not about me differentiating between allegory and metaphor. These things can be dismissed immediately based on the fact that isn't the only path to those morals, to those lessons, to those teachings.
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In that context we're not talking about my interpretations arguing against religion but the believers literal interrogation of the religion and the ramifications of that in the real world.

That **** is cute for scholars but it's not being relayed to the common man that is a believer anyway.

Again it's not about me differentiating between allegory and metaphor. These things can be dismissed immediately based on the fact that isn't the only path to those morals, to those lessons, to those teachings.
Check this out,

“Indeed, biocentrism suggests it’s a manifold that leads to all physical possibilities. More and more physicists are beginning to accept the “many-worlds” interpretation of quantum physics, which states that there are an infinite number of universes.

Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death doesn’t exist in these scenarios since all of them exist simultaneously regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is just energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.”
Check this out,

“Indeed, biocentrism suggests it’s a manifold that leads to all physical possibilities. More and more physicists are beginning to accept the “many-worlds” interpretation of quantum physics, which states that there are an infinite number of universes.

Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death doesn’t exist in these scenarios since all of them exist simultaneously regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is just energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.”
Oh I'm definitely up on the the multiverse theories and the first law of thermodynamics. Accidentally learned the basics as a child from tv and have been way more interested in those possibilities ever since.
Still my favorite commentary on Pascal’s wager:

With the Atheist Experience vids to boot :lol:

I wish I still had the channel these guys would be re-aired on.
Random story but a US person I encountered on Halo 3 and played with later ended up sending me one of Blaise Pascal’s books. This must’ve been when I was between 14-16 years old, he was evidently in his mid to late 20s as he already graduated university.

I remember we somehow ended up occasionally discussing his christian beliefs and my unwavering atheism and both of us getting a sense of mutual satisfaction from those discussions. Riveting stuff for a 14-16 year old, I know.

One day he said he wanted to send me an ‘interesting free surprise’ in the mail relating to our discussions/debates, so after some consideration I decided to provide my address.
It turned out to be a book by Blaise Pascal, which I remember I ended up enjoying even as an unwavering atheist. Again, riveting stuff for a 14-16 year old, I know.

I’m sure it’s still around here somewhere all these years later. I’ll look for it tomorrow, perhaps it’s due for a re-read as I can’t say I remember much from it besides Pascal’s Wager.
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Oh I'm definitely up on the the multiverse theories and the first law of thermodynamics. Accidentally learned the basics as a child from tv and have been way more interested in those possibilities ever since.
I love reading other perspectives, especially those that make sense. Understanding the limitations placed upon this world in regard to knowledge by these unfortunate religions, they've made thinking different a sign of some evil doing, of which has always attracted my interests. Once I realized that we are all matter, it changed everything for me, especially in understanding what is, and then isn't.
Just to show how other beliefs are co opted into christianity, as if they originated through the abrahamic faiths....
..I have heard that fish for a lifetime bullcrap much of my life. It is insensitive, toxic, and downright stupid. It pretty much explains why it was co opted into christian thought as well. Anything that deflects away from the true understanding of how things work in this world, will be determined as abrahamic in origin. Speaking truth to power is never considered as such.
I seem to remember the homie Jeez giving out like 8 million free fish platters that one time, no questions asked.

growing up around Catholic culture taught me a lot of professed evangelicals never once read the instructions for their religion.
You guys do know there is a difference between Athiest and Agnostic right? Like at the very least, you came from your dad’s nut sack. You didn’t just materialize lol. That’s more looney than creation story. Also quantum physics (the thing thats allowing you to post on this forum) kind of debunks the whole “nothing really exists” thing. That is all. Carry on... since we so clever....
You guys do know there is a difference between Athiest and Agnostic right?
Who doesn't know this? Exactly what made you decide to state the obvious? :nerd:

Like at the very least, you came from your dad’s nut sack. You didn’t just materialize lol. That’s more looney than creation story. Also quantum physics (the thing thats allowing you to post on this forum) kind of debunks the whole “nothing really exists” thing. That is all. Carry on... since we so clever....
This is bewildering. You would almost think you were talking to anybody specific in here.

You mistake this thread for some place else?
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