Question for my tree smokers...

i dont know if its the same as shrooms cuz i never tried em...but i have tried salvia and i HATED IT..worse thing i ever did...and it only lasted about 15minutes...i heard it aint bad if you dont have a bad trip..I had a bad trip though, lol never again...and it tastes like butt
Originally Posted by javier5857

Cant believe this isnt locked.

Me either. Dude, I cant tell if you were being serious with your first post or not. I am a smoker, fairly consistent smoker. It doesnt run my life. I havequite a few friends who smoke as well, some occasionally, some daily. Dozens of people I kick it with regularly smoke weed. NOT ONE of them has had desires todo heroin or coke.
Potheads dont crave heroin....they crave chips, cookies, candy...etc.
Reason why this isn't locked... to quote Bastitch: "idiot snakepit"

Salvia is definitely a trip though. I swear me and my friends were laughing for half an hour straight
Crazy stuff
I would never smoke or do anything else except herbal remedy or drink alcohol. I don't think tree is a gateway drug at all, it helps me recollect mythoughts and calm my nerves. I do it because I don't want to do anything else, and while I'm under the influence, I make some smart choices...actuallybetter than some of my sober choices [as sad as that may sound] With that bein' said, I wondered about how other drugs would make someone else feel, butwould I ever want to find out? Hells no.
I am impressed with the knowledge of SOME NTer's on here. I'm also on another board that is strictly this discussion (drugs in general). Someone saidearlier its all in how strong you are mentally. I've seriously done just about all of it. From cat tranquilizer (which I love) E acid, just about all ofit. I draw the line at heroin and meth. meth has got to be the worst IMO. I did E every weekend for a year or so everything else with it and havent doneanything in about 3 years, not even smoke. Its all about how you are mentally. I know people take that Salvia for a joke cus its legal but to much will put youin a world of hurt. I suggest everyone be careful with that stuff. Best thing you can do is what the OP did. If you don't know ask and read. the better youknow what to expect the better time you will have. Be safe everybody nothin wrong with responsible use.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN


well all I wanna know is what's good with getting a legal MJ prescription in Cali?


easy to get and extremely worth it if its really for you...i've had mine for a minute me if you want details or have any questions

most people in the state of california dont know this but no matter what your ailment whether its a sore finger or recurring headache, no doctor has the rightto tell you how to medicate yourself so no matter what, it's YOUR right to medicate yourself using marijuana if thats what YOU deem necessary
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN


well all I wanna know is what's good with getting a legal MJ prescription in Cali?


easy to get and extremely worth it if its really for you...i've had mine for a minute me if you want details or have any questions

most people in the state of california dont know this but no matter what your ailment whether its a sore finger or recurring headache, no doctor has the right to tell you how to medicate yourself so no matter what, it's YOUR right to medicate yourself using marijuana if thats what YOU deem necessary
I don't know if it's true but do they really take a copy of your driver license at the clinic when you pick it up?
^they scan a copy of your license on to your physical prescription so yea im guessing they do keep the scan itself...all that !!%$ is confidential though,anything through the doctors office can't really be touched by gov etc...there's always the question "will i pass a screening for a gov jobscreening?" yes, theres no way for them to know you're a patient...However, its when/if you register for the co-op that your information is indeedavailable to the government, thats not necessary though unless you're from norcal like myself and want to have access to clubs in so cal and vice versa
One of my dudes, he 30 right now, he been on all that stuff.
Started off with weed, moved on up to hard drugs for about 4 years.
He just been telling me about doing meth, smoking crack and herion. That stuff is messed up man foreal, dont mess with that stuff.
Learned alot from dude.
I smoked salvia for the first time last weekend... my friend wrote about it on my Facebook wall, my mom saw it, and flipped %%%@. Talmbout I'm out ofcontrol, gonna get addicted, and my life is spiraling downwards because I'm a drug addict.
marijuana is a gateway drug
there is no doubt about it

good friends of mine whet on to harder drugs after heavy pot use and some have got off the hard stuff and other still do dope coke and crack.

Lucky for me all I did was acid and the last time was 13 years ago and I would never do it again
Smoked a little dust and I did like it but I stoped that quick when I started to like it too much.
never did crack coke dope or X and dont want to do any of that crap now.

but have been around drugs users and dealers a good part of my life

if you dont have a strong mind the hard drugs will take you under before you know it

I have been taking a break from pot for the last 3 years for 10 months out of the year and then the last 2 months of the year I smoke like crazy

Before that I was a heavy pot user for 12 years.

More like a marijuana crack head.

Smoking like 10 to 13 blunts by myself a day for years.

Funny this is coming up cause for the next 2 months I am smoking like crazy.

Since this is the time of year that I puff.

I love marijauana but I also like not being high all the time.

Bottom line I would just stick with trees.

Everything else is trouble and so is marijauana if you think about it.
This may sound a little funny : I have no desire whatsoever to try opiates(heroin, coke etc.) at this point in my life, but I feel like when I start gettingnear the end of the line, maybe even as early as when I feel like I've got 15-20 years left, I think I'd like to try heroin, just for the experience.
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

marijuana is a gateway drug

there is no doubt about it

good friends of mine whet on to harder drugs after heavy pot use and some have got off the hard stuff and other still do dope coke and crack.

Lucky for me all I did was acid and the last time was 13 years ago and I would never do it again

Smoked a little dust and I did like it but I stoped that quick when I started to like it too much.

never did crack coke dope or X and dont want to do any of that crap now.

but have been around drugs users and dealers a good part of my life

if you dont have a strong mind the hard drugs will take you under before you know it

I have been taking a break from pot for the last 3 years for 10 months out of the year and then the last 2 months of the year I smoke like crazy

Before that I was a heavy pot user for 12 years.

More like a marijuana crack head.

Smoking like 10 to 13 blunts by myself a day for years.

Funny this is coming up cause for the next 2 months I am smoking like crazy.

Since this is the time of year that I puff.

I love marijauana but I also like not being high all the time.

Bottom line I would just stick with trees.

Everything else is trouble and so is marijauana if you think about it.

marijuana is a gateway drug sure, but i really dont like it when people list as a reason as to why marijuana shouldn't be smoked...for every smoker thatwent on to use harder drugs, there's probably a hundred thousand smokers who didnt...that %+#% is a personal decision and in depends completely on theindividual...your friends went on to harder drugs because they chose smoked 10 blunts a day because you decided cases like these i really dontthink marijuana is to blame
bombs are where its at... stuff changed my life.

It's normal to have those thoughts cuz weed is the gateway drug... its all personal curiousity... for me I have no curiousity to do heroin or any drugslike that, but that doesn't mean I haven't wondered what'd it feel like... the risk is just to great to find that answer.
I bite my thumb at you sir. That is, if you're actually planning on doingit. I used to smoke cha but I quit. I'm not gonna act like I haven't thought about other drugs, but I'd never try em. Well, maybe shrooms. Idon't think that's considered a hard drug. But trust me, it's not on my priority list. Basically, anything that I can become addicted to is ano-no. That includes ciggs.
I smoke everyday

and I plan to do shrooms and LSD.

I don't plan on trying anything else. Not because the drugs may be destructive like they are portrayed to be, but smoking is good enough, and it's theonly thing I'll do regularly.
I smoke all the time but it doesnt have that effect on my mental cuz I know when I should and when I shouldnt smoke..... It can be a gateway drug if you wan itto be... The same can be said about alcohol and ciggarettes... both have addictive quality and set u up for future use of something else.. I dont drink oftenand i prolly only smoke ciggs once or twice a week during the summertime.....its all about u as a person
For the people that do E and say they would never mess with Meth, isn't E cut with Meth nowadays? I admit I was curious about E but that steered me away.
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