Question for my tree smokers...

Originally Posted by Helghast420

On a more serious note, i've been smoking regularly for about 2.5 years. I never smoke mids, i'm in the dro only club(that happened fast). I do want to stop, but not because I can't handle it. It seriously does make me a better person, and improves the quality of life to me. But just because of health issues, I can feel it in my lungs now. Time to give them a break. But everyones body/mind reacts different to different things. I went through my phase where i've tried some drugs, and as I stated earlier, I'd like to try two more. But I don't think my decision in doing those drugs stemed from marijuana. Basically just the same reasons why you tried marijuana in the first place. Was cocaine the "gateway drug" in the 80's? None the less, with things like peer pressure aside, and if you're doing them in a safe/comfortable environment, because you want to experience....the experience. Go ahead. BTW, what's wrong with talks about BIG BAD drugs. It's life.

What are you smoking out of?
I'm gonna try a stronger dose of salvia tomorrow or Friday since the first just made me laugh alot
I wanted to see turtles with NY accents crawling onthe walls or on a multidimensional plane. I don't smoke too often though, drink either. I honestly feel bad when I drink..I feel it's an escape fromone's normal personality. Smoking just feels real good, but I want a new job soon...

Control yourself son, one bad trip will kill you
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I'm gonna try a stronger dose of salvia tomorrow or Friday since the first just made me laugh alot
I wanted to see turtles with NY accents crawling on the walls or on a multidimensional plane. I don't smoke too often though, drink either. I honestly feel bad when I drink..I feel it's an escape from one's normal personality. Smoking just feels real good, but I want a new job soon...

Control yourself son, one bad trip will kill you
shrooms and salvia are some of two drugs i want to try.
i dont know how my mind would handle the trip though so im kinda
I get what the OP is saying. I love the high I get from some
. I want to experience a cocaine high, but now on some daily ##%$. It's just somethin' I want to try when I'm in Vegas or some ##%$. Butwhat's going to stop me is the idea of sniffing that ##%$. I ain't tryna sniff nothin'. I just want to experience the high.
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

Bascially I been on that piff for about a year and a half and I got really into it this summer. You kno that phase where you do it for like a week straight with your boys. But recently I been getting notions about other drugs. For example shrooms, heroin (the best feeling in the world?). I would never wanna do these drugs EVER because I know that they ruin peoples lives. Ive never done anything either than trees, but I was just wonderin, for those of you who smoke weed, have you ever thought about other drugs but would never do them? Jus askin cause I wanna know if its normal to have these thoughts some times. Im plannin on quitin weed soon too, for plenty of reasons. Once again, I aint on that druggie tip, bout to experience every drug available, but just had these thoughts like "what would it feel like?" This hella random, but anyone else feel me?
Haha, psilocybin muschrooms are way safer than marijuana. They're just about as dangerous as eating asparagus. I suggest you thoroughly research a drug(and no word of mouth is not research) before you try it.

Marijuana is either a phase, a clutch, or a life long hobby, but not a gateway drug. There is nothing in THC that makes you want to try other drugs, just thegrowing comfort of the definition of "drug" (which is pretty foolish b/c as much as our government would like you to think otherwise, drugs widelydiffer in danger and toxicity). Again, it's a must you properly research any drug before trying it.
And oh, just so ya'll know, shrooms and salvia = nothing alike. If I thought shrooms was 6 hours of what salvia was, I never would have even considereddoing shrooms.

Salvia not the hallucinogen you think it is. You literally cannot do anything on it. You are completely unconscious of where you are and melting into whateveryou're sitting on. It's very very stupid drug in my opinion.
academically i was never that gifted lol but i smoked everyday for the past 2 years (till this august) and i can honestly say that it does takea toll on people...for the good and the bad...

it calmed me down a lot, and made me more sociable

but it did ruin my short term memory lol...i cut down and now pine like 3 times a week max and i can already notice my memory getting better

but now i smoke blacks everyday (being on campus sucks lol) which is horrible for you but whenever i go to the rec and hoop like once a week my lungs reallydont feel bad at least not worse than before i was smoking

and to answer your question...ive never moved to other drugs cause of green...i was perscribed on syrup and i didnt use it as intended lol...but other thansyrup (1-2 times a year) and alcohol (almost every weekend lol) i have never used anything else...and i have seen it all from the fishscale to the skittlepacksof tabs
if your smart and responsible shrooms isnt going to ruin your life, herion and other "hard"drugs for sure will though.......... moderation is key
in b4 the lock
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I'm gonna try a stronger dose of salvia tomorrow or Friday since the first just made me laugh alot
I wanted to see turtles with NY accents crawling on the walls or on a multidimensional plane. I don't smoke too often though, drink either. I honestly feel bad when I drink..I feel it's an escape from one's normal personality. Smoking just feels real good, but I want a new job soon...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Control yourself son, one bad trip will kill you[/color]

Right....a bad trip will kill you...

...And in the news 4 teenagers were scared to death by a bad trip. This is the sixth bad trip death this month.
I popped E before I even smoked trees. Nowadays, I smoke bud way more than anything else. I am pretty much willing to try anything once, so I can't reallyargue with the "gateway drug" theory. If you just smoke bud and never wanted to try anything else than more power too you though.
Don't do it, reconsider, read some liter-ature.. I mean read the posts in this thread.
Ive tried my fair share of these. But there are still things I will never try (meth, crack, heroin, etc) Like everyone said moderation is the key. Dont getahead of yourself.
Originally Posted by THIRST CUSTOMS

Actually i smoke by myself ALL the time....less heads on the blunt = more for me
Yessir. I usually don't take a blunt to the face, but I go outside for a wake and bake bowl as often as possible.
Cant believe this isnt locked.

but, i smoked weed on the regular for about 3 months and quit, havent smoked in a while.

but ever since that entourage epidsode ive been thinking about shrooms..

is salvia about the same as shrooms?
It depends where your mind is mentally. Weed is only a gateway drug for people with a weak frame. They depend on drugs then drugs turn into controlling theirlife. Weed is used by many successful people so don't look at your self as a druggie at all.
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