Question for my tree smokers...

Jan 2, 2005
Bascially I been on that piff for about a year and a half and I got really into it this summer. You kno that phase where you do it for like a week straightwith your boys. But recently I been getting notions about other drugs. For example shrooms, heroin (the best feeling in the world?). I would never wanna dothese drugs EVER because I know that they ruin peoples lives. Ive never done anything either than trees, but I was just wonderin, for those of you who smokeweed, have you ever thought about other drugs but would never do them? Jus askin cause I wanna know if its normal to have these thoughts some times. Im planninon quitin weed soon too, for plenty of reasons. Once again, I aint on that druggie tip, bout to experience every drug available, but just had these thoughtslike "what would it feel like?" This hella random, but anyone else feel me?
My brother started off like you.

A lil weed, then some X..Tryed out some Vicodin...Moved onto OC, and then was a full blown Heroin junkie.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Locked in 5, 4, 3, 2...

I've been smoking for around 2 years and yea there's been times where I was curious about other drugs but I never felt inclined to try them.
If gettin blazed starts to get you thinking about doing coke and heroin you need to stop.
i think its natural to be curious but as long as you aren't actually trying these other drugs i see no reason to stop smoking. i know i wouldn't
smoke bud everyday, got a 3.2 gpa, workout 4 days a week, eat healthy, and have a healthy social life

college FTW

did shrooms once 2 months ago, didnt eat enough though, prob will try that again. nothin else though.
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

Once again, I aint on that druggie tip
not yet need to be careful what you start "experimenting"'ll get you fast.
I've done shrooms=amazing. Cocaine is good if you have self-control, like I do. I've done prescription drugs, they all suck. Roxies are like syntheticherion. They are horrible. Acid and Ex are the only other drugs I'd like to do.
You could try shrooms and be cool but anything beyond that is not a good look. X, meth, crack and heroin will destroy your life.
it crosses my mind sometimes but honestly trees is all need...i dont think i can ever stick a needle in me or snort something through my nose just not mystyle i guess.. but i have popped bars and i will never do that again bars+clubbing= JAIL
What is a gateway statistic? And only do shrooms if you think you have a good control over your own brain. Bad trips are....bad.
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