Question for my Asian Niketalkers.

Depends if you are referring to actual Chinese food or that Charlie Chan honey chicken, spring roll, fried rice diet.
Hit up the nearest China town and check out the restaurants that look the least welcoming to non-Chinese. You get the most authentic cuisine and the workers are always friendly if the menu isn't in English. There are healthy things on there to answer OP's question

Eating food from other cultures that are out of your comfort zone :smokin
The chinese cooks at my local spots eat white rice with boiled or stir fried vegetables and a steamed fish.
U talkin about chinese takeout? Nah, they cook and eat traditional food that ain't on the menu. For the sit down places, theres a separate menu for chinese people to order off of which would be similar to what the workers may eat.
@ All the Chinese replies... as if there are no Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese... ect. restaurants.
Well, for NYC at least, the Chinese are the biggest of the Asian population here. You'll see more Chinese restaurants than you'll see Viet, Thai or Japanese. Japanese restaurants aside from sushi places are hard to come across if its not a Benihana's or some other chain joint.
Chinese food is the worst Asian food there is. Nothing tastes good. Everyone knows its all about the Thai restaurant's. which tend to be owned by Laos
I got a question...

A local spot around my way, a huge Buffet in my are got busted by DHEC for having CATS in the freezer...

Question,....? Why do foreign food servers feel the need to use CATS instead of NON domesticated animals, Is it out of spite or is it cheaper to just get roadkill, rats and cats and pass them off as beef, pork and chicken?
Chinese food is the worst Asian food there is. Nothing tastes good. Everyone knows its all about the Thai restaurant's. which tend to be owned by Laos
Everyone can't eat Thai largely due to their heavy dependency on peanut byproducts in their food. To each his own about it being the worst Asian food. To me Cambodian/Laotian cuisine is the worst.
As far as Chinese people's diets, you are forgetting their metabolism is different from other races. I am half chinese and japanese and I have been blessed with one of the best metabolisms ever. I eat like crazy, drink tons of beer, eat junk food and in my 31 years of existance, I have never really gained that much weight. In high school I was always about 135lbs (I am 5'8) and when I was 29, I was finally about 150lbs. Now I am about 170lbs but that is cause I have been going to the gym. Even amongst other asian cultures, it's different. Like Filipinos have a different metabolism structure. A lot them can just balloon up out of no where as they get older. Chinese people.....not so much but there are some exceptions to the rule.
I got a question...

A local spot around my way, a huge Buffet in my are got busted by DHEC for having CATS in the freezer...

Question,....? Why do foreign food servers feel the need to use CATS instead of NON domesticated animals, Is it out of spite or is it cheaper to just get roadkill, rats and cats and pass them off as beef, pork and chicken?

I hope you're trolling
Chinese food is the worst Asian food there is. Nothing tastes good. Everyone knows its all about the Thai restaurant's. which tend to be owned by Laos
you've tried every single chinese dish to know that none of it tastes good?
traditional chinese/asian food usual consisted of alot of veggie and small portion of meat, they rather sell the animals for money instead of eatting it....also it comes down to genes.

btw them orange chicken, etc. that aint chinese food...them American food, cuz we all know how you american like deep fry everything ...
Chinese food is the worst Asian food there is. Nothing tastes good. Everyone knows its all about the Thai restaurant's. which tend to be owned by Laos

I disagree with Chinese food being the worst Asian food. They have some good and bad dishes IMO. You havent tried every single chinese dish so you cant say its the worst. Thai food doesnt appeal to everyone either...many dont like spicy foods, curry or peanuts. & true about many Thai restaurants in the states being ran by Lao folks. Theres a huge Lao population north of Thailand and when the Laotian war refugees came to the states during the 70s they opened up Thai restuarants cuz they thought Americans would be more familiar with Thai than Lao even though its pretty much similar foods.
Chinese good gets a bad wrap taste wise just cause its the most accepted of the asian foods. When peolpe actually branch out to other asian foods, then they think Chinese food is dull. I'll still take Chinese over Korean, Thai and Filipino food any day. I actually went through a phase where I hated Chinese food but now I love it all over again. Whenever I am super hungry, nothing beats spending pennies to a dollar and getting tons of good Chinese food and I am not talking about that steam plate crap.
i got a few fav asian foods, i love dimsum @ a good chinese joint, i love padthai when it comes to good thai food, papaya salad, sticky rice and bbq chicken when it comes to Lao food, Viets have the noodle game on lock with their Pho, absolutely love Korean bbq w/ kimchi, and cant go wrong with fresh sashimi when eating japanese. would love to try some filipino food one day.
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Hit up the nearest China town and check out the restaurants that look the least welcoming to non-Chinese. You get the most authentic cuisine and the workers are always friendly if the menu isn't in English. There are healthy things on there to answer OP's question

Eating food from other cultures that are out of your comfort zone
True (im chinese)
Chinese food is the worst Asian food there is. Nothing tastes good. Everyone knows its all about the Thai restaurant's. which tend to be owned by Laos

I disagree with Chinese food being the worst Asian food. They have some good and bad dishes IMO. You havent tried every single chinese dish so you cant say its the worst. Thai food doesnt appeal to everyone either...many dont like spicy foods, curry or peanuts. & true about many Thai restaurants in the states being ran by Lao folks. Theres a huge Lao population north of Thailand and when the Laotian war refugees came to the states during the 70s they opened up Thai restuarants cuz they thought Americans would be more familiar with Thai than Lao even though its pretty much similar foods.
Damn son you know your ish. Not to many people even know what Laos is.
But being engaged to a first generation Cambodian I'm always getting the authentic Cambodian food and to me no other authentic Asian foods compare.
But like many in here say its all preferences and some people don't like spicy, or peanuts or whatever.
But I'm telling you bros. papaya salad could be the goat Asian food. Ish is just to good to put down. Pretty spicy though
Thai food is :pimp:

I went to Thailand a couple summers ago .. wow. I'm not a huge fan of spicy+sweet stuff so I had to have them tone it down in that department, but still. Food is amazing.
I hope thay guy was trolling about the cats ...I've always disliked that stereotype. In every nationality you'll find people that eat unconventional meats.
I'm not asian.  However I do work in an asian restaurant (thai) and yes the workers eat the same food that you eat.
I'm Asian, I work and eat at the Chinese restaurant. No offence taken, not sure why anyone would be though.

Though I thought it was hilarious when one white dude bowed to me when I opened the bathroom door for him :rofl: :rofl:, *KattWilliams.GIF*.

Then one time, my boss killed a fly with his hands, another white guy said, "That was good, try with chopsticks next time" I was like, welllllll dayummmmmm.

They probably didn't intend for anyone to be offended, but if someone didn't have the same sense of humor...Lawddddd.
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