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^It's really amazing to me how many people on here actually like Tool. I would've never guessed it...

- Tical.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

for homie who wanted to become goku
I got you

Super Saiyan Guido

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

T i c a l wrote:

Mastamind89 wrote:

T i c a l wrote:

Mastamind89 wrote:

Tical what kind of bass and amp set up is that and what kind of music are you into?
It's a Lakland 55-02 5-string bass. The big amp is a 300 W Ampeg B-series, and the smaller ones are 80 W Rogues which I run a
distortion channel through.

I'm into everything really, but I really enjoy playing/covering Tool and Rage Against the Machine and since Tim Commerford and Justin Chancellor are
my two favorite bassists I'd say my style slightly reflects theirs.

You play an instrument? What type of music are you into?

- Tical.

I don't play, attempted the guitar in the past, I've been thinking about picking it up again. I have some good friends that put together a Metal
band. But I listen to a lot of things from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs all the way to Wu-Tang, lately I've been listening to a lot of Led Zep and Cannibal OX.
Rage is def a sick band, never got into Tool.

Yeah I'm the same way with the eclectic taste in music.��Tool is my favorite band.� If you like Led Zeppelin and Rage you should�maybe�give�Tool a second
listen as they're a nice combination of both of those bands.��They have the smooth, progressive-ness of Zepp and the harsh, hardcore riffs�and screams of
Rage.� They're really above and beyond anything any other band has done in my opinion.� Watch this video, if you don't like it then

- Tical.

The song is pretty dope, I'll def check out their other work.

Cannibal Ox mentioned on NT???? never thought i would see general too


Originally Posted by T i c a l

^It's really amazing to me how many people on here actually like Tool. I would've never guessed it...

- Tical.

Ive never listened to any rock except for Jimi Hendrix but that Lateralus album slaps soooooo hard...In any kind of system those drums are
Someone was bound to mention AHX but I didn't think it would be fiend though. I thought he was a cool guy...


Ive never listened to any rock except for Jimi Hendrix but that Lateralus album slaps soooooo hard...In any kind of system those drums are

Damn right

- Tical.

PS not made by
I dont know how to make em.
Dont take it to the heart TICAL.
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