Prop 8 overturned- Equality/Love/Common Sense 1 Hate 0

The Commerce Clause is a sticky section, Liberals used it to expand the taxing power of the federal government and the Conservatives used it to expand drug laws and individual rights (euthanasia) throwing out States' Rights making this one of the most powerful Clauses in the Constitution.

Supreme Court rulings past and present have REAL LIFE implications in the future. People can thank SCOTUS rulings on the New Deal (some like Wickard v. Filburn) and the Bush administration SCOTUS rulings on Marijuana (like Gonzalex v. Raich) preventing the States to regulate marriage themselves and having laws like the DOMA.

Thank your parents and grandparents for being morons.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by sillyputty

...The Right right fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?
For there to be a massive rise, I assume that there is plenty of documentation of previous violence commited by religious fundamentalists?  Not trying to ask a leading question, just want a truthful answer.
I make this prediction based on the history of people of "faith" being led to do really crazy things. Its really nothing for some of them, when it comes down to it, to protect "what they believe in" by the sword. Religion is a very personal thing to some people and not everyone can handle having it being attacked. If homophobia for the most part is due to the work of religious outfits and anti-marriage equality as aided by overly christian organizations (this is fact in the case of prop 8 ) then there is no telling how far people might take it to defend their religion.
One only needs to look at how abortion clinics and people who want to remove the 10 commandments from courthouses or remove god from the pledge to see how easily this country can slip off into a battle over religion...

I honestly see something major happening. Religious entities know their time is soon approaching. They're digging in deep for the vestiges of the past and the control they once had. They feel that their rights to openly discriminate or be bigots are being taken from them. They aren't able to bully policy in this country the way they would like to. They're starting to complain more about the rise of secularism, not just anti-christianity, just general lack of "god" in government and they're scared and angry. These people think their personal religion trumps the law and will defend that before they defend the rights of their neighbors. I'm not saying this is EVERYONE, but I think the case for radicalism is getting more substantiated as time goes on. I wouldn't be surprised to see more christian "jihads" in the future. We forget that Christianity has fortunately evolved from their violent past, but nothing is stopping them from resorting back to that. 

I only say christianity has a major impact on this issue because religious figures were used as the source of most anti-gay rhetoric during that voting season. 

I also not saying that all non-believers are pro-gay. There are some that aren't. Thats a personal decision. However the main reason against marriage is due to mostly religious influence and I think the evidence of this is clear. 

I'm not going to comment on whether gay marriage is right or wrong, but I find it humorous that the judge who overturned it is gay himself.  I wonder if there were any motivating factors for him to overturn this?

Well I think thats obvious, but my question to you is whether or not his conclusion was valid

Would you find it suspicious that judges sentence minorities to stiffer drug penalties and than their white counterparts?

Also, I find it humorous that basically any stance can be "backed up by the constitution".

The rule of law is all we have to prevent most people from walking next door and killing each other.
Humanism and general widespread empathy has a long way to go. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by rashi

I'm waiting for this dude to come out of the closet.

Maybe they didn't pray hard enough.

Doesn't the anti-gay guy in this video know?
This is so painful to watch. Bring on the slippery slope arguments since there are no decent arguments for why same-sex couples should not be allowed to get married. 
Originally Posted by Andrew630

party in the castro.

liquor is about to be flowing tonight 

happy for all the homosexuals here in california finally being able to skip over this hurdle.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

Everytime I see an article about gay rights, I go and read the comments. There are a lot of hateful people in this world. I just don't get it.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

 Yes only because the Right Wingers were the only ones that voted Yes on Prop 8 eh? 

Over 7 Million Californians voted YES
No, I didn't say that.  I said that right wingers will be pissed, because they will be.  I chose my words specifically and carefully.  It's an election year.  This is going to be a hugely debated political issue.  Don't try to ignite another back and forth "pro gay rights vs. the world" NT thread.

Originally Posted by Azndood21

Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

of course this will go to the supreme court lol

The Supreme Court doesn't want to touch this.

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by sillyputty

...The Right right fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?
For there to be a massive rise, I assume that there is plenty of documentation of previous violence commited by religious fundamentalists?  Not trying to ask a leading question, just want a truthful answer.

I'm not going to comment on whether gay marriage is right or wrong, but I find it humorous that the judge who overturned it is gay himself.  I wonder if there were any motivating factors for him to overturn this?

Also, I find it humorous that basically any stance can be "backed up by the constitution".

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by sillyputty

...The Right right fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?
For there to be a massive rise, I assume that there is plenty of documentation of previous violence commited by religious fundamentalists?  Not trying to ask a leading question, just want a truthful answer.
I'm not going to comment on whether gay marriage is right or wrong, but I find it humorous that the judge who overturned it is gay himself.  I wonder if there were any motivating factors for him to overturn this?

Also, I find it humorous that basically any stance can be "backed up by the constitution".

So he should of have taken himself off this decision because he, himself, is gay?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

 Yes only because the Right Wingers were the only ones that voted Yes on Prop 8 eh? 

Over 7 Million Californians voted YES
No, I didn't say that.  I said that right wingers will be pissed, because they will be.  I chose my words specifically and carefully.  It's an election year.  This is going to be a hugely debated political issue.  Don't try to ignite another back and forth "pro gay rights vs. the world" NT thread.

7 Million Californians, not just Right Wingers, should be PISSED that their vote was overruled. 
If PETA can argue the 13th Amendment and apply it to killer whales at Sea World SD, and a court just take the time to hear such a case, gay marriage should be legalized. It should have been legalized many, many moons ago anyway.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

 Yes only because the Right Wingers were the only ones that voted Yes on Prop 8 eh? 

Over 7 Million Californians voted YES
No, I didn't say that.  I said that right wingers will be pissed, because they will be.  I chose my words specifically and carefully.  It's an election year.  This is going to be a hugely debated political issue.  Don't try to ignite another back and forth "pro gay rights vs. the world" NT thread.

7 Million Californians, not just Right Wingers, should be PISSED that their vote was overruled. 

I guarantee you more than a few of those 7 million Californians either don't care either way or weren't sure what they were voting for to begin with.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

2013 polygamy 2014 beastiality etc. Will be legal.

Lincoln shouldn't have signed the Emancipation proclamation, next thing you know people are gonna be asking for the right of animals to vote--dude opened up a can of worms
This is good news, we as a society need to get past all types of discrimination
Thank you California

Proud to rep my state once again. Voting this down was a shame in the first place...
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

2013 polygamy 2014 beastiality etc. Will be legal.
you're stretching with the bestiality argument.  bestiality typically refers to an act, not a living arrangement.  not to mention you can't prove consent between BOTH parties.

as for polygamy... honestly, i can't say that i would care.

Well this explains the gay student rally on campus today. They didnt even have the courtesy to offer free food
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