POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Literally one of the worst episodes.

50 going out like a killer doesn't make up for the entire waste of time all his on air time setting deals and coming close to taking over was.

I hope Dre is gone too, couldn't stand his weak as character. Cristobal is a much better actor and prime for that spot. I don't even know what those two idiots from Dre organization are going to do.

Tommy still on the hook for Alicia, which is a BS storyline.

Proctor the man that never wants to know anything is questioning Ghost and asking for more. Asking about a witness. Angela being told about an informant close to Tommy and no one mentions this in the many conversation. Oh wait, it was a setup for next episode. So ******* wack ...

Ghost mad because tasha made a move that actually worked and helped her family. So ******* dumb ...

The only good thing about this episode is that just like that, Riq showed potential and primed for a street cat.
This was the best episode in a while. Everything was done right. It looked like another mess for a second but it ended real good.

50 went out the way he should. He looks so natural in these shooting scenes. :lol: Like a black Terminator.

:smh: @ Turtle turning

Dre telling Ghost "The streets is mine" was hard :lol: :pimp:

I didn't see this coming. After his character survived the fire, I knew 50 was doing everything in his Power to stay on this show. I'm still shocked he's gone.
Doubt anybody saw him getting killed this episode. This ain't the first time 50 used the show to push his music. :lol:

This was playing in my head when he died

i mean kanaan killed his kid though :lol:

the way I see it, Kanan never even loved his son in the first place. Ghost and Tasha actually love their kids, but their bad parenting lead to Riq gettin caught up in the life, which ultimately lead to Reina getting killed. then on top of that, Tasha goes and puts Riq's life in danger with this stunt they pulled. yea, they're the worst :lol:
but their bad parenting lead to Riq gettin caught up in the life, which ultimately lead to Reina getting killed.
they did everything to keep him from the life
hide it from him
HE was the one who chose to seek it out
didnt he originally get "kidnapped" by kanaan
they he liked kaaan so much he decided to stay :rofl:
he a idiot
The only thing they did right in this episode is the cops actually hitting 50. It would of have been a sad day to see 50 having perfect aiming and the cops missing every shot like they usually do.
I really was enjoying the episode, but seeing Kanan go out ruined it a bit. Show just took an even bigger hit with that.
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