POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

The LA **** prolly Ghost new job as a IG club promoter. Office job. Benefits. Sunny weather. They'll probably forget Tariq at home.

Dre is a straight *****, and he has nobody behind him. No realistic way I can see him at the top for long if he even makes it
Move to LA, hmmm that would be weird, has that ever actually worked for a show. I can only think of Save by the Bell just moving the "entire cast." However if it means no more Angela I am onboard for a location change.
Well he did just get out of prison...and wouldn't the show be more realistic with him wearing the same jacket.

My younger days on the block, we used to wear same clothes 3-4 days straight...

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This show should've done what Boardwalk Empire did. Introduce one new villain every season, build them up and then kill them off in the season finale or early in the new season.

They have so many different villains that they end up rushing stories and cramming episodes to finish plot lines.
This show should've done what Boardwalk Empire did. Introduce one new villain every season, build them up and then kill them off in the season finale or early in the new season.

They have so many different villains that they end up rushing stories and cramming episodes to finish plot lines.

This MAN KNOWS. You need to have the sense that the main characters will lose. When Gyp came on the scene you knew Nucky was in trouble which kept you tuning in.
some people do have only 1 winter coat during the winter. Kanan a hoodlum not a fashion artist.

Well he did just get out of prison...and wouldn't the show be more realistic with him wearing the same jacket.

My younger days on the block, we used to wear same clothes 3-4 days straight...



goes to show you how fortunate some of us where/is when you worried about what the next man wearing especially during a damn tv show :lol:
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This MAN KNOWS. You need to have the sense that the main characters will lose. When Gyp came on the scene you knew Nucky was in trouble which kept you tuning in.

Gyp was so good. You loved him, but also couldn't wait to see how Nucky got back on top. I miss this show. :frown:
The rise and fall of Chalky was great and sad at the same time. Daughter ruined that man.
I was just about to mention Chalky when dude brought up Boardwalk Empire. The progression of his character was nice. Homie went from being the voice of the black people to being a nobody all because he fell in love with the sidechick.

The problem is that Power doesn't let anybody stay around long enough. This has been happening since season 1. Should have known how ish would go with this show after they quickly let Ghost kill off his protege.

It's like they are using the same plot every season, but with new characters. Ghost/Tommy start off good, they get introduced to a "big bad guy", the "big bad guy" pushes them around throughout the season and then they kill him off towards the end of the season. Rinse & Repeat.
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