Post your unpopular music opinions

Future's music sounds so bad it feels like something i would see on Tosh.0

i was legit blown away (in a bad way) when i checked out his music because i kept seeing so many people (mainly basketball players) hyping it on my timeline
If that is all that you have for now, please sit down, watch a game, perhaps have a drink or put one in the air and come back because your points are damn dead on, so I would be interested in reading more because I agree with everything you stated.
Thanks man, I'm rollin one up as we speak 
.  I'll be back at some point
I can't take anyone 100% serious who feels Future is a gimmick.

It's like yall have your minds made up as to what type of artist he is, and can't see past it. Oh well.
The irony in your opening statement is that I'm pretty certain many of the people you encounter feel the EXACT same way when you go on and on about Future
.  My nature is in open-mindedness.  That's how I've always been, especially seeing as I am a creator myself.  If he was hot, I would be EXCITED and hyping it.  I never been a hater.  If you dope, you dope!  At least in my eyes. But I gotta reserve my love for all the people that really "do" this.  And what he has to offer just ain't what's good to me. 
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^ Who do you like in this era of "R&B" (if you can call it that) music. I've been here a long time, so i know you sing and i've heard a few of your songs, just curious...who's music do you enjoy?
Thanks man, I'm rollin one up as we speak :lol: .  I'll be back at some point
The irony in your opening statement is that I'm pretty certain many of the people you encounter feel the EXACT same way when you go on and on about Future :lol: .  My nature is in open-mindedness.  That's how I've always been, especially seeing as I am a creator myself.  If he was hot, I would be EXCITED and hyping it.  I never been a hater.  If you dope, you dope!  At least in my eyes. But I gotta reserve my love for all the people that really "do" this.  And what he has to offer just ain't what's good to me. 

Future has been here since 2010/2011. It's almost 2016.

6+ years of consistent hits is hard to do in hip hop. Not to mention his influence on Atl rappers and the genre in general. You can't listen to Codeine Crazy, My Savages, Percocet and Stripper joint or March Madness and tell me this man is a gimmick.

And that's just his latest **** lol.
5 years in the game with no timeless music 

its easy to make good turn up music with the right beatmakers, its not like hes actually sitting down creating something different

its the same ****ing and bufooning 
Madonna has always lacked talent, and she shouldn't be deemed the "Queen of Pop." That title belongs to Janet Jackson.

Rihanna is an awful artist who has remained relevant solely because she drops an album every 9 months and she's naked in every photoshoot/music video she does. It's been 3 years since her last album which is why her team is scared to death right now. None of the new gimmicks they have tried have gotten her a hit/buzz poppin again and they don't want her new album to flop.

The Weeknd cannot sing, therefore he is incredibly overrated. There is nothing "Michael Jackson-esque" about his talent or his song making ability, and he doesn't have the talent required to last and be an all-timer. His lyrics lack substance and self-awareness and most the people who obsess over his work are just as narcissistic as he is. They just appreciate the shock value of his vanity-laced lyrics which pretty much represent the mind state of our current generation.

Drake is one of the most overrated artists to ever do this. He's been catapulted to the top because of his dual ability to rap and sing...however he CAN'T sing, and he raps with the same flows constantly. Lyrical ability is extremely limited. He's an actor playing the role of a hip-hop star, and it has worked tremendously.

Chris Brown's best work came out between the ages of 16-18. Since then, he has repeatedly released low quality albums and he has never improved his vocal ability whatsoever. He constantly lip syncs and rarely sings live. When he does, his voice is cracking all over the damn place. I suppose he's too busy flossing and becoming a blood and going to court to actually work on his craft that has made him a millionaire. He's not even mentionable in the same breath as Usher...let ALONE MJ.

Beyoncé is the greatest female entertainer of all time. She is lacking in substance/musical content, but her live performance ability is nothing short of phenomenal. She is one of the only artists EVER who can go onstage and bust out some high octane choreography, and sing every note at the same time and sound just like her record, if not better.

Kanye West dropped 3 classics back to back to back coming into the game, which solidifies his all-time place in history for me. Incredible pieces of art. However, he's gotten a lot of free passes since then. MDATF is often mentioned as his best album, but whenever people say that, it lets me know what type of listener they are. That album was extremely lacking on lyrical content, which is why it pales in comparison to his early work. It's become quite clear to me that he had cats helping him write his raps because his content on albums 1-3 is >>>>> 4-6. Major difference, but Kanye stans won't admit it.

Miguel is cool, but his music is average and he'll never be an all-timer.

Frank Ocean has impeccably unique phrasing, which is what I enjoy the most about his music. But Channel Orange was incredibly overrated solely due to the lack of competition he faced. That album is not special and his vocals are not special either. When you go back in recent R&B history and think of albums like Brown Sugar, Voodoo, My Life, Baduizm, Mama's Gun,, notice just how far off he is from that level of greatness.

Trey Songz is a copycat and vocally he sounds like a billy goat. Baaa baaa black sheep, have you any wool??

Future is not very talented and his future is limited. I won't even argue it because he's hot right not, but all his fanboys can scribble this down on a piece of paper :lol:. Remember this in a few years when no one cares anymore about his computer-aided, drug-induced warbling on wax. His time is ticking so enjoy it while it lasts...

Justin Timberlake is a product of his producers, not the other way around. You could have given the songs on Justified/FSLS to a plethora of artists and they would have been massively successful. You don't hear a JT song and think, "oh snap, that's gotta be that new JT!" You think..."Ok Timbo, ok Neptunes...yall back on yalls **** again! Heat!" He's generic and quite fortunate.

That's all I have for right now...

All are spot on. Except for the Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Chris Brown comments. I don't listen to any if them and never have.
Definitely agree about his part about Kanye's music. I remember reading a post with somebody saying "If you don't like Watch The Throne or MBDTF, it's because it's too deep and you just don't get it". and someone else said "Kanye doesn't make rap music, he makes stadium and arena music". That's basically this latest group of Kanye fans in a nutshell.

5 years in the game with no timeless music 

its easy to make good turn up music with the right beatmakers, its not like hes actually sitting down creating something different
its the same ****ing and bufooning 

If you're listening to Future for timeless music, you've already taken the L. Future is turn-up and head-nodding music, sounds good in the club, the car, and some good headphones.
Definitely agree about his part about Kanye's music. I remember reading a post with somebody saying "If you don't like Watch The Throne or MBDTF, it's because it's too deep and you just don't get it". and someone else said "Kanye doesn't make rap music, he makes stadium and arena music". That's basically this latest group of Kanye fans in a nutshell.
If you're listening to Future for timeless music, you've already taken the L. Future is turn-up and head-nodding music, sounds good in the club, the car, and some good headphones.

Agree with everything. Especially the Kanye part. It's some Pseudo-intellectual bs. A Lot of the new Ye fans fit into that category.

And dudes talking about Future isn't making timeless thought provoking music are lost like you said.

Turn up music can absolutely be timeless. Play "Back that A up" today in 2015 at any club/party....and see the reaction you get.

That is timeless as well.
If you're listening to Future for timeless music, you've already taken the L. Future is turn-up and head-nodding music, sounds good in the club, the car, and some good headphones.
then what is the hype about? it seems like his fans are borderline trolling with the praise they give him

saying things like hes on a run like wayne in his prime
Justin Timberlake is a product of his producers, not the other way around. You could have given the songs on Justified/FSLS to a plethora of artists and they would have been massively successful. You don't hear a JT song and think, "oh snap, that's gotta be that new JT!" You think..."Ok Timbo, ok Neptunes...yall back on yalls **** again! Heat!" He's generic and quite fortunate.

That's all I have for right now...
this the gospel right here, been saying this forever, what you said about Beyonce too
Don't like Future or Migos.
Or J. Cole.
Alicia Keys > Beyonce
Mac Miller deserves more recognition, even though his earlier stuff was wack.
A majority of ppl who dont understand Futures wave... Think hes new & forget or dont know hes been out for years & most importantly dont like trap music. Its really that simple

Anyways i agree on everything else DMV said especially on Rihanna, Drake, WEAKend & JT
^ Who do you like in this era of "R&B" (if you can call it that) music. I've been here a long time, so i know you sing and i've heard a few of your songs, just curious...who's music do you enjoy?
It's hard to answer this question without being unfairly painted as a "hater" due to an apparent "conflict of interests" 
.  That's why I have refrained from posting my musical opinions the last few years on NT because I felt that I would be unfairly judged for my thoughts and feelings, since I make music myself.  I was much more vocal about things back in the early 2000's on NT, right when the Music forum was first made.  I've always had strong opinions.  But these opinions are born from passion because music is very near and dear to me.  I have ZERO interest in hating on the next man.  I just want only the BEST to be championed...because I feel that they are the deserving ones.  If you put in MJ hours in your craft, and it makes you incredible...then you deserve every dollar and every accolade.  If you don't put in that kind of work in your craft (as evidenced by the lack of quality in popular music today), then I don't feel that you are as deserving of such credit, but I digress.

As far as the new school goes, the male singers are really the weakest links IMO.  There hasn't truly been a dope new male vocalist basically since Mario... and his music just isn't good enough.  He is an incredible vocalist with no musical identity.  He's been chasing styles and a radio hit ever since Ne-Yo blessed him with Let Me Love You.  

While I'm on the topic, Ne-Yo is a great talent as well, but he has drastically fallen off.  His first album "In My Own Words" was a complete banger, but it's been mostly downhill from there.  He is a talented songwriter, but once he began chasing pop hits, he met his demise as well.  His voice is ok, but his songwriting is his bread and butter.  If he could connect with that side of his ability again and stop worrying about pop smashes, he would be much better off.  

John Legend is dope AF, and I will always have respect for him.  Admittedly, I enjoy his earlier work much more than his latest efforts, but his talent is undeniable.  Get Lifted gets CONSISTENT play in my rotation to this day.  Classic album.  I took this girl I was in love with to his concert back in 04 in VA when I was in high school.  Track 9 was her favorite song, and I thought the concert was gonna seal the deal for me.  She ended up breaking my heart, but she's a lesbian now so I guess everything worked out the way it was supposed to
.  Anyway, John Legend absolutely killed that performance and had the entire building rocking.  All talent, all live vocals....phenomenal concert and I won't forget it.  Much appreciated.   

Usher is one of the best vocalists that we have had in the last 20 years or so.  Phenomenal vocal dexterity, range, and a great live performer.  He can do it all.  However, he alienated his audience after Confessions when he dropped the "Here I Stand" album. (***Shameless plug of me singing a song from that album
*** - ) After that, he began doing the Euro-Pop joints in an effort to get another hit, and his core fan base hasn't felt connected since.  He's had plenty of JAMS on his albums since then, but they haven't gotten the proper attention due to his bad single choices made by himself and the label.  He is light years ahead of JT as a talent, but he's 2nd place when it comes to their current position in the game.  That's a shame.  

Trey Songz is awful.  How many countless vapid songs can you make about sex?  I had high hopes from him after his debut album, but that might as well had been an R.Kelly tribute disc.  I'm done waiting for him to mature musically.  It's just not going to happen at this point and I have finally accepted it.  I already expressed my thoughts about Chris, Miguel, and Frank Ocean.  Who else is there that has had mainstream success for me to even speak of?  Basically, R&B isn't dead because the genre is dead...the artists just aren't all that good unfortunately.  Most of them are studio singers, and when you put them onstage, it's more snap crackle pops than Rice Krispies.  The female singers...

Alicia Keys.  Her debut album was dope, and her second one was good as well.  She is responsible for a few timeless songs as well.  However, the gigantic elephant in the room is ..."What the EFF happened to her voice?"  Alicia sounds absolutely awful these days.  Watching her screech her way through "Worth It" with The Weeknd at the BET Awards was painful.  That's what all her performances sound like these days.  You compare her vocals from "Fallin" and "A Woman's Worth" to what she puts out now and it's absolutely baffling.  What happened to her?  To make up for her vocal difficulties, she has tried to repeat this same formula of making these chanting "I'm tryna make an anthem" type songs on every album since, and "No One" is tryna hear that...pun intended.  She needs to get back to what made her hot...a classical pianist/soulful singer with a hip-hop flair.  She lost all her swag, for lack of a better term, and she's currently paying the price.  

Jazmine Sullivan is so dope.  She'll never have the commercial success that I hoped for her, but that's largely due to the fact that she refuses to "play the game."  Image is everything in this industry, and she doesn't have it.  Her voice is incredible, but it's heavy and hefty and the songs don't lend themselves to commercial appeal.  She should work on her vocal versatility a bit.  Her debut album, she was on the right path, hence the "Lauryn Hill" comparisons, but since then she has failed to define her musical identity.  But lord can this girl sing.  I wish she would just suck it up and go lose the weight so more people would pay attention to her...

Keyshia Cole...her first album was hot and the follow-up was solid as well.  Since those efforts, her quality dropped and it's been all downhill from there.  Her fanbase grew from her reality show, and it became less about the music.  Once her show went off of BET, so did her sales and so did her popularity.  Now she's stuck.  I don't see her climbing out of this hole.  She lost her chance...

Fantasia...super dope singer who never could put it together.  She had the American Idol fanbase, and she started off great with her work with Missy on her debut.  She had every chance to be the next Mary J Blige...coming from a major struggle in her youth and persevering...becoming a champion of sorts for women everywhere.  But she ruined it with stupid *** singles like "Hood Boy" talking about "liking dudes that be in the trap."  -_-.  All while she had Oprah hooking her up with Broadway roles.  She played herself, lost a great deal of support, and her music has taken a backseat ever since.  It's a shame because her vocal game is on POINT.  I heard she was in the studio with Kells, and maybe he can save her...

Generally speaking, the women of R&B are much more talented vocalists than the men of R&B, as far as this era is concerned.  The dudes all want to be rappers...when they can't rap either.  They only rap so they can either 1. Tough talk on wax or 2. Be sexually explicit.  Chris Brown is the biggest example of this.  His raps are just graphic for no reason smh.  Mad corny.  And the rappers all want to be singers...when they can't sing without computer assistance.  So now we have a bunch of artists that haven't perfected EITHER craft.  Just a bunch of average ***, pseudo rapper/singers.  Remember back in the day when an artist came on the radio to do an interview, they used to make them sing ON THE SPOT, so the audience could know they are the real deal??  They don't even attempt to ask the artists these days to hit you with an a cappella on the spot.  They know better than to embarrass them like that 

How long will we have to wait until we see another artist who worked hard enough on their craft to actually be a respected vocalist and lyricist at the same time? (ie. Lauryn Hill)  This generation has no Lauryn's, no D'Angelo's, no Badu's, no Mary J's, no R.Kelly's, no early Usher's, etc.  In the 90's/early 2000's, when you turned on the radio...if you weren't a singer/MC yourself, you could not match the artist that was playing note for note, bar for bar, without mistakes...and sound just like them.  You couldn't sing just like them.  You couldn't match their flows just like them with ease.  That's why THEY WERE GETTIN PAID.  Now these N's gettin paid to do some **** anyone can do.  I take it personal because if I were to do the same thing as them, I could already be on and a millionaire.  Back in '09, I had a meeting with an A&R from Atlantic Records.  He came into the studio with me to hear some records (several of which ended up on me debut album "Fly...735" that I released independently a few years later)...and he looked me dead in the face and said, "You're a brilliant vocalist, and an incredible songwriter, but R&B is dead, you don't have the look, and the truth is, you're never gonna sell any records."  That's when I knew the industry wasn't about ****

Cold world.  It hurt me at the time, but in retrospect it's what I needed to hear.  I lost 100 pounds after that.  I'm confident that I could walk into any one of these labels today and secure a record deal, but I don't want one.  I have zero interest in them, and making some songs that I don't stand by just to make some money wouldn't mean anything to me.  I've watched friends of mine make major moves, and at times it has made me want to make shortcuts just so I can experience the life too.  I lost my keyboard player in my band 1.5 years ago...he got picked up by Big Sean.  He's now his keyboard player on his world tour...and he also produced "One Man Can Change The World" for him.  Another close friend of mine has been Rihanna's background singer for 4 years.  She now does Nick Jonas and Iggy Azalea lol.  They are both poppin right now and financially they are all good.  I'm still working my 9-5, and it kills me sometimes.  I should just quit my job and do backgrounds for one of these artists just so I can get some quick money, but nah.  I already toured as a background singers/vocal arranger for Sleepy Brown years ago and I hated it.  The success that I seek has to come organically.  I'll just have to continue to wait my turn so that I can do it on my own terms.  No deal.  Indie forever...
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If you're listening to Future for timeless music, you've already taken the L. Future is turn-up and head-nodding music, sounds good in the club, the car, and some good headphones.
then what is the hype about? it seems like his fans are borderline trolling with the praise they give him

saying things like hes on a run like wayne in his prime

Talking about the buzz and hype, which I actually don't believe cause Wayne and 50 had enormous buzz during their runs. Future has just dropped 4 quality projects in a row, which is a very impressive run for him, making better and more consistent music than he has in previous years.
Talking about the buzz and hype, which I actually don't believe cause Wayne and 50 had enormous buzz during their runs. Future has just dropped 4 quality projects in a row, which is a very impressive run for him, making better and more consistent music than he has in previous years.
you dont think his buzz has to do with oversaturating his product? no other rapper is throwing music out at that rate

you cant call his music quality if its dropping at a high rate, seems like hopping on this future bandwagon is a trend since we are in a short attention span society
you dont think his buzz has to do with oversaturating his product? no other rapper is throwing music out at that rate

you cant call his music quality if its dropping at a high rate, seems like hopping on this future bandwagon is a trend since we are in a short attention span society

Gucci drops like a billion mixtapes a year lol. Most are hit or miss. Curren$y has released more stuff than Future has this year and has another album on the way and it seems like thats gon be quality as well. Some artists can successfully work at a faster rate than others. You knocking Future for his work ethic? What part of the game is that lol. Theres much worse artists out there to complain about than Future, i think thats what bothers me most about ppl criticizing him
you dont think his buzz has to do with oversaturating his product? no other rapper is throwing music out at that rate

you cant call his music quality if its dropping at a high rate, seems like hopping on this future bandwagon is a trend since we are in a short attention span society

Not at all. Kind of shows me you don't know much about Future. You're just skeptical of his "hype". I get it.

His album that preceded Ds2, "Honest" was supposed to be his attempt at mainstream crossover stardom. This was during the time of him falling in love with Ciara, and one of his main producers (Mike Will) being Miley Cyrus' in house producer. What happened was Future largely abandoned his street/club music in favor for Miley Cyrus, Kanye and Pop music features. Long story short...mainstream support isn't loyal and Honest flopped. The music was subpar. It backfired on him.

Him and Ciara split...and it seemed to trigger a re-awakening of his street music and club bangers which originally were his signature. But this time, he added pain and struggle to street music and club bangers...and the music is better than before.

"Monster" dropped in October 2014. Just a few months after "Honest". Commas was on honest. That song gets a lot of play today. Almost a year after it dropped. When the original Future fan base heard monster, it was a return to his roots...and caused a sort of wait and see reaction. Once "Beast Mode" dropped on January, it was clear that Future was back and better than before. That mixtape had buzz, and the masses started to take notice. The song, "March Madness" dropped sometime in late February before 56 nights. ..then 56 Nights in March.....and the buzz grew as people recognized the quality in music.

Right now, Future is not over saturated. He strategically dropped street music for the past 10months...with no radio singles....yet he's the hottest in the game next to drake. All of this was organic. The 3 quality mix tapes leading up to a good album is far from over saturation. That's just hard work and quality street music.
Future has a song titled "shtt" bruh. Literally, a song named after a bowel movement. How fitting :lol: :lol:

He doesn't even rap with a sense of humor. He is bland
so pluto wasnt his attempt at "mainstream crossover stardom"?  that album also flopped and he was on a mixtape run before that with more hits like same damn time, magic and tony montana and those werent meant to be "radio singles"

we are just in a horrible time of rap music and future oversaturated the market at the right time, back in 2011/12 he was in the shadows of 2chainz, lil wayne, gucci and ross but now since those guys fell off hes at the forefront
We are NOT in horrible time in rap music. Yall just letting the mainstream ish fool yall as usual. Ive bought & listened to plenty of good hip hop projects this year

Also Sh!it does suck lol. Even that mega remix couldnt save it. No redeeming qualites to that song at all lol
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We are NOT in horrible time in rap music. Yall just letting the mainstream ish fool yall as usual. Ive bought & listened to plenty of good hip hop projects this year

Also Sh!it does suck lol. Even that mega remix couldnt save it. No redeeming qualites to that song at all lol

Yea, I'm not one of those "we are in a bad era of rap" type guys. I listen to Denzel Curry, Chief Keef, Lucki Eck$, Chance, Kendrick, J. Cole, V. Staples, Tink, Travis Scott, Fat Trel, Wale, etc. etc. I just don't have an issue in critiquing music, and not taking sides. I'm 27 so, I remember all the music from my childhood too.

For instance, Keith Murray, Redman and Busta Rhymes made feel good, raucus music and hyped music but, they actually had humor and lyricism. Future just does not offer anything, to me. His voice box is just a black hole to me.
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