Post your pets Vol. They grow up so fast

Originally Posted by ii2cky

i love scotties, my grandpa has one
They are great dogs... My in-laws had one that they just put down in June.

Scooter was a cool dog...

Not sure if he was mixed, but he had all the salient features of a Scottie, he was just oversized (30-35 pounds).

It took me about an hour to find this picture in iPhoto...
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by AmberElise04
Is that a black Pomeranian?

We've got one of those too, but a lot bigger....he weighs 16 pounds.
cute dog.
Yeah the black and blonde are Poms. The black one is a mini and the blonde one is standard. The black one weighs 4lbs and the blonde weighs 6lbs. You're pom is adorable!
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Originally Posted by samness20

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Husky's are amazing. My aunty has two.

Anyways, I don't have one yet but I will when I grow up
what kind of dog is this?


i'm starting to want neighbor has one and he's HUGE...i love that even tho it would probably drag me around...

as long as they don't shed i'm gettin one when i no longer have a roommate...
Yeah they're gorgeous! They're short haired so I don't know how much they'd shed. I'll be getting one when I finish studyingand travelling and get my own house.

CAFinest23: Unfortunately he's not mine
but I'll be getting one in thefuture. Your three look really good!
How long have you had them?

Weirdly enough, I thought there'd be a lot more NTer's with bigger dogs. A lot of ya'll have small dogs... Maybe it's just different here inNZ, small dogs in my city aren't incredibly popular

My list would go: Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff, German Shepherd, Great Dane. All are
come on now we all know people crop pits' ears because they want them to look badass/intimidating. you might not have done it for that but you aredefinitely in the minority.

personally i think its ugly and unnecessary
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Damn i want a miniature doberman again...pincher was my man[/color]
Sorry for the crappy sk pics. I have pics of home from his younger years (he's about 7 yrs now) home. I miss him



Go Gators!!!
Originally Posted by HAZE323

Originally Posted by mrjdmz

DeeNyce, cute blue-nose, lovin' the white/grey combo on the face.

HAZE323, gorgeous dogs! anymore pics of stunner?
here excuse the mess just moved in apt name
......that thing is brolic!!
i'd climb a lampost if i saw that coming down the street

everyone else though got some lil cute !$% dogs...tryna remember which of you dudes is the internet gangsters
My boxer Samba is almost 2 years old now and usually she is the greatest dog ever. She is really obedient, for a boxer, but my moms spoils her a little toomuch, so there are times when Samba tries to get things done her way a little too much, but its still all good

This is the picture of her on the day we first got her home:

And this is the more recent one:
Originally Posted by mrjdmz

DeeNyce, cute blue-nose, lovin' the white/grey combo on the face.

HAZE323, gorgeous dogs! anymore pics of stunner?

Here's CJ..

.. just got his ears cropped last Friday:

so sad
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by mrjdmz

The crop is purely cosmetic and done for different reasons, a popular one is so that the dog's ears wouldn't be ripped off during a fight (I am NOT about that). My reason? I'd like him to compete in shows, and I feel that the cropped look provides a much more appealing look to the dog. It was a decision I thought long and hard for (pause). I felt that as long as the procedure was done correctly (and by a professional) and all was done to minimize the pain and trauma in the dog, I saw nothing wrong with it. I knew what it was gonna take to care for him after the procedure was done, and we're (my family and I) doing everything we can to provide him with as much comfort as possible. Although many disagree with this 'immoral' practice, I feel that it's ultimately up to the owner. . .. he's doing fine BTW, back to his normal self.


Sure, but I feel that a dog's well-being is more important than its looks. Unfortunately, the previous statement is hard to sell due to the tarnished reputation that the Pitbull already has because of irresponsible owners that use these beautiful animals for sport.

Since their ears are exposed..they are prone to more ear infections, hearing miss me with that well being BS

i work as a veterinary technician here in austin and i can tell you i see SOOOOOOO many cases with cropped ears on pits gone BAD! hearing loss, chronic earinfections, seromas due to hack jobs of bozos attempting to cut the ears themselves with scissors and suturing it with regular clothing thread. its so sad.these dogs are amazing an amazing breed! smart, loyal, loving.......and it confuses me as to why people want to dock their tails and ears for"appearance" making them look like fighting dogs.....that is not a good look.
Originally Posted by BeautifulLoveLeal

Originally Posted by mrjdmz

DeeNyce, cute blue-nose, lovin' the white/grey combo on the face.

HAZE323, gorgeous dogs! anymore pics of stunner?

Here's CJ..

.. just got his ears cropped last Friday:

so sad
aint nothin wrong with clippin their ears if you take the time to find a good vet
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