Post your personal RACIST encounters. Vol. Everybody.

Oct 15, 2001
I'm Black. Just going to throw that out there before I explain...

I live in a mostly White neighborhood...upper-middle class. There are probably only 3-4 Black families total. One of the kids in our neighborhood was moving

away so there was this big block party going on by his house. He was one of the newer kids though...only had been around for a few years. All of my friends in

the neighborhood were White as well...except one family who was Asian. Their daughter was
. Anyways, I come over there with my friends that I grew up with.

I really had no idea of the party...well...because I wasn't invited.

I get some food...go into the basement where all the rest of the kids were and here comes the kid who was moving. He's like, "Why is he here!?"

I'm looking around like...? Who me?
He flat out says, "Leave. I don't
want your kind at my party." My friends tried to say I was

"cool" and what not but this kid wasn't having it.
Lucky for him, I left
without a problem. I wasn't the violent individual that I

am today...coming from a Christian school at the time.
"Turn the other
cheek." Hated that rule...


The family across the street was on one also. I used to play video games with this kid named Mike but his older sister would call me "Blackie" and

flat out said one day that her family didn't want me over there anymore. I was probably 12 at that time so my tolerance for racism grew lower. She would

also always try to compare school like I attended one beneath her academically.
Ihaven't said a word to him or his family ever since even though

they still live across the street.


My main friend in the neighborhood, Bob, had a little racist brother. He called me "Blackie" as well...spit on my Shawn Kemp's.
Dudes is

probably 16 now though. I'm 23. I would have killed him. I let it go...haven't really been through there ever since either.


I walk into a gas station. A Middle-Eastern guy is at the register. I think I was looking for Sour Patch Kids and condoms that day. I always look for Sour

Patch Kids first. I went through all the aisles...saw nothing. Then, I saw that the condoms were hanging up behind the register and I hate having to ask for

condoms. "Which ones? We've gooot lubricated, studded, magnum..." Voice get strong...MAGNUM please. Back then, I was too embarrassed to ask so I

just bounced. Before I hit the door, he stands up..."What did you steal?!" I didn't mean to but I rush dude like..."You wanna pad me

down?" He puts his hands up like...Nooo. No. Just leave.

I could tell stories all day.
Tell yours.
You were taking L's since u were little


Honestly right now I cant think of any, mostly everyone I have encountered of a different race was freindly, either playing my face and could hide it very wellor I wasnt paying attention.
I'm Latino, so I been called a (rhymes with stick) multiple times
. Dudes almost caught beatdowns cause of that if they hadn'tapologized. I've also been called a ******, which doesn't really bother me I find it funny really.

you need to see a damn shrink or something, all you do is cry

you are like a kid getting a needle on a daily basis cept eventually they stop crying
black as well. i work in a office with lots of white, asian, and middle eastern people. so this recent graduate (he's white...and hes from wisconsin) fromgeorgetown greets me this morning with a "what's crackin?!" so i look at him in all seriousness and reply "whats cracking? did you forgethow to say good morning or hello?"

i know it's not really racist but i hate when people that are not black say those things to you just because you are black. what the hell...?! do you feelconnected to me now? i even hate it when black people talk like that in professional setting. come on grow up.
i don't think this thread is necessary...why share something like this on a board like this?
never anything crazy because I'm pretty light skinned.

but Ive been noticing that they always give me my food to go! even when I tell them I'm not leaving.
I just open the bag and eat there and they get upset, smh
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

You were taking L's since u were little

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not really an encounter, but last week in accounting, the teacher was going oversome things and he has this method he uses[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Arthur - assets[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Eats - expenses[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Watermelon - withdrawels[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Lately -Loses[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so I asked out loud.. "Is Arthur black?" (referencing to the watermelon).. well, some girl (she was black) didn't find it too funny and proceeded to start arguing with me. I couldn't stop laughing so I just walked out andcame in a few minutes later.[/color]
Being white/mixed and being surrounded by mostly black people my whole life, there are wayyyy too many experiences to post.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

black as well. i work in a office with lots of white, asian, and middle eastern people. so this recent graduate (he's white...and hes from wisconsin) from georgetown greets me this morning with a "what's crackin?!" so i look at him in all seriousness and reply "whats cracking? did you forget how to say good morning or hello?"

i know it's not really racist but i hate when people that are not black say those things to you just because you are black. what the hell...?! do you feel connected to me now? i even hate it when black people talk like that in professional setting. come on grow up.
I too work in the corporate world in a big city and I get the same type of treatment. You know how many white dudes told me"congratulations" after Obama won? I've never ever discussed politics or told anybody who I voted for in my office. I told them stupid!@+%*#*%%#%% I voted for McCain (I didn't actually vote for him) and they had dumb looks on their faces.
i remember my aunt uncle cousins and i rented a this nice wood cabin in southern ohio for the weekend (we're from northeast ohio). Well anywas i notice allthe confederate flags on pickups and license plates on the way there lol so i knew what it'd b like. so anyways we leave walmart buying groceries and askthis dude in the parking lot where we can go go-karting. hes like "sure just turn off exit __ and go right" so we get in the car and take hisdirections and there was literally a sign outside of a trailer park that said no zzzz's. in the middle of the trailer park there was a church type buildingwith a huge confed. flag and a huge swastika flag waving.

we bounced lol
Originally Posted by ReasonablyIll89

Being white/mixed and being surrounded by mostly black people my whole life, there are wayyyy too many experiences to post.
How the hell are you white/mixed?
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I get some food...go into the basement where all the rest of the kids were and here comes the kid who was moving. He's like, "Why is he here!?"

I'm looking around like...? Who me?
He flat out says, "Leave. I don't
want your kind at my party."
My friends tried to say I was

"cool" and what not but this kid wasn't having it.
Lucky for him, I left
without a problem. I wasn't the violent individual that I

I won't even start with the Obama #%%+.

I was walking back to my friend's car after a party on Saturday. Some random White guy walked past us with some friends and was like "My President isBLACK." and follows that with a little jig dance. We just laugh and keep it moving.

Black = Auto Obama vote...
White kid call me the N word a few weeks back.. rocked him in his mouth, and knocked out his tooth.

At my old job, I got so many subliminals because I am black... So I was working in the kitchen, then one of the waitresses come in and says 'I know we hada lot of orders today, but this one is for me...would you blast my head off,if I ask you to make me a club?' I didn't even respond to her #@*@!+*.
Walking around Ohio State University campus in full Navy summer(white) Uniform and got called the N word.

- had to keep my cool though

Anytime I walk in to Saks 5th, Gucci, Armani..any high fashion store and get asked, "Are you sure you are in the right store"

- they start talking about "sir", after I shop

..many more
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