Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

White people don't have big heads and wide eyes, that just sounds like a racist caricature of people of Asian descent. In addition the big head, BUG EYES humanoids are what's being perpetuated in the media/pop culture in American culture.  These are other depictions of UFOs.




There's nothing "white" or asian looking about this.

This stereotypical depiction of an Alien is not universal

And how could you dismiss the fact that if Aliens, created white and Asians they may have given them superior intelligence?
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

White people don't have big heads and wide eyes, that just sounds like a racist caricature of people of Asian descent. In addition the big head, BUG EYES humanoids are what's being perpetuated in the media/pop culture in American culture.  These are other depictions of UFOs.




There's nothing "white" or asian looking about this.

This stereotypical depiction of an Alien is not universal

And how could you dismiss the fact that if Aliens, created white and Asians they may have given them superior intelligence?
I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...
I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...
when you die you enter a deep dream state with everything that you gathered In the real world, Meaning. when you lived you was taught there is a Heaven and a Hell and what you do can land you in one of the two. SO if you believed you did nothing wrong and was going to heaven, Once you died since you believed in it so strongly your dream programs it. Same with Hell.
when you die you enter a deep dream state with everything that you gathered In the real world, Meaning. when you lived you was taught there is a Heaven and a Hell and what you do can land you in one of the two. SO if you believed you did nothing wrong and was going to heaven, Once you died since you believed in it so strongly your dream programs it. Same with Hell.
Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

You say you believe in evolution yet you dismiss the fact that white people developed lighter skinned because their melanocytes don't produce as much pigment in areas with less sun. I'm just tryna find out why only certain races.....what about indians? Or are other "dark-skinned" races of men exempt from the creation of aliens? In other words did aliens basically give certain races "lighter skin" which seems to be what you'e insinuating. And you still haven't confronted my question about intelligence. These alien species are clearly far more advanced than we are, if they can CREATE humans as experiments. If they created whites and asians in "their image", wouldn't whites and asians have superior intelligence to other races?
Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

You say you believe in evolution yet you dismiss the fact that white people developed lighter skinned because their melanocytes don't produce as much pigment in areas with less sun. I'm just tryna find out why only certain races.....what about indians? Or are other "dark-skinned" races of men exempt from the creation of aliens? In other words did aliens basically give certain races "lighter skin" which seems to be what you'e insinuating. And you still haven't confronted my question about intelligence. These alien species are clearly far more advanced than we are, if they can CREATE humans as experiments. If they created whites and asians in "their image", wouldn't whites and asians have superior intelligence to other races?

Lots of good stuff continues to flow in. Kind of mind blown regarding the whole MJ retirement conspiracy. It makes sense though.
Seems like there are a lot of well-informed people on here or at least many that refuse to take what is fed as truth to be true. The question is when will we as society rebel against this system? Maybe when it's too late.

Lots of good stuff continues to flow in. Kind of mind blown regarding the whole MJ retirement conspiracy. It makes sense though.
Seems like there are a lot of well-informed people on here or at least many that refuse to take what is fed as truth to be true. The question is when will we as society rebel against this system? Maybe when it's too late.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by JD214

We actually have a cure for AIDS and Cancer but if they show everyone the hospitals/pharmacies won't get as much money with the cure so they want us to spend.

I believe this.

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Marijuana is the modern "cigarettes" and there will be long term health problems

No. People have been chiefing forever. Nothing modern about it. As stated a million times, smoking anything is bad for you. Vaporizing solves that problem. It's the smoke, not the weed.

My drug related theories. Big Pharma controls the government because of their huge contributions to politicians (as does Big Tobacco. I'm a smoker myself but how the hell is the leading killer of Americans still legal? 1 out of every 5 deaths is smoking-related. But I digress). From Wiki:

The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[sup][/sup]According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[sup][/sup]The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C.

These parasites pay doctors to prescribe their drugs, many of which are harmful and addictive.

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of oxycodone produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.[sup][/sup] It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995 and first introduced to the U.S. market in 1996.[sup][[/sup]By 2001, OxyContin was the best-selling non-generic narcotic pain reliever in the U.S.; 2008 sales in the U.S. totaled $2.5 billion.

This $#$@ is the strongest painkiller out there and it's the best-selling as well? Hmmm. It's just disgusting how easy it is to get prescribed these drugs. Watch the Vanguard episode called "OxyContin Express" on Hulu. Florida has the biggest problem because they have these "Pain Clinics" where you just need to have a resident doctor and they hand out pain killers, Xanax and basically any RX you want as long as you pay.


Its like every other day in the newspaper theyre talking about this. People are making a killing off of it.
In reference to the cigarette thing I've found that when you usually can't figure out a logical reason for something the motive is always money. Its so ridiculous how they want to take such a negative stand on green when those cancer sticks are still legal. 

I agree with the rest of the stuff you said too
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by JD214

We actually have a cure for AIDS and Cancer but if they show everyone the hospitals/pharmacies won't get as much money with the cure so they want us to spend.

I believe this.

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Marijuana is the modern "cigarettes" and there will be long term health problems

No. People have been chiefing forever. Nothing modern about it. As stated a million times, smoking anything is bad for you. Vaporizing solves that problem. It's the smoke, not the weed.

My drug related theories. Big Pharma controls the government because of their huge contributions to politicians (as does Big Tobacco. I'm a smoker myself but how the hell is the leading killer of Americans still legal? 1 out of every 5 deaths is smoking-related. But I digress). From Wiki:

The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[sup][/sup]According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[sup][/sup]The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C.

These parasites pay doctors to prescribe their drugs, many of which are harmful and addictive.

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of oxycodone produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.[sup][/sup] It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995 and first introduced to the U.S. market in 1996.[sup][[/sup]By 2001, OxyContin was the best-selling non-generic narcotic pain reliever in the U.S.; 2008 sales in the U.S. totaled $2.5 billion.

This $#$@ is the strongest painkiller out there and it's the best-selling as well? Hmmm. It's just disgusting how easy it is to get prescribed these drugs. Watch the Vanguard episode called "OxyContin Express" on Hulu. Florida has the biggest problem because they have these "Pain Clinics" where you just need to have a resident doctor and they hand out pain killers, Xanax and basically any RX you want as long as you pay.


Its like every other day in the newspaper theyre talking about this. People are making a killing off of it.
In reference to the cigarette thing I've found that when you usually can't figure out a logical reason for something the motive is always money. Its so ridiculous how they want to take such a negative stand on green when those cancer sticks are still legal. 

I agree with the rest of the stuff you said too
I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

If alcohol and weed retained their same effects, yet you smoked alcohol and drank weed, weed would be just as, if not more popular than alcohol. And barely anybody would smoke alcohol. In addition, crime would go way down, because who the hell gets in a fight after they smoke?
I've never once in my life been violent myself or seen somebody else get more belligerent after smoking. Complete opposite with alcohol.

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

If alcohol and weed retained their same effects, yet you smoked alcohol and drank weed, weed would be just as, if not more popular than alcohol. And barely anybody would smoke alcohol. In addition, crime would go way down, because who the hell gets in a fight after they smoke?
I've never once in my life been violent myself or seen somebody else get more belligerent after smoking. Complete opposite with alcohol.

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and "Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly 1000s of other races of men on this planet.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and "Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly 1000s of other races of men on this planet.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races
and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien
visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like
that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to
be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created
by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and
"Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly
1000s of other races of men on this planet.

if you're trying to turn this into a race war, im not biting. I never said anything about advantages and what not.

as for your post on shaun white and the alien, many factors contribute to evolution to the best of my knowledge. I would have to assume that even if the alien race's planet was a few hundred feet farther away from their nearest sun than our planet is to our sun, it would dramatically affect how they would evolve compared to us. I just cannot ignore the fact that the traditional facial features of a white/asian man and the traditional features of an "alien" are too similar to pass up. is it really that hard to believe? We are both on a rock in the middle of nothingness typing on artificial representations of reality that transmits messages between vast distances....not everything is possible, but nothing is impossible
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