Post your hats_NEW ERAS_BOX CAPS_ECT.~~~

you gonna hurt me or something.
na pennyKIDF/S or F/T DS AJ I - V- VII - XXI AJ XXI Red Suede sz 12 & 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ VII Blk/Chambray sz 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ V Blk/Metallic sz 12 Missing Retro Card $170 Shipped.
AJ 1 NL Blk/Yellow sz 11.5 with bottom shelve style box $130 Shipped.

Trade for DS or VNDS AJ IV Blk Laser AJ VI Infrared or Blk/Metllic Low AJ V Blk/Met AJ XII Playoff + Cash if needed.

So you like it? Was it now that you got it mang? Because I sent it priority!
F/S or F/T DS AJ I - V- VII - XXI AJ XXI Red Suede sz 12 & 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ VII Blk/Chambray sz 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ V Blk/Metallic sz 12 Missing Retro Card $170 Shipped.
AJ 1 NL Blk/Yellow sz 11.5 with bottom shelve style box $130 Shipped.

Trade for DS or VNDS AJ IV Blk Laser AJ VI Infrared or Blk/Metllic Low AJ V Blk/Met AJ XII Playoff + Cash if needed.
that SUPREME hat with the logo on the side is so dope...need me one
Chris I swear to goodness if you go up there, ape out and forget about your boy Nick, there will be HELL to pay!!
They say live up to your first impression. Well, my best side was your worst invention.
2 loves: Kicks and Hicks
Ur gettin married son, cop a fedora or something.

vote for me to be on REAL WORLD season 20....
.....the man known as SIK WIT IT.​
Dont hate cuz Im living the old man life. 20's the new 30 ya know. All I ask is you find me the Chicago Blackhawks fitted with the green NE and NHL logos. You find that, I will forever be in your debt and will soon supply you with numerous white women who I have boned and since never talked to again, just how you like em. :hat
They say live up to your first impression. Well, my best side was your worst invention.
2 loves: Kicks and Hicks
god, love nt for entertaining quotes
will forever be in your debt and will soon supply you with numerous white women who I have boned and since never talked to again, just how you like em.

References: In the Profile......
AF1 ID PW: $10+ppfee
High Priority Looking For: AF1 HK sz8 DS or 1-2x worn with Box
thanks for kicking me out thehundreds shopping cart...had ll my cc info in and it booted me with error message.
Cavs only in the Finals bc MJ is out of the league.
Just got my Hundreds fitted!
Wanted: Supreme Dunk High, Supreme Blazer, Homegrown Air Max 90, DQM Air Max 90, Crepe Air Max 90 Sizes 12-13
did the same to me
just had to redo it.
References: In the Profile......
AF1 ID PW: $10+ppfee
High Priority Looking For: AF1 HK sz8 DS or 1-2x worn with Box
did the same to me
just had to redo it.

tried to redo it, emptied my cart, tried to add, sold out.

Cavs only in the Finals bc MJ is out of the league.
That was freakin' horrible. I actually wanted the hat so bad unlike most who wanted it to resell. I literally added my size to my cart 3 seconds after they put it up, but it sent me to a page saying error becuase there was too much traffic. At least I got a 7 1/2 to try and trade for my size.


AIM me for ds kicks 10.5-11; Paris, Pigeon, Tiff, Lucky, Unkle, Heiny SB, Playstation AF1, Espo AF2 DMP, Spacejam's, Shark Bape Hoody size L
AIM-Lets Make Wafers
Y0! Where my Long Island Niketalker's at?!​
got one , 73/8. no, not for resell. i think its stupid they had the enter manually the cc thing.

i got the error thing too, just had to retry with the quickness. the thing went up about 15-30 seconds before time of release, just no picture uploaded and was able to click and add to cart on the main page.

wthn had a 7 5/8 white bomb for 52+shipping, which makes about 62 is someone wants one, that was like half hour ago. union ny had a 7 left. 5 and a dime, wasnt taking calls, and huf, well, thats hype central.
References: In the Profile......
AF1 ID PW: $10+ppfee
High Priority Looking For: AF1 HK sz8 DS or 1-2x worn with Box
xxSC Trojanxx - Quote:
I always wanted the one with the green brim though. Wished I would have picked it up when Lids still had it available.

I can pickup that fitted for you if they still have them which i think they do. INBOX me if your interested.

Thanks for looking out Kartoon. I just found it online for $36. I'm placing the order tonight so I just have to wait to see if it goes through. If it doesn't I'll definitely let you know. I seriously need to take pics of my collection. I sometimes forget what I have and end up picking up a duplicate of a cap I already own. I don't mind it much when it is the on-field cap but when an alternative color cap it bugs me.

BTW, does anyone know of a website to pick up on the field caps for less than lids? I ended up picking up a new LA cap and it fit me small so now I gotta try to exchange it or buy a new one and sell that one off.

na penny 89 - Quote:
to haress me on the subject when every one but you has tried to change it ? come on man,. your not acting like the adult

I'm like the hares? Freaking bugs bunny getting dragged into this argument.
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