Post your hats_NEW ERAS_BOX CAPS_ECT.~~~

anyone have the hookup on Goodfoot New Eras, sizes 7-3/4-8... Pref a 7/8.

I got a big head!

I've got more samples than dj premier.
I haven't bothered posting up pics yet because I really only have a few things that we haven't seen a million times already, or are just MLB hats. But I went a little overboard this past CC statement and I figured I'd share my pickups. Nothing really new, but money well spent IMO.

And just because it isn't really visible in the group shot here is one of the black on black State... Something about that spartan logo in all black is so hard to me:
er Cap I got in 88' before the won the 88-89' Championships. Before you dog the rhinstones, that was the style then. You couldn't go out in Detroit without seeing mad people rocking the stoned up Starter. Unfortunatly, it is the same reason I couldn't see myself rocking it today no matter how tempted I become.

WTB: Nike Stab Footpatrol 1 & 2 11.5/12
i went to NYC because my brother lives there. is it to hard to end the subject or does the kid with the AJ VI lows feel he needs to end every conversation.

what did the new era bus have ? like crazy low prices ?
^ I might be wrong, but I think goods might only make their hats up to 7 3/4... I know on their online site that is the highest they go and I've never seen any larger. I feel for you though man, I feel like finding a 7 5/8's is hard sometimes (my head doesn't feel like an XL), I can't even imagine needing 7 7/8 or 8.
WTB: Nike Stab Footpatrol 1 & 2 11.5/12
anybody know where i can get a microphone fitted at? It was on a website that was in this post but i cant find it no more
This is Southern face it
If we too simple then y'all don't get the basics

Myspace Music comin
Those red Hundreds fitteds are pretty nice, but definitely don't deserve the hype they get. :{
does the kid with the AJ VI lows feel he needs to end every conversation.
KIDYOUF/S or F/T DS AJ I - V- VII - XXI AJ XXI Red Suede sz 12 & 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ VII Blk/Chambray sz 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ V Blk/Metallic sz 12 Missing Retro Card $170 Shipped.
AJ 1 NL Blk/Yellow sz 11.5 with bottom shelve style box $130 Shipped.

Trade for DS or VNDS AJ IV Blk Laser AJ VI Infrared or Blk/Metllic Low AJ V Blk/Met AJ XII Playoff + Cash if needed.
F/S or F/T DS AJ I - V- VII - XXI AJ XXI Red Suede sz 12 & 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ VII Blk/Chambray sz 13 $190 Shipped.
AJ V Blk/Metallic sz 12 Missing Retro Card $170 Shipped.
AJ 1 NL Blk/Yellow sz 11.5 with bottom shelve style box $130 Shipped.

Trade for DS or VNDS AJ IV Blk Laser AJ VI Infrared or Blk/Metllic Low AJ V Blk/Met AJ XII Playoff + Cash if needed.
LOL @ all the mans catching feelings...
Team Saugaour streets is clean
Pickups from CC yesterday

*** Bonus picture of the NEW ERA bus that my boy took while we was leaving back home to BK in the whip *** It was about to park while we were on our way back home =[

I've actually came in contact with a New Era bus and they're nothing to write home about. I don't know how it was for you guys though.
Cool Grey 3's size 12 DS 200 shipped. Email: [email protected]
Nuttin serious.
I should be in NYC tomorrow, so hopefully I will get to hit up Pegasus.

Crushed-out Heavenly-Heaven aint got a Jesus if I aint fly.
got a couple from lids today for cheap
ADAM BOMBS go up 11pst. 1per person apparently. Would be interesting if all 100 went to NT'ers ;)

References: In the Profile......
AF1 ID PW: $10+ppfee
High Priority Looking For: AF1 HK sz8 DS or 1-2x worn with Box
elboricua 6

why shouldn't i post when im coming back to NYC ? you gonna hurt me or something. im shook. please back off bro,
i want to dead it but you always have to have the last word like a child. you said im the only kid in here ? and yet you continue
to haress me on the subject when every one but you has tried to change it ? come on man,. your not acting like the adult
you say you are.
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