Post Your Dream Jordan Colorways....

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Originally Posted by Beelzebub23

^First off you got most of your post in this thread. Second off you're one of the worst photshopers in this thread. You've never done anything slightly complicated. You never wanted to do space jam colorways until I did them. And with "Gimp" You ain't never going to do anything that can not be done in 10 minutes or less. AND STOP PHOTOSHOPPING FAKES. I'm sure you don't know any better, though.

And to the newb above. You should have nothing to say in this matter since you've never did antything in here but try to get your little post count up.
Theres no difference between gimp and photo-shop but gimp is free and i bet i know more about jordans than u, u and ur photoshops are wack mystuff is fake get outta here all dem wack space jam colorways look fake and my sj 4s look better than all ur p's put together im one of the worst u r thewrose the ppl that use !%%$***%%%%!$ 3.0 like i said dont get mad at me cause yo sh*t sucks

Critisizing (sp) someone's work when you leave un-touched spots and lines everywhere yourself. If you know how to make PL any better, how about trying tohelp, not bash. Ridiculous.

Beezlebub - Don't even waste your time replying to him. I can tell that you are getting better at the PS's. Your work from page to page shows that.Hell, I'm still using PS 7.0 and I can't even do alot of !%++...

Since you want to bash others, how about those varsity red VI's?The ones you did are NOT varsity red.....Looks like infrareds that you didn'teven touch. I already did a PS of the VI's pages back.

Besides that - Fake 3's, sloppy lasso work and un-touched spots. zoom in and use the lasso...


CDP? Ok, you can stop know. Everyone in here knows you're a clown. You'd been better of just admitting a rookie mistake.
Damn guys. ..this thread was on a course for greatness. ..and then the ick monster creeped in.

I stated in this thread before, that I don't have the knowledge of PS to legitimately criticize anyone's work. I'm not too big on throwin'shadeanyway tho', so it's peace. It is quite obvious to those who have the time to see what's up, far as the OG pics that are being PS'd, that someheads are "better" at this than others are. Some of ya'll are doing more difficult stuff vs what are almost identical picsminor/"simple" change in CW.

That said? what? ..why get mad/offended?

This thread is by far, IMO, the best thread in this forum, and has been for 2 weeks solid now. There's a lot of dope stuff in here.

Real recognize real, everyone who's watchin'sees what's up ..don't waste the time BS'n that you could be PS'n. You got people payingattention to this forum ..for a good reason. Don't quit on that in exchange for type fighting, please.

A meaningless opinion.

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