Post Your Cats! Vol: CATURDAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

My cat is about 14/15
His name is Swappy
At the vet


Originally Posted by Mac4167

i love it when cats and dogs can get alone in the same house, my girl used to bring her lil puppy over and my cat wasnt having it. Figure i'll get a puppy and kitten at the same time and let them grow up together, anyone know if that works?

That's what I always  thought, I plan to do that one day.

my cat is definitely overweight. i'm also sort of allergic to her (we didn't know this at the time) so despite my affection for her, once she's gone, no more cats
Originally Posted by Mac4167

Figure i'll get a puppy and kitten at the same time and let them grow up together, anyone know if that works?
No different that putting people of difference races alone without the influence of the world. They will get along.

But back on cats, cats are so cool man. Seriously, they are like the world's perfect creation. Thinking about how their physical makeup is the same now as it was way back when is just crazy. We changed, horses have changed, but cats have remained the same. Much respect to my favorite family of creatures.
I want to get a pet but im not home enough to warrant getting a dog, so i might a adopt a cat
A lot of overweight cats here I see.

Here are my two cats.
 White-Pinky, 15-years,Male
Brown-Buffy, 13-years, Female

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