Post Your Cats! Vol: CATURDAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad


Unmatched swag
Originally Posted by SoundnFury

Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Meet Norah. She's a 5th gen Savannah I got last June. In the process of teaching her to walk on a leash outside.
i want a Savannah cat so bad. Hopefully when i get my own place. All cat people need to google Savannah cats real quick, theyre dope
How do cats respond to being walked on leashes? I always wanted to but I wasn't sure how they would accept it.
i got kittens on the way , had no idea the other cat i rescued was a male and dude got my cat prego instantly.
at me for slacking on fixing them .....

anybody in the bx want kittens let me know , i'll be giving them away .
ok ok i want a damn SAVANNAH CAT now!

I can get one in my area for around $850.....yikes.

but still...i want it!
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

My cat is about 14/15
His name is Swappy
At the vet

RIP dude 

He died in Oct, miss him.

The summer was pretty much a long downward spiral for him. In mid June, he got a really bad staph infection, he was scratching himself so intensely that parts of his body just had the skin showing, which was red and very irritated. That went on for about a month or so. But with all the meds, he hasn't getting all that better and it turned out that he had a tumor in his lung and that was around August or so, from there on, it was just a slow decay.
Yea RIP mean. Losing a pet you are close to is just as serious as losing a human relative. Have you all gotten a new pet yet?
My girl and her fam left for vacation and left in charge of the house/their cat. I lost their cat. Presumably to death, the guy was 18 years old
I will miss him. (This was back in August)
RIP Meowers, the first pic is from his mid life. The last two were taken days before he disappeared/died.
Originally Posted by supra97RX7

girlfriend's cat:


maybe the last one needs a caption.
My dude's posted up like a boss in that last one

look's it he's just saying, "not sure if serious" lol.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea RIP mean. Losing a pet you are close to is just as serious as losing a human relative. Have you all gotten a new pet yet?

My sister rescued a kitten over the summer, she lives in Philly. She found her(Destiny) in a sewer. At first when she got taken out of the sewer, my sister thought the cat was all gray but once she was washed, it turned out that she was all white and just really dirty
Surprisingly, she drove with Destiny all the way back home to NY for Thanksgiving and winter break with no problem at all, she gets into the carrier with no problem and doesn't cry. Taking my cat to the vet, dude would cry nonstop 
My mom doesn't want to get another pet, a dog is certainly out of the question. Taking care of a cat may be a little easier but it's still work that she doesn't have time for. Once I'm done with school and get my own place, I would really like to some pets. Ideally I want to get a kitten and a puppy at the same time.

These are from July



Called those dudes the Orient Express.

But damn @ your sister being able to put your cat in the car that easy. Any cat I had cries/pees when getting into that cage. Has to be an easier way.
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

When I get my own place im definitely getting a cat.

. Right now I originally wanted a dog but if I can get a cat for free then I'll gladly raise one of them

Adopting from your local shelter isn't free, but it is a very small fee, and all that money goes to support the shelter.
also, check craigslist, my little sis was looking to adopt and we found a free one via CL, taking her kitty to get fixed was still cheaper than adoption fees
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