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#hemiboys ROLLOUT
MakeNTGreatAgain MakeNTGreatAgain
zmaqbool zmaqbool
air spider 777 air spider 777

hellcats legendary engines overpowering drive trains...under warranty? nothing to see here....

Yea under warranty is subjective. Dealer didnt know I was racing when it happened bc I had it towed to my boy’s shop and we power washed all the burnt rubber.
If I took it in with that, best believe I would have been denied. Plenty of stories about people being denied bc they were drag racing. Which is ******** bc they market the vehicle to do so.
They have it in the manual that parts broken due to racing isnt covered. Chevy doesnt do that ****.
Thats one of the things I cant stand about mopar.
Yeah lets make a car that breaks from the factory because we didn't beef up the right parts to support the "legendary engine" :lol:

Launching any high powered car from a stop is risking breaking something though, so its not all Chryslers fault.
To say Chrysler products are trash is a bit harsh imo. Every model & every brand has their problem(s). Show me 1 model/brand that has 0 problems since the brands inception. Chrysler does have issues they need to iron out, I admit that. But, the performance products like the V8 Challengers/Chargers are engineered to near perfection as are V8 Mustangs/Camaros. The Jeep brand has problems with diesel engines but so does Nissan with their CVT trans, BMW with their reliability. That's like me saying M cars are trash when in actuality they're not. Do they have some problems? Sure, but does it make them a trash product? No. They're still awesome vehicles
The new GT500 is the best American car ever made. Suck it Hemi Boyz.
That's an opinion, not a fact. And atleast Hemis can stay in a straightline instead of veering offroad & eating crowds. All gens of Mustang suffer from this crowd eating so please don't say GT500 is better
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