Post worst celeb look-a-like's from your Facebook friends

im not you

May 29, 2009
Since this @@@* has officially gotten out of hand...I have to vent somewhere.





I wouldn't even put my folks out there like that. But some folks are really disillusion.

OP; there was a thread on NT basically doing the same thing. Dudes "bragging" about other MEN that they feel they look like. Sad.

I will share this one though. This girl thought she looked like Laila Ali.


Me: NO, you look like YOU.
Her: Geez thanks
Me: Why do you say it like that
Her: Being you are being ANTI
Being anti? Because I said you look like YOU and not Ali? How is that anti ? LOL I thought I was supporting you, guess you didn't take it that way. lol
every1 swears they r angelina or beyonce but they r more like the girl from precious
^ Man the Stacy Dash girl just has the same complexion and light colored eyes.

I really wish I was cut-throat because I want to post pics but I won't do that.

This big dark-skinned girl posted Jennifer Hudson. NOBODY responded to it LOL. So she makes a status

Her:  I guess no one thought I looked like JHud! It's kool! I am chillin a little harder tonite! TWO HOUR DELAY tomorrow!
Female Friend: You do look like her hun. Don't feel bad, nobody thought I looked like Angie Stone
Female Friend #2: You do look like her sis.

These folks are fools
I'm not saying any of these girls are bad. Cept maybe the 1st two...the rest are all attractive. I'm just saying that they don't look ##%% like these celebs they put up and it's all just a major attempt to gas themselves. I have much worse honestly.
PS, I have no idea who this guy is, he's just some Artist dude on my FB

There was NO females on my FB who did the celeb thing,lol
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm not saying any of these girls are bad. Cept maybe the 1st two...the rest are all attractive. I'm just saying that they don't look ##%% like these celebs they put up and it's all just a major attempt to gas themselves. I have much seen worse honestly.

I put up Wesley Snipes as mine. Still bear more resemblance than 90% of the crap the girls on my friends list are throwing up
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