Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by uknowdonti

Old job: Costco food court.

-If you want your food fresh come in the morning, especially if you want a hot dog.  The same water cooking the hot dogs in the morning will be the same at the end of the day.

-Some of the employees were dirty as hell.  One employee would always wear his apron to the bathroom, not wash his hands and come back to work as if it were nothing!

-If you knew the amount of food we threw away at the end of the day you would be astounded.  I mean whole pizzas, dozens of hot dogs, chicken bakes, etc.  Managers try hard to sell them to the employees when the store closes because if they aren't sold they must be thrown away and cannot be taken home.  We could have easily donated the food to people who could have used it but understandably I presume costco does not want to get sued by any homeless people for getting sick off their food.

-In fact there is a placard on the wall that states "when in doubt throw it out". 

-It's amazing how some people did not really clean and wipe the place down at the end of the day.  I remember this one girl who hated washing dishes (I don't know why they put her there) who would only rinse and not use any soap, only because she wanted to get out quick.  That means the pizza you're eating could have been baked upon a pan that had old cheese that had been soaking in water the previous day and not scrubbed off properly.

-If you're an employee and you pick a quarter off the ground while on the job or if you use a cup from another place (say Burger King, Jack in the Box, etc) to fill up soda from costco's machine and a manager catches you, that is seen as stealing and they have the right to fire you.

There's probably more, well I know there's more, but that's all I have for now.
are you guys required to use gloves when handling food? 
i Always end up gettin' this nasty fat lady who has no gloves to give me my pizza 
People on NT have short memory. This thread has been done at least 3 times under the "Confessions of a _________" title.

But anyway:

Programming/Web Development (area of study... soon to be job)
  • The amount of time that is spent developing even a simple program is mind-boggling. That trivial feature that you're constantly requesting that you think will be "so easy to implement" can take months for a team of programmers to do, and when you have thousands of lines of code to sort through just to get to the source of a bug... finding the cause of an error can be frustrating beyond belief. So it really is a slap in the face for you guys to go on torrents and download pirated software just because you're too lazy to work 1-2 hours (most software costs less than $20) to pay for it 
  • Please... please do yourself a favor and stop using Internet Explorer. Not only is it extremely unsafe for your computer, but because people continue to use it... its preventing advancement of web standards set to improve browsing experience. Web developers often have to specifically code their websites for users of IE. Don't believe me? Try taking the ACID 3 test with it. (Note that Firefox also does not pass this test).
  • Browsers make money because the developers have deals with search websites in which they are paid for each search that is conducted with that browser (whether by the search bar in that browser or by directly visiting the search site with the browser). That and private funding is the only source of revenue for browser developers. So... search as much as you can!
  • Windows and Mac OS X are far more similar than the are different. Where they start to differ significantly is at the kernel level, which is of no concern to anyone that is not a systems programmer. There are only so many ways to build an OS, so most of the differences give no measurable superiority to the other and are merely design choices which had theoretical superiority that doesn't exactly pan out in the real world.
  • The bottleneck for speed on every computer is the hard drive. It is the only necessary component of the computer that involves physical movement (spinning and finding the correct sector in which data is stored). Even though this takes about a few milliseconds, it is still many orders of magnitude larger than processor speed (or even RAM access speed).
Moving Company

  • Please pack your %!%# BEFORE we get there, and pack it properly (tape it up). An annoyed moving laborer is someone you don't want to deal with.
  • Do NOT overload your boxes. If you have 100 lbs worth of stuff, don't fit 99 pounds worth of it in 1 box just because it can fit. 2 marginally heavy boxes are way easier to move than 1 extremely heavy one. If you do overload them, I hope you don't have anything important in them
  • Don't even bother labeling your boxes "fragile". Seriously. Unless its labeled "glass", all boxes get moved the same way.
  • You'll be surprised how long a promise of a nice tip can go. Mention it right before the move.
  • "Be careful with that!" and "That costs a lot" are extremely annoying comments. We know what we're doing. This is our job. Do this enough and we won't be so careful with it.
  • We are movers, not arrangers. So don't ask us to put %!%# "near the wall, at exactly a 45 degree angle". The MOST we are supposed to do is place it in the desired room.
  • We talk about, and keep mental notes on customers. So if you've been a pain in the %!% and need to schedule another move, you'd better to it at a different company.
Phone Surveyor
  • As said before, we don't physically dial the numbers. A huge call log is generated and the computers that each employee is at chooses numbers from that list to dial.
  • We hardly conduct surveys in the same state in which we are located. Most of our calls are all across the country.
  • If you want your number taken off the list, you're going to have to be kind. We hate this job MORE than you do, trust me. A simple "Naw man... i'm not really interested... but thanks for calling anyway. But hey... do you mind taking my number off the list? It would be great if you could do that solid one for me" or something similar is all you need. Trust... when i've been yelled at or cursed at, and then rudely commanded to remove a number from the list, i've straight hit that redial option... many times.
  • Surveys can range from 1 question to literally hour long ones. I honestly do not know how I've got multiple people to do those very long ones.
  • By far the most annoying thing is a person who starts a survey and quits halfway. We have quotas we must meet each hour, or else we're sent home because we're not being productive enough (which doesn't make any sense, because this job is 80% luck and 20% skill). If a survey is quit prematurely, we must go to the supervisor and ask if we were far enough to count it as a complete survey. If we weren't, the survey is discarded. So if each survey takes 20 minutes, and you quit 15 minutes in to the survey, and I have to discard it... i'll be extremely pissed. So please, if you start one... finish one.
  • We usually lie about how long the survey takes. How much of a lie it is depends on the employee. If the survey is less than 10 minutes I'll give the actual duration. If it's between 10 and 15 minutes, i'll say its 10 minutes. And if its longer than 15 minutes, i'll say: "It won't take that long".
  • The surveys are so slanted it isn't even funny. So please don't mention to us "Wow... this survey is really slanted", or "Are you working for _______? ". We know. The survey sucks.
-Semen is ejaculated at 28mph.

-The clitoris is actually 3 inches. It extends down the vulva in between the labia majora and minora.

-Extenze works about half the time, gives you and additional one to three inches, but the results aren't permanent so once you stop taking them you go back to your original size.

-Many women will flash for a 10 percent discount, which ends up only saving them a few dollars.

- There are more but they get kind of graphic.
university registrar's office

- there are loopholes to EVERY rule, just make sure you can argue/defend your claim wisely

- if something isn't working out for you, ask to speak to the supervisor.. then keep going up & up until you finally get what you want. i can't tell you how many times i've told someone no, only for them to come back the next day with a letter from the VP of the school saying "YES"

- @ the end of the day, we just want your money. some schools reeeeally want to be selective in who they accept, but the # on your head is of greater value then your actual grades (attendance numbers)

- ΑΦΑ & AKA are probably the most sought after black greek organizations, according to several stats i have seen

- Grant monies given to specific departments hardly ever remain in that one department; they are forced to spread the wealth

- So long as you have one solid person behind you (preferrably an administrator), consider yourself a step above the general population  
Originally Posted by hella handsome

btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickThree)
function clickThree(event:MouseEvent):void

what is this, JAVA?
what do you do?

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

H.S. job at a grocery store:

- If someone is bagging groceries for you, please do them the favor of selecting paper over plastic. Paper is way easier to bag, better for the environment, and can hold a lot more. I'd say about three plastic bags hold as much as a paper one can... just please do us the favor of picking paper.
- Please thank anyone that is bagging groceries for you. I guarantee you that they hate their jobs and they hate every second of bagging. Saying a simple "thank you very much" goes a long way.
- Some people actually tip baggers that will walk their groceries out to their car. Even $2 makes a huge difference and makes that person's day.
- When you are buying bread in the aisle, pick the stuff behind everything. The oldest bread is pulled to the front so they can sell it faster. Same with cheese, milk, basically anything that can expire.
the first one was complete opposite where I worked, we all hated when they asked for paper it took way too long. Everything else is 100% true though

Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I work Retail

-Please don't pay for a 2 dollar poster board for your car wash with a 100 dollar bill. Thats a instant insult and you cause a lot of time to be wasted for me or whomever to get your 98 dollar change.
how on earth is that an insult? if that's all I have then that's all I have


I like this thread though, I don't have much of anything to add that hasn't been said about Programming and Grocery stores

Working at NASA as a RA
  • We have meetings about meetings to have meetings.  Nothing is accomplished in a timely manner because of all the checks and balances
  • The hiring process is basically charity work.  If you are a veteran that is decently qualified you will get the job over some one that has way better credentials then you do.  Same goes with handicapped or minorities.  The government is supposed to set an example for business by hiring all walks of people in turn making things less efficient.
Worked at an arcade/ putt putt golf course:
  • If your kid is running while playing laser tag and gets injured (which happens all the time) we are not liable because we made you watch that dumb video that clearly states NO RUNNING.
  • Grown adults try to nudge the token pusher.....grow up.
  • Yes those prizes you win at the prize counter will break in a day or two they are all dirt cheap.  Do yourself a favor and just get bouncy balls they are entertaining and will last.  
- The dashes dividing lanes on a highway are actually 10 feet long.  If it's an interstate/parkway, they're more like 14 feet long (depending on speed limit).

-On the signs before an exit that shows the restaurants, each restaurant's little square is 4 feet wide.

-Also, concrete is much more complicated than you would imagine.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Working at NASA as a RA
  • We have meetings about meetings to have meetings.  Nothing is accomplished in a timely manner because of all the checks and balances
  • The hiring process is basically charity work.  If you are a veteran that is decently qualified you will get the job over some one that has way better credentials then you do.  Same goes with handicapped or minorities.  The government is supposed to set an example for business by hiring all walks of people in turn making things less efficient.
Worked at an arcade/ putt putt golf course:
  • If your kid is running while playing laser tag and gets injured (which happens all the time) we are not liable because we made you watch that dumb video that clearly states NO RUNNING.
  • Grown adults try to nudge the token pusher.....grow up.
  • Yes those prizes you win at the prize counter will break in a day or two they are all dirt cheap.  Do yourself a favor and just get bouncy balls they are entertaining and will last.  

How the hell do you go from NASA to a mini golf course?
the first one was complete opposite where I worked, we all hated when they asked for paper it took way too long. Everything else is 100% true though

it was the same where i worked too. paper bags were bigger, but you had to spend extra time organizing %!+@ to fit in the bag like a puzzle. then you had to put that in a plastic anyways so they could carry it.

and mother +%%% all those damn environmentally-friendly soccer moms who'd bring a pile of those reusable cloth bags..
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by hella handsome

btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickThree)
function clickThree(event:MouseEvent):void

what is this, JAVA?
what do you do?

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

H.S. job at a grocery store:

- If someone is bagging groceries for you, please do them the favor of selecting paper over plastic. Paper is way easier to bag, better for the environment, and can hold a lot more. I'd say about three plastic bags hold as much as a paper one can... just please do us the favor of picking paper.
- Please thank anyone that is bagging groceries for you. I guarantee you that they hate their jobs and they hate every second of bagging. Saying a simple "thank you very much" goes a long way.
- Some people actually tip baggers that will walk their groceries out to their car. Even $2 makes a huge difference and makes that person's day.
- When you are buying bread in the aisle, pick the stuff behind everything. The oldest bread is pulled to the front so they can sell it faster. Same with cheese, milk, basically anything that can expire.
the first one was complete opposite where I worked, we all hated when they asked for paper it took way too long. Everything else is 100% true though

Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I work Retail

-Please don't pay for a 2 dollar poster board for your car wash with a 100 dollar bill. Thats a instant insult and you cause a lot of time to be wasted for me or whomever to get your 98 dollar change.
how on earth is that an insult? if that's all I have then that's all I have


I like this thread though, I don't have much of anything to add that hasn't been said about Programming and Grocery stores

making change out of a hundred takes a longer time and you basically think i have nothing better to do than give you 98 dollars change. Same goes for fools trying to make things even or wanna give me 5 dollars in pennys and quarters.
While it is generally acceptable to apply a basket and cap to indemnification claims for breaches of reps, neither should apply in the case of breaches of covenants or other agreements.
HA I understand that it's a pain because I was a cashier too, but I was never insulted by it.

and HOVkid, I didn't unstand that at all
fancy lawyer talk
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Working at NASA as a RA
  • We have meetings about meetings to have meetings.  Nothing is accomplished in a timely manner because of all the checks and balances
  • The hiring process is basically charity work.  If you are a veteran that is decently qualified you will get the job over some one that has way better credentials then you do.  Same goes with handicapped or minorities.  The government is supposed to set an example for business by hiring all walks of people in turn making things less efficient.
Worked at an arcade/ putt putt golf course:
  • If your kid is running while playing laser tag and gets injured (which happens all the time) we are not liable because we made you watch that dumb video that clearly states NO RUNNING.
  • Grown adults try to nudge the token pusher.....grow up.
  • Yes those prizes you win at the prize counter will break in a day or two they are all dirt cheap.  Do yourself a favor and just get bouncy balls they are entertaining and will last.  

How the hell do you go from NASA to a mini golf course?
I worked at a mini golf course from age 15-19 graduated college now work at NASA lol sorry not in order. But hence the "working at nasa" and "worked at arcade.."
Best Buy-Computer Specialist
1. We sell restore cd for your comp, even though you can make your on. But we won't let you know how to make them.
2. If your really rude and come of as a cheap bum. I won't give you free anti-viruses that is mandatory with your purchase.
3. I will flirt with married women while there husband are in TV section. I've been successful 3 times on grabbing the #.
4. I've dropped plenty of laptops on the floor and act like nothing happen.
5. I expect any Asian customer that walks in, will never buy any kind of warranty. I Even made a bet with my co-workers if they can sell a warranty to any Asian customer i'll give them $20 its been 2 months no one hasn't won yet.
6. When someone ask me for a discount, I repeat what they say in a louder tone. Every one looks at the guy. Making him look like a cheap bastard.
7. I look at your shoes to see you got money.
8. I'm honest when i want to be honest, i lie when i want to lie.
9. Best Buy doesn't care about customer service, they only care about they can get to your money so they can capitalize and profit.
oh here's a couple.
no matter how old someone looks the cashier always has to card, so don't get offended (I never carded the old people, and eventually got written up for it. then I quit)
also don't come into Kroger after midnight and get a shopping cart full of stuff. because the baggers leave at 11 and UScan closed at 10. So that means there's one cashier that'll have to ring up your crap then bag it, meanwhile there's an extremely long line of angry high school kids wanting to just pay for their red SOLO cups for beer pong.
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

H.S. job at a grocery store:

- If someone is bagging groceries for you, please do them the favor of selecting paper over plastic. Paper is way easier to bag, better for the environment, and can hold a lot more. I'd say about three plastic bags hold as much as a paper one can... just please do us the favor of picking paper.
- Please thank anyone that is bagging groceries for you. I guaranteeyou that they hate their jobs and they hate every second of bagging.Saying a simple "thank you very much" goes a long way.
- Some people actually tip baggers that will walk their groceries out to their car. Even $2 makes a huge difference and makes that person's day.
- When you are buying bread in the aisle, pick the stuff behind everything. The oldest bread is pulled to the front so they can sell it faster. Same with cheese, milk, basically anything that can expire.

From my internship with

- The writers for Rivals are terrible. Their grammar is simply not acceptable and they are usually not trained at all in journalism.
- Larry Fitzgerald is one of the nicest celebrities you will ever meet. He treated me like a friend and equal.
- On the other side of things, Cris Carter (old Vikings WR) is a  complete douche and idiot. His son is spoiled and just as douchey.
- Kids will lie to you about their college recruitment all the time. I had a kid tell me that Louisville and Arkansas wanted him for basketball, and he ended up going to North Dakota State. Yeah, ok.
- AAU basketball is completely dirty and absolute recruiting wars take place when it comes to getting kids on certain teams.
- Some kids get profiles simply because their dad was a pro or has money. Other kids don't get star rankings because they play at small schools or don't play AAU. Take the rankings with a grain of salt; usually a 5-star kid will go pro, but beyond that it's real muddy. A lot of Rivals people decide star rankings after only watching a few games of a certain kid. How can you evaluate their talent off of that?

Anything else you want to know about Rivals I can tell you. It's pretty interesting but pretty dirty at the same time. It's a good experience, but it will be good to leave the recruiting scene for a while.

I've known this. I've played against/with so many players that have been on Rivals at the HS and JUCO level. A lot of players get hyped off 1 game. 
Boot protector and sneaker protector, and ultra protector sold through footlocker inc is all the same thing
I've also been told there is no difference in cleaners

Spenco insolescost 20 bucks year round even if we say its on sale
Don't ever buy Applecare from the Apple Store. They pressured us to push it on customers and it's such a waste of money. NOTHING will go wrong for your Mac in the first couple years of owning it, it'll be after warranty expires (if anything were to happen).
This is a great thread btw. You learn something new everyday. The food stuff is not surprising, I always think of the Dominos dude who put his boogers in the food on camera.
When properly refrigerated, milk will be good for 2-3 days past it's expiration date. Supermarkets that carry a store brand dairy product and a different vendors product are usually the same product. They are produced, processed, and shipped by the same company. So next time you go to Henry's or albertsons opt for the store brand, it's the same product as the expensive brand.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

im curious to know why you say this?
i have read that we HAVE found numerous cures for cancer and even HIV/AIDS but the gov. wont let it be released because were over populated...i know this is on some over the top +%$, doesn't mean i believe in it
Read below. Cancer is multi-factorial, there is no cure all, but we do have treatments that works for some sub-types. HIV/AIDS is very hard to cure because the virus is always mutating.

You need to stop listening to or going to where ever you are getting that info from. Bad source. lol we DO NOT have a cure for all cancer sub-types and we do not have a cure for all forms of HIV/AIDS.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
One universal cause of most cancers has to do with the integrity of the cell cycle....if we can develop  a drug that stabilizes it for life, we may be able to prevent all forms of cancer for good.
Floor care: 
To strip and refinish a high school gym, the average bid is about 10 thousand dollars. It costs only about 1000 in labor and chemicals. The rest is all profit to the company.
If you ever clean carpets in a office building, employees will leave pennies or paper clips on the floor in their cubicles to make sure you really cleaned that area.

Coffee stains come out relatively easy from carpet.

Red dye is the hardst stain to get out of carpet, blue is the easiest. Rust takes a special chemical to remove.

Low speed scrubing machines have various pads. The lighter color the pad is, the softer. Black pads are the most aggressive.
working retail for at&t

* never buy your accessories from a corporate owned phone retailer/authorized dealer (unless its from me haha) - most chargers and cases are marked up 400%.... thats really where companies make their biggest profits

*customers often complain about the pricing of the phones/services... but it takes at&t roughly 18 months to make a profit off an iphone customer, 21 for Blackberry

*there are actually some sales reps who crack 6 figures a year just selling phone.... too bad its not me
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