Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Shoe Store:
-if you piss off the guy helping you with the shoes best believe they are getting scuffed up in the back and they will be the "last pair"

AIDS research facility:
-about 80% of the people who contacted aids were gay males

-every person i studied contracted aids from unprotected sex or drug use.

Rental car business:

-book your reservation in advance (phone or online) then haggle the price of the car after you get in the door. ive seen luxury large suvs go out for $25/day....ive seen luxury cars go for $10/day. the car is there and dosent make any profit if you dont rent it

-when an employee offers you "basic" "simple" "full" "deluxe" "gold" insurance it is filled w/ crap that you dont need. who needs health insurance on a rental car? you paid for it tho
We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.
When MJ played for the Wizards, he cheated on his wife the WHOLE time with three women.

The women lived at one of his houses here, along with his in house lawyer.

Clinton Portis makes millions a year, but can't pay for his A/C system put in his new house.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

You just reminded me lol


- The influx of so called professional photographers who with their lack of skill charge really low prices $+#% it up for the people who actually know what they're doing. Don't be fooled. Check out their portfolio, if you dont know what to look for show someone who does.

- When writing contracts make everything clear cut and not open to interpretation. I dont care if he's your boy or a friend of a friend, business is business. Under the right circumstances this is a good way to get ho'ed. This is for anything though not just photography.

-You get what you pay for, its ridiculous for you to tell the photographer who's been doing it professionally for years that they need to lower their price. If he's as good as he says then go to your friend who uses an xsi instead.

- No you are not automatically entitled to every picture the photographer took.

Mailroom/University employee

- There's more mismanagement than you can imagine at some of these smaller(and even some larger) universities.

- If something personal is addressed to you but the mail clerk cant decipher who its suppose to go to and the post office wont take it back(RTS) its going to get opened and eaten/played/kept.

- Know your rights as well as rules when dealing with colleges when it comes to transfers. I've seen people who's transcripts were held hostage for marginal reasons or to try and stop them from transferring. Instead of fighting they took the L and started over!

- Its also imperative to know your rights and statutes when it comes to jobs and employment. I've seen people get fired for shiest reasons, take it to court then settle out for a nice amount of money. Get it in writing. Everything. More often than not though, the employee didn't know the law and just took the L after getting fired.

D. Rugs

- More often than you'd expect there are additives to that weed you're smoking to make it weigh more. Course, this isn't always the case. In fact, there have been criminals that have gotten lighter sentences because they've been able to prove that the actual amount of marijuana is in fact lighter than initially stated.
old job(car sales)-
-usually all used car dealership get their cars from a auction.
-we reset the check engine light so it would be off when you buy it.
- we never have "a sale"

new job(maintenance)-
-if we in a bad mood and see restroom all dirty, we use the same rag to clean alll the toilets.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Do know a lot about the heart?

Well it depends on what you need to know anatomy? cardiovascular phys? histology? pathology?.....I know a little bit. I hate those damn EEGs tho
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

Originally Posted by larrivee7

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

paint on the sidewalk/grass in your yard/the street=
blue=water under ground
yellow=gar underground
red=electric underground
orange=phone underground
+ green = sanitary sewer

You a locator?  Or work for a utility company?
work at Atlanta gas light

   Atlanta gas light employees be chilling everytime I see them. not that theres anything wrong with that.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
-When wiring ped push buttons in Gwinnett county, white/black is main line and red/black is side street.
-Ped Push buttons must be 42 inches up from the ground.
-Traffic lights must be anywhere between 16 and 19 feet high.
Anyone work for a Power or credit card me on getting out of debt right quick,
at a pizza joint delivering:
-Theres been many occasions that the drivers drop the sandwich or wings or whatever and throw em back in the bag or box. Usually you can get something free if you complain about food being undercooked or overcooked. same thing with hair or something in the food, either if its really there or not
Originally Posted by swizzc

- Most Executives at the Fortune 500 Companies I've worked with do not know how to use Microsoft Excel or Powerpoint

i realize this amongst older folks that run big companies.  some don't even have a computer in their office.  i guess they can have their secretary do the typing.
When Umpires call the booth for replays in Major League Baseball, none of the video feeds come from the stadium...There is a Central Replay Booth located at headquarters in NYC that provides all video replays.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Do know a lot about the heart?

Well it depends on what you need to know anatomy? cardiovascular phys? histology? pathology?.....I know a little bit. I hate those damn EEGs tho
Never mind I don't know how to word my question without typing a long paragraph lol.
Mac users are idiots. Due to the nature of the mac being so easy to use, whenever a real issue happens, which it will, it's a computer, they just dumb out.
Originally Posted by ebpo

*Old jobs
- When you buy expensive furnitures, there's a lot of chance it's not such good quality... I know I did a LOT of touch-up on some $300's chair for example...
- Furnitures that a customer sent back because of a defect might be send to another customer

* Actual job
- Internet Explorer 6 is a pain in %+$ to work with. Design almost never looks like you want it to be. And yet, it's probably the most used browser out there.
- When most people look at a website, they have no idea how complicated the back-end can be.
yeo...what do you do? arent you from mtl too?  i sorta work with webpages too so i know ie6 is a %$#%+ lol
If you're scheduled for an elective surgery, and you mistakenly eat, you will be cancelled.
Propofol burns like hell. 
Conversations in operating rooms can be downright comical and rarely have anything to do with the patient.
Although it makes for splashy headlines, awareness under anesthesia is extremely rare.
old jobs..
car salesmen will most likely %^@# you over..
once in a while there will be a bad hooters chick..
people actually put their hands in the ice machine..
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